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Latest Publications (2023) (NAAS Rating>7.0)

  • Das, B., Desai, S., Daripa, A., Anand, G. C., Kumar, U., Khalkho, D., Thangavel, V., Kumar, N., Obireddy, G.P., and Kumar, P. (2023). Land degradation vulnerability mapping in a west coast river basin of India using analytical hierarchy process combined machine learning models. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 30, 83975–83990. DOI: (NAAS 11.19).

  • Yadav, B., Malav, L.C., Jangir, A., Kharia, S.K., Singh, S.V., Yeasin, M.D., Nogiya, M., Meena, R.L., Meena, R.S., Tailor, B.L. and Mina, B.L. 2023. Application of analytical hierarchical process, multi-influencing factor, and geospatial techniques for groundwater potential zonation in a semi-arid region of Western India. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 104122.(NAAS 10.18).

  • Yadav, B., Malav, L.C., Singh, S.V., Kharia, S.K., Yeasin, M., Singh, R.N., Nogiya, M., Meena, R.L., Moharana, P.C., Kumar, N., Sharma, R.P., Obi Reddy, G.P., Mina, B.L. and Jha, P.K. 2023. Spatiotemporal responses of vegetation to hydroclimatic factors over Arid and Semi-arid climate. Sustainability, 15(21), 15191. (NAAS 9.89)

  • Lalitha, M., Kalaiselvi, B., Dharumarajan, S., Anil Kumar, K. S., Ramesh Kumar, S. C., Srinivasan, R., Ramamurthy, V., and Hegde, R. 2023. Determining soil quality indicators for alluvial plains in the semi-arid tropics. Soil Use and Management, 1–12. DOI: (NAAS 9.80)

  • Reza, S.K., Chattaraj, S., Mukhopadhyay, S., Daripa, A., Ray, S.K. and Saha, S. 2023. Delineation of high-resolution soil carbon management zones using digital soil mapping: A step towards mitigating climate change in the Northeastern Himalayas, India. Soil Use and Management. DOI: (NAAS 9.67)

  • Reza, S.K., Alam, N.M., Mukhopadhyay, S. Nayak, D.C., Sahoo, A.K., Singh, S.K., Dwivedi, B.S., Maurya, D. and Mukhopadhyay, J. 2023. Quantification of soil quality index using pedo-morphological data of alluvial soils of Indo-Gangetic plains, India. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 69(7), 1129-1145. DOI: (NAAS 9.01) .

  • Daripa, A., Chattaraj, S., Malav, L.C.,Ray, P.,Sharma, R.P., Mohekar, D.S., Ramamurthy V.,Raghuvanshi, M.S. and Patil, N.G. 2023. Risk assessment of agricultural soils surrounding an iron ore mining: a field study from Western Ghat of Goa, India. Soil and Sediments Contamination – An International Journal, 32(5), 570-590. DOI: (NAAS 9.06)

  • Reza, S.K., Alam, N.M., Mukhopadhyay, S. Nayak, D.C., Sahoo, A.K., Singh, S.K., Dwivedi, B.S., Maurya, D. and Mukhopadhyay, J. 2023. Quantification of soil quality index using pedo-morphological data of alluvial soils of Indo-Gangetic plains, India. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 69(7), 1129-1145. DOI: (NAAS 9.01)

  • Harsha, B. R., Anil Kumar, K. S., Nandeesha, C. V., Vanitha, T., Karthika, K. S. Upadhaya B. and Prashanth, D. V. 2023. Climatic Analysis, Soil site suitability evaluation and soil organic carbon stock studies on Major Grape-Growing Soils in the Southern Karnataka, India. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 54(22), 3043-3062. DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2023.2254331. (NAAS 7.80)

  • Hegde, R., Mahendra Kumar, M.B., Niranjana, K.V., Seema, K.V. and Danorkar, B.A. 2023. Spatial distribution of organic carbon in Koppal and Yadgir taluk of Karnataka, India, using GIS and geo-statistics. Journal of the Geological Society of India,99, 533-538. DOI: (NAAS 7.30)

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Subsequent to the recognition of Soil Survey as a National Priority in 1947, a need was felt for creating a centralized information warehouse to assimilate, verify and disseminate information on the nature, extent and distribution of soils in the country. Consequently, the Government launched All-India Soil Survey Scheme in 1956, which expanded in 1959 as the All-India Soil and Land Use Survey Organization (AIS&LUS).......

In 1969, the AIS&LUS was bifurcated into two wings, one being under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research(ICAR). It was later in 1973 reconstituted as a Directorate through a Presidential Notification. The Directorate was accorded the status of a Bureau in 1976 and was named as National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSS&LUP) with its Hqrs. at Nagpur, Maharashtra. It is one of the fourteen Natural Resource Management (NRM) institutes of the ICAR entrusted to conduct RD&T activities mainly in soil survey, remote sensing applications, land evaluation and land use planning.

In 1969, the AIS&LUS was bifurcated into two wings, one being under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research(ICAR). It was later in 1973 reconstituted as a Directorate through a Presidential Notification. The Directorate was accorded the status of a Bureau in 1976 and was named as National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSS&LUP) with its Hqrs. at Nagpur, Maharashtra. It is one of the fourteen Natural Resource Management (NRM) institutes of the ICAR entrusted to conduct RD&T activities mainly in soil survey, remote sensing applications, land evaluation and land use planning.

Message From The Director

Land scarcity is a formidable challenge in fast-changing India as competing demands from various sectors are exerting increasing pressure mostly on cultivated lands. Ensuring food security for the second most populous country in the world with declining soil and water resources requires scientific and optimum utilization of these finite resources. It is thus essential to assess the bio-physical resources, socio-economic factors, institutional and legal framework and empower the people to make decisions about how to allocate these resources.

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