क्षेत्रीय केंद्र – बेंगलुरु
- भूमि/मिट्टी संसाधन सर्वेक्षण एवं मानचित्रण मृदा सहसंबंध.
- भूमि उपयोग योजना के लिए भूमि मूल्यांकन और सामाजिक-आर्थिक विश्लेषण।
- रिमोट सेंसिंग अनुप्रयोग.
- जीआईएस अनुप्रयोग.-
- वाटरशेड प्रबंधन।
- जलवायु एवं हाइड्रोलौजिकल डेटा विश्लेषण।
- कृषि-पारिस्थितिक क्षेत्रिकारण

Sr.No. | Name | Designation | Discipline | Biodata | PMS | |
1 | Dr. V. Ramamurthy | Principal Scientist & Head | Agronomy | Ramamurthy.V@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
2 | Dr. Rajendra Hegde | Principal Scientist | Agronomy | Rajendra.Hegde@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
3 | Dr. S.C. Ramesh Kumar | Principal Scientist | Agril. Economics | Rameshkumar.SC@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
4 | Dr. S. Srinivas | Principal Scientist | Comp. Appl. in Agriculture | Srinivas.S@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
5 | Dr. S. Dharumarajan | Senior Scientist | Soil Science | Dharumarajan.S@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
6 | Sh. S.P. Maske | Senior Scientist | SWC Engineering | Sunil.Maske@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
7 | Dr. R. Srinivasan | Senior Scientist | Senior Soil Science | R.Srinivasan@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
8 | Dr.(Ms) M. Lalitha | Senior Scientist | Soil Science | Lalitha.M@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
9 | Dr.(Mrs) Vasundhara R. | Senior Scientist | Soil Science | vasundhara.r@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
10 | Mrs. C. Radhika | Scientist | Agricultural Economics | Radhika.C@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
11 | Dr.(Mrs) Kalaiselvi B. | Scientist | Soil Science | Kalaiselvi.B@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
12 | Dr.(Ms) Chandrakala M. | Scientist | Soil Science | Chandrakala.M@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
13 | Dr.(Ms) K.S. Karthika | Scientist | Soil Science | karthika.ks@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
The physical facilities available at the center include :
A spacious building for office and various laboratories
- Trainees hostel and guest house
- Well equipped Physical and Chemical soil analysis laboratory,
- Lecture hall for training and teaching,
- Well stocked library,
- GIS and remote sensed data analysis laboratory,
- Cartographic laboratory and
- Six vehicles for fieldwork (Marshall), one gypsy, one minibus for training purposes
- One Innova (Staff Car)
Soil analysis laboratory
- The center has a well-equipped soil analysis laboratory with trained manpower. The lab has facilities for analysis of physical and chemical properties of soils, hydrological properties, plant nutrients (macro and micro) in the soil, and soil contaminants.
Instruments available in the Laboratory
- Atomic Absorption spectrometer
- Spectrophotometer (visible)
- Flame photometer
- Remi Research Centrifuge
- Remi Rotary Shaker with 100 clamps
- Remi Rotary Shaker with 64 clamps
- Digital pH meter
- Digital conductivity meter
- Digital 500 g balance (2 decimal)
- Digital 200 g balance (3 decimal)
- Rectangular hot plate
- Hot Air oven
- Millipore water purification system
- Pelican Nitrogen Digestion Distillation
- Clevenger Distillation unit
GIS and Remote Sensed Data Analysis Laboratory
- The center has a well-equipped GIS and image analysis laboratory. The lab with a networked computing facility has all the necessary hardware, software, and trained manpower.
- The hardware includes a network server, 10 workstations, 25 desktops, 2 large format plotters, one A0 scanner and 15 No’S of A4 printers, One A4 Laser Colour printer, 3, No’s A4 Desk jet printers and 5 No’S of Laptops. Besides generic software, the lab has image analysis software and seven GIS software (Arc Info, Spans, Autocad map, Map Info, Geomatica ver. 10, TNTMIPS, Easy trace, R2V).
- The lab besides supporting spatial data processing requirements of land/soil resources information generated by the center is also actively involved in human resource development.
- Many models have been developed for specific needs and customization of the software is also being taken up.
Cartographic laboratory
- The center’s cartographic laboratory supports map-making and is well stocked with Survey of India topographic sheets of the region at all scales.
- It has been established in the 1970’s – the exhibits of which depict the location and extent of typical soils of southern states along with detailed relevant soil information in order to educate trainees, research scholars, and other visitors engaged in soil resource studies for land use planning.
This center also conducts training on Soil monolith preparation techniques for officials of state and other institutes.
ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.
