- Assign the additional
duties to the various officers/ officials.
- Dr. Jyotiprava Dash, Senior Scientist at ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur, has been appointed as Vigilance Office.
- Submission of Annual Immovable Property Return for the calendar year 2024 as on 01.01.2025.
- List of closed and restricted holidays 2025.
- Limited Departmental Competitive Examination -2O24 for recruitment to the post of Assistant Administrative Officer.
- Limited Departmental Competitive Examination -2O24 for
recruitment to the post of Upper Division Clerk. - Limited Deoartmental Competitive Examination -2O24 for
recruitment to the post of Lower Division Clerk. - Filling up the post of Technical Assistant (T-3) and Sr. Technical Officer (T-6) on Inter-Institutional Transfer basis at ICAR-Nbss&LUP, Nagpur and its Regional Centres.
- Shri Manvendra Singh, Administrative Officer, nominated as Nodal Officer of Biometric attendance and also look after the work of I/c, CR Cell, ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur.
- Compassionate Appointment.
- 20th November, 2024 declared as a Closed Holiday in the Bureau on account of Assembly Election of 2024 in Maharashtra.
- Filling up the post of Technical Assistant
(T-3) and Sr. Technical Officer (T-6) on Inter – Institutional Transfer basis at ICAR-NBSS&LUP , Nagpur and it’s Regional Centres. - Check lists for processing different types of cases for financial concurrence at Audit & Accounts Section, ICAR-NBSS&LUP,Nagpur.
- Allocation of the Technical, Administrative and SSS Staff posts for HQrs., Nagpur and other Regional Centers.
- Evaluation sheet for appointment on compassionate grant
- Re-assign the work to the officers/officials
- Refix the Rate-Rent of Auditorium Hall of ICAR NBSS&LUP Nagpur.
- Nominate Dr. D. S. Mohekar ACTO Division of RSA Nagpur to act as Liaison Officer under SC/ST/EWS to maintain roaster
- The Director, ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur has been pleased to decide to allot the work to the Officers.
- Refix the Rate-Rent of community Hall at Krishi Kunj Complex, Bajaj Nagar, Nagpur
- The Director, NBSS&LUP is pleased to re-assign the work to the officers in addition to their existing duties
- Instructions of competent authority and in pursuance of the matters decided in SOC meeting dated 20.05.2024
- Final list of applicants seeking appointment in resonse to the call for submission of request on campassionate grounds.
- Dr. U.Surendran, Pri. Scientist has joined to the post of Principal Scientist(Soil Science) on 12.02.2024 at ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur and posted at Division of Remote Sensing Application , Nagpur
- Half day closing(till 2.30PM) on 22nd January,2024 as Ram Lalla Pran Pratishtha
- Dr.S. K. Ray, Pri. Scientist assign to the post of Acting Head of the Regional Centre, Jorhat upto 15.01.2026 or till regular incumbent joins.
- Claiming reimbursement of medical treatment as per CGHS/CS(MA) rules
- Submission of Annual Immovable Property Return for the calendar year 2023 as on 01.01.2024.
- List of Closed and Restricted holidays for year 2024 .
- List of applicants for Compassionate Appointment.
- List of applicants for Compassionate Appointment.
- Designating In-Charge Guest House (Krishi Kunj) and Scientist House (Office Campus)
- Formation of maintenance committee
- As decided by the Competent Authority, ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur, Dr. Ramamurthy V., will act as a Central Public Information Officer for Regional Centre, Bangalore as per the RTI Act. 2005 with immediate effect.
- Appointment on compassionate grounds.
- Dr.
Banshi Lal Mina, Pri. Scientist has joined his duties to the post of Head, Regional Centre,
ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Udaipur on 12.07.2023 (A/N). - Dr. V.
Ramamurthy, Pri. Scientist has joined his duties to the post of Head, Regional Centre, ICAR-NBSS&
LUP, Bangalore on 12.07.2023 (A/N). - Circular for Medical bills.
