Organizational Structure

- To conduct soil survey and mapping of the soils of the country at various scale to promote scientific and optimal land use programmes in collaboration with relevant institutions and agencies and proper documentation of database.
- To conduct and promote research in the National Agricultural Research System (NARS) in the areas of Pedology, Remote Sensing Applications in Soil Resource Mapping, Land Degradation, Land Evaluation towards Land Use Planning.
- To create awareness on soil and land resources and their state of health.
- To conduct training and education programme in collaboration with SAUs in the country.
Activities / Research Programmes
- Development of methodology to conduct cost and time effective soil survey and mapping using latest techniques like remote sensing tools/GPS/GIS, etc.
- Generation of soil resource information at watershed, tehsil, block level (1:10,000/1:12,500 scale) and priority districts (1:50,000 scale).
- Coordination of soil surveys conducted by various agencies in the country through Users Interaction.
- Correlation of soil at different categorical levels to establish Benchmark Soil Series to be used for transfer of technology.
- Development of soil classification rationale.
- Applied and basic research in pedology, remote sensing application and land evaluation for land use planning.
- Preparation of agro-ecological inventory on the basis of land resource database.
- Assessment of land degradation for land resource conservation and sustainable management in collaboration with other organizations in the country.
- Development of National Land Resource Database (NLRD) towards preparation of appropriate land use options at various levels.
- Land quality assessment on the basis of generated land resource dataset.
- Human Resource Development –
- Training in soil survey and mapping, remote sensing and GIS application, watershed characterization and land use planning.
- Post-Graduate education in Land Resource Management (LRM) in collaboration with SAUs representing various agro-eco-regions of the country.
- Consultancy projects in the specialized fields of the Institute.