Institute Projects
- Analysis of soil variability in rubber growing areas of Kerala and Tamil Nadu generation of district-wise thematic maps and soil qualities
Rubber growing areas of Kerala and Tamil Nadu was reinterpreted. Grouped 62 soil series were identified and mapped into 13 clusters based on soil depth, gravelliness and organic carbon content. District wise thematic maps were generated and submitted to RRII, Kottayam for generating site specific Agro technologies. - Assessment of land and soil resources of Malapuram district (part) at 1:50,000 scale for land use Planning
Land resources of Malappuram district was surveyed at 1:50,000. 46 soil series associations and about 51 soil mapping units were identified and mapped. Dominant area is occupied by the family; Fine/ clayey-skeletal, mixed isohyperthermic Ustic Kandihumults. Soil based thematic maps namely soil depth, gravellinesss, Land Capability, Land irrigability and Land suitability for major crops were prepared. - Nutrient Indexing and soil fertility Assessment of Kole lands
Soil fertility analysis and maps for 20 panchayats of kole lands were completed. - Land resource inventory and GIS database for farm planning in Keelvelur and Keelaiyur blocks, Nagapattinam district and Cuddalore block, Cuddalore district, Tamil Nadu
Land resource database was generated for farm level planning at 1:12,500 map scale. 14 soil series with 87 phases were identified. Severe sheet erosion and coarse fragments were observed as major constraints in uplands and Salinity and water logging as major problem in low lands. Thematic maps and report for Keelvelur, Keelaiyur and Cuddalore blocks were submitted to the Department of Agriculture. - Assessment of land resources for growing horticultural crops in selected districts of Tamil Nadu under the National Horticultural Mission Project
Soil suitability of 14 districts were evaluated for 23 horticultural crops (Fruit, vegetable, medicinal aromatic, flower crops) Suitability maps were generated to identify clusters at district level to serve as ready reckoner for promotion of crops and strategies suggested to increase productivity of horticultural crops. - Agro ecological Zones of Tamil Nadu
The Tamil Nadu state has been broadly divided into 5 major (AEZ) land forms namely The Nilgiris, South Sahyadri, Tamil Nadu uplands and Tamil Nadu plains (Comprises Northern, southern and Coastal Plains). 17 Agro Ecological Zones were delineated considering landform, rainfall and major soils. Demarcation of soil management units were delineated within the zone and LGP was re validated by research stations of TNAU spread over the state. - Detailed Assessment of Land and Soil Resources of Kuppam Mandal In Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh
14 soil series were identified and mapped in 14 soil phases as mapping units. Dominant surface texture is sandy loam, followed by sandy clay loam and loamy sand. Most of the soils have gravels ranging from 15 to > 60 per cent. Important thematic maps for LCC, LIC, texture, fertility, pH, suitability for major crops were prepared and user interaction meet was organized. Report was submitted to Dept of Agriculture. - Planning optimum land use based on bio-physical and economic resources in Pulivendula agricultural division – Kadappa district, Andhra Pradesh
25 soil series were identified and mapped into 43 map units as series and its association in an area of 1.33 lakh ha. 3 crop growing situations were identified. Soil fertility data showed that Nitrogen was low, Phosphorus: low to medium, potassium: predominantly high. The other micronutrients manganese and copper were adequate zinc and Iron was deficient in some pockets. Land suitability maps for 8 major crops such as Groundnut Sorghum, Castor, Bengal gram, Sunflower, Banana and sweet orange were assessed and promising crops were suggested to the region. - Soils, Soil-Scape relationships and their Mapping at 1:50,000 scale in Bellary district, Karnataka
54 soil series mapped, five series cover 42% of the district’s area account for 85% of the net cultivable area. Based on the potentials and constraints of the region, suitability of crops adaptable to each soil series of the district has been assessed and recommended. - Participatory Technology Development on Land Use Planning and Diversification of farming in a micro-watershed in Eastern Dry zone of Karnataka
Soil–site suitability for major crops of the region was tested in the field. A multipurpose crop: Velvetbean (Macuna utilis) was proved to be most profitable crop even during severe drought years. Demonstrated the utility of homestead cultivation of Azolla for generating additional income and to provide nutritious supplementary feed to animals. Ecological and economic consequences of sand extraction from agricultural fields was studied and reported. Farmer’s field day was organized. - Land Resource Inventionary for Farm Planning in Chikk-Arsinkere Hobli of Maddur Taluk, Mandya District of Karnataka
Detailed soil survey was carried out for the Hobli consisting of 42 villages covering an area of 16,873 ha. 13 soil series were identified. Nearly 52 percent of the area is suffering from subsoil salinity/alkalinity. Land suitability for major crops was assessed. User interaction meet was organized. - Land use planning for Tirumale sub-watershed (Motaganhalli watershed) in Magadi taluk, Ramangar district, Karnataka
Detailed land resources inventory for a model watershed under IWMP (Karnataka Watershed Development Department) was carried out covering an area of 1650ha. Four soil series identified and 20 land management units were delineated. Land suitability for major crops was assessed. Constraints and potentials were analyzed and report was submitted to the watershed department. The report is used in the preparation of Net-plan under IWMP. Action plan based on the report is being implemented by the Karnataka Water Development Department during the Kharif season 2013. - Development of district level land use plan for Mysore district, Karnataka
Soil map was generalized into 12 land management units. Prime agricultural lands were delineated. Potential crops under Irrigated and rainfed Agricultural Production Systems was Identified. In irrigated system, promising crops along with goat/sheep (few animals) and inland fishery units in salt affected soils are found to be profitable. In rainfed system, crop production along with livestock management is found more promising. Multiple goal linear programming was used as model to develop plans for agricultural development in Mysore district. Developed Decision Support System in Ms-access and prepared prospective land use plan for Mysore district for 2024-25. - Geomorphological Analysis and study on Landform – Soils – Land Use Relationships in Karnataka State
Pedogeomorphic relationship of Lateritic terrain of Bangalore plateau and Bidar plateau was established using LISS –III Landsat images and field visit. Bhima and kaladigi landscape of sedimentary were assessed for soil variability. Cross sectional analysis done for all the major geomorphic units and brought out the relationship of landform – soils -land use.