- Dr. Jaya
Niranjane Surya, Pri. Scientist has joined her duties to the post of Head, Regional Centre,
ICAR-NBSS&LUP, New Delhi on 23.06.2023 (F/N). - Dr.
Feroze Hasan Rahman, Pri. Scientist has joined his duties to the post of Head, Regional
Centre, ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Kolkata on 23.06.2023 (F/N). - Dr. Hrittick Biswas Principal Scientist Division of LUP Nagpur has joined to the post of Head Division of LUP Nagpur.
- Dr. G P Obi Reddy Principal Scientist Division of RSA Nagpur has joined to the post of Head Division of RSA Nagpur.
- Seniority list of Personal Assistant (Pay level – 6) & Stenographer (Pay level – 4) as on 15.02.2023.
- Seniority list of Assistant (Pay level – 6) as on 06.06.2023
- Seniority list of Upper Division Clerk (Pay level – 4) as on 06.06.2023
- Seniority list of Lower Division Clerk (Pay level – 4) as on 06.06.2023
- सार्वजनिक नीलामी सूचना – नागपूर स्थित आईसीएआर-
एनबीएसएस&एलयुपी मे दिनांक 16 मई 2023 को अपरान्ह 3.00
बजे अनुपयोगी वस्तुओं की सार्वजनिक नीलामी की जाएगी । - Director, ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur is pleased to appoint Shri S.S.Gaikwad, Assistant Chief Technical Offier, NBSS&LUP, Nagpur as Welfare Officer in this Bureau.
- Director, ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur is pleased to constitute the various committees for the period from 10.04.2023 to 31.03.2024.
- Director, ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur, Dr. N. G. Patil will act as Appellate Authority of this Bureau under RTI Act
- Shri. Ramdeen, CAO, ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur will act as a Central Public Information Officer (Admin) as per RTI Act. 2005
- Shri Ramdeen, CAO, ICAR- NBSS&LUP, Nagpur, assign the charge of Nodal Officer CPGRAM and Nodal Officer Transparency Audit
- 14th April,2023 as a Closed Holiday in this Bureau on account of the birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
- Dr. Nitin Gorakh Patil has joined the duty to the post of Director, ICARNBSS&LUP, Nagpur on 14.03.2023
- Purchased an Immovable or Movable property by the Government Employee as per CCS Conduct Rules 18 A
- Nation -Wide Pension Adalat in last week of March, 2023
- Joining of Shri Ramdeen as Chief Administrative Officer at NBSS&LUP Nagpur
- Assigning acting charge to the posts of Head of Divisions and Regional Centre
- Annual Returns of Immovable for the year of 2022 as on 01.01.2023
- List of Closed Holiday for the year of 2023
- Seniority list of Assistant (Pay level – 6) as on 14.12.2022
- The Director(Acting), NBSS&LUP, Nagpur nominated Dr. D.S. Mohekar (ACTO),NBSS&LUP, Nagpur to act as a Liaison Officer for inspection of roster.
- Vigilance Awareness week from 31 Oct to 6 Nov,2022
- Implementing 5 Days Working at ICAR-NBSS&LUP.
- Dr. B.P. Bhaskar, Director (Acting), will act as Appellate Authority of this Bureau under RTI Act.
- Purchase of any chemical through GeM portal
- Dr. B.P.Bhaskar joined as Director (Acting) on 8th September,2022
- Assigned CAO Charge to Dr A P Nagar CTO Nagpur
- Relieved Sh A. A Goswami from additional charge of CAO ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur
- Nominate Dr. N.G. Patil, Principal Scientist and Incharge, PME Cell, ICAR – NBSS&LUP ,Nagpur as Nodal Officer CPGRAM for Scientific & Technical related matters of this Bureau.
- Sh. A.A. Goswami, Chief Administrative Officer has taken over the additional charge for Chief Administrative Officer at ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur in the forenoon of 4th Aug., 2022.