State level Soil Resource Inventories for Southern states
- Soil Resource Mapping of Karnataka
Soil resource mapping of Karnataka (1:250,000 scale) was undertaken, covering 19.1 m.ha. The Alfisols are the dominant soils covering 27 per cent of the total area followed by Inceptisols (25%), Entisols (16%), Vertisols (15%), Ultisols (8%), Aridisols (5%) and Mollisols (1%). About 83 per cent area in the state is suitable for agriculture and 14 per cent for forestry, pasture, agri-horti-silvipastoral system and 3 per cent area is suitable for quarrying, mining, wildlife and recreation. About 18 per cent of the area is highly suitable for growing rice, 36 per cent for sorghum, 19 per cent for ragi, 23 per cent for cotton and 8 per cent area for groundnut. - Soil Resource Mapping of Andhra Pradesh
Soil resource mapping of Andhra Pradesh (1:250,000 scale) was undertaken covering 27.5 m.ha. Of the total area, nearly 36 per cent is covered by Incetisols, 30 per cent by Alfisols, 11 per cent by Entisols, 8 per cent by Vertisols, 3 per cent by Aridisols and 2 per cent by Mollisols. Suitability evaluation indicated that about 15.6 per cent of the area is highly suitable for growing rice, 13 per cent for sorghum, 7.7 per cent for cotton and 32 per cent area moderately suitable for groundnut. - Soil Resource Mapping of Tamil Nadu
Soil resource mapping of Tamil Nadu (1:250,000 scale) was undertaken covering 13 m.ha. The Inceptisols are the dominant soils accounting for 50 per cent of the total area followed by Alfisols (30%), Vertisols (7%), Entisols (6%), Ultisols (1%). About 6 per cent of the area is highly suitable for growing rice, 5 per cent for sugarcane, 7 per cent for cotton and 5 per cent for groundnut. - Soil Resource Mapping of Kerala
Soil resource mapping of Kerala (1:250,000 scale) was undertaken covering 38,855 sq. km. The Ultisols are the dominant soils covering 54 per cent of the total area followed by Inceptisols (30%), Entisols (6%), Alfisols (1%) and Mollisols (1%). Coastal areas, particularly the sandy belt has no choice of crops other than coconut and to lesser extent cashew. For the lateritic area and low and medium hills, rubber is the more ideal crop. - Soil Resource Mapping of Goa
Soil resource mapping of Goa (1:50,000 scale) was undertaken covering 3702 sq. km. The Inceptisols are the dominant soils covering 74 per cent of the total area followed by Ultisols (14%) and Entisols (5%). Cashew is the major economic cash crop and nearly 24 per cent is moderately suitable for coconut 21 per cent and rice 24 per cent moderately suitable. - Soil Resource Mapping of Puducherry
Soil resource mapping of Puducherry (1:50,000 scale) was undertaken covering 29,377 ha. The Incetisols are the dominant soils covering 43 per cent of the total area followed by Vertisols (12.8%) wheras in Karaikal region, Entisols are the major soils covering 30.8 per cent followed by Vertisols (26%). - Soil Resource Mapping of Lakshadweep
Soil resource mapping of Lakshadweep (1:8,000 scale) was undertaken covering 26.32 sq.km. The major soils are sandy soils derived from coral lime stone. Coconut is the main crop. - Agro-ecological Zoning of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala
- Karnataka state has been divided into 6 sub-regions and 17 agro-ecological zones. The LGP varied from < 90 to 270 days.
- Andhra Pradesh has been divided into 8 sub-regions and 22 agro-ecological zones. LGP in the state varied from < 90-210 days.
- Kerala state has been divided into 3 sub-regions and 14 AEZ’s. The LGP varied from 90 to 300 days.
- Software development for soil attributes database management
The database management system developed using MS-ACCESS. Facilities like input/edit/storage of project-information, soil map unit information, pedon general information, site characteristics, land use information, soil morphological characteristics and laboratory database on physical and chemical characteristics of soils. Querying and reporting facilities are provided in the software.
Major works and different levels of survey completed
- District soil surveys:Kolar, Tumkur, Hassan, Mysore, Chitradurga and Bijapur districts of Karnataka; Chittoor and Medak district of Andhra Pradesh.
- Taluk Soil Surveys:Kuppam, Palamner and Srikalahasti taluks of AP
- Command areas surveyed:Salauli Project, Goa, Settur and Serangattupatti Integrated rural development Project area of Anna Dist. Tamil Nadu.
- Research Farms:Coffee Research Station Farm, Balehonnur, Chikkamangalur district, Nagamangala Research farm, Mandya District, Tegur farm of IGFRI, Dharwad district, CTRI Farm-Hunsur, IISR farm at Appangal of Karnataka, Banana Research centre farm, Trichy, TN
- Watersheds Surveyed: Madanur watershed of Prakasam District ; Gudivada watershed of Vishakapatnam district; Nallakonda watershed, Anathapur district of Andhra Pradesh, Taloulim watershed of North Goa, Gadehotur watershed of Bellary and Koulagi and Nalathwad watersheds (Bijapur), Garakahalli, Liganahalli and Rajankunte, Kuttinagere watersheds (Bangalore district), Molahalli (South Kenara district) and Pettamaranhatti (Chitradurga district).
- Soil degradation assessment:Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Goa
- Agro Ecological Zoning of the States:Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala
Consultancy Projects
- Resource soil survey and mapping of rubber growing soils of Kerala and Tamil Nadu on 1:50,000 scale.
The consultancy project for Rubber Research Institute of India, Kottayam, was undertaken for generating detailed soil information for assessing the suitability of the existing rubber growing areas and for refining the basis for discriminatory fertilizer recommendation for rubber. The project primarily funded by World Bank had an outlay of Rs.168 lakhs. The work started in 1997 was completed by December 1999. Study encompassed soil survey at the scale of 1:50,000 to map the soils at series association level, characterization of soils for their physical and chemical properties, fertility evaluation, sustainability evaluation and their taxonomic classification. The program covered nearly a million hectares of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The spatial and attribute data on soils of rubber growing areas were processed in a Geographic Information System (GIS) to generate soil and related thematic maps. Hard copy deliverables submitted to the Rubber Board included detailed report and maps on land and soil qualities. - Detailed land resource inventory of part of Palakkad district for precision agriculture with special reference to rice cultivation
Detailed soil survey was undertaken in 42 panchayats of Palakkad where rice crop covers more than 25 per cent area. Generated soil map, soil fertility map and reports of the 42 panchayats in detail to provide site-specific farm information. Soil fertility evaluation of each parcel of land in the 42 panchayats was carried out and issued soil fertility cards. Developed panchayat-wise indices of soil fertility and refined fertilizer recommendations for rice. Analysed socio-economic constraints of rice production system in the district and delineated agro-ecological units of Palakkad district. - Agro-economic constraints of oil seed production regions of India
The study covered four oilseed crops viz. Groundnut, soybean, rapeseed mustard and sesame in 16 districts of the country, selected based on the extent of the oilseed crops. Agro economic constraints encountered in production of these crops in different districts were characterised. - Land Use planning for the management of agricultural resources in a watershed
Detailed inventorization of the natural resource base was carried out at Liganahalli village using 1:4000 cadastral map. Distinct soil series were identified. Thematic maps for soil series, phases, erosion, texture, pH, slope, drainage were generated using GIS. Soil fertility analysis was carried out and fertility maps were generated using GIS. Soil fertility based fertilizer recommendation is done for the cultivated crops. Based on the soil properties, soil-crop suitability exercise was carried out for the major crops and suitability maps were generated. - Agro-ecological Units of Kerala (Consultancy project)
Twenty two Agro-ecological Units of Kerala was delineated to depict areas homogenous with respect to climate, landform and soils. District-wise agro-ecological units map and reports prepared for 13 districts of Kerala. User interaction meet was organized and reports submitted. - Perspective Land Use Plans 2015 and 2025 Union Territory of Puducherry
State Land Use Board (SLUB) of the U.T. of Puducherry desired to prepare a Perspective Land Use Plan for the Union Territory for 2015 and 2025. The data used for this purpose are: the soil map ( 