- The Director, ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur is pleased to assign the CAO charge to Dr.A P Nagar, CTO, ICAR-NBSS&LUP, HQrs., Nagpur.
- Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System
- Extension of last date of receipt of application for filling up the administrative posts on deputation/transfer on permanent basis at ICAR NBSS&LUP Nagpur and its regional centres
- Regarding appointment on compassionate ground.
- Regarding appointment on compassionate grounds.
- Dr.U.K. Maurya, Principal Scientist, Division of SRA has been appointed as Vigilance Officer of ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur.
- Dr. U.S. Saikia, Pri. Scientist and I/c, Head to act as Central Public Information Officer for Regional Centre, Jorhat.
- Appointment under Compassionate ground along with the proforma
- COVID-19 – Physical attendance of Government servants below the level of Under Secretary shall be restricted to 50%
- COVID-19 – Suspend the booking of ICAR Guest House, Bajaj Nagar and Scientist Home, Amravati Road Nagpur
- Suspend the marking of biometric attendance in Aadhar Based Biometric Attendance System with immediate effect until further order
- Annual Returns of Immovable Property for the year 2021 as on 01.01.2022
- List of Closed and Restricted Holidays during the Year-2022
- Application of Compassionat Appointment list.
- Weeding out 212 nos files (list attached) of central store section which is more than 20 years old on dated 15.12.2021 and 16.12.2021 as per the retention of schedule rule
- The Central Vigilance Commission has declared that the period from 26.10.2021 to 01.11.2021 will be observed as Vigilance Awareness Week, 2021.
- Nominate to Dr R K Naitam Scientist Division of LUP Nagpur to act as Liaison Officer under the OBC to Maintain Roaster and other matter
- Shri Sanjay Bokolia, Chief Administrative Officer has joined the post to the grade of CAO (Senior Grade) at ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur in the afternoon of 6th September, 2021 on promotion
- Seniority list of Private Secretary as on 31.07.2021
- Seniority list of Personal Assistant as on 31.07.2021
- Seniority list of Assistants as on 31.07.2021
- Seniority list of Upper Division Clerk as on 31.07.2021
- Seniority list of Lower Division Clerk as on 15.06.2021
- Seniority list of all Skilled Supporting Staff as on 15.06.2021
- Guidelines for containment of COVID-19 in the State for the period upto 15th May, 2021 – 7.00 AM
- In supersession to all the earlier orders for committees mentioned hereunder, the Director, ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur is pleased to constitute the committees
- Advertisement for Public Notice of ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur
- Guidelines for containment of COVID 19 in the State for the period upto 30th April, 2021
- COVID-19 outbreak – Only 25% staff of ICAR-NBSS&LUP, HQrs., Nagpur is required to attend office – from 15.03.2021 to 21.03.2021
- Refix the rates/rent of Auditorium of ICAR-NBSS&LUP, HQrs, Naqpur
- Dr. B.S. Dwivedi, Director, ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur, is act as Appellate Authority of this Bureau under RTI Act
- Annual Returns of Immovable Property for the year 2020 as on 01.01.2021
- List of Closed and Restricted holidays for the year 2021 at ICAR-NBSS&LUP, HQrs., Nagpur
- Extension of financial benefits to all the similarly situated scientific personnel of the Council in accordance with Hon’ble Supreme Court’s order dated 23.08.2017 in the form of advance increments for possessing Ph.D degree
- Communication Address of Director, ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur
- Dr. B.S. Dwivedi has taken over the charge of the post of Director, ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur in the forenoon of 19th November, 2020
- Library and Sales & Publication Committee Members
- ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur found one COVID positive. Therefore, preventive measures have been adopted to contain the spread of COVID-19 and it has been decided to completely close the office upto 04.10.2020
- Director General, ICAR is nominate as Chairman and members of the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) of ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur
- Nominate Dr.N.G. Patil, Principal Scientist and I/c, Head, Division of LUP, ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur to act as Member Secretary of the RAC of ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur for a period of three years w.e.f.30.08.2020 to 29.08.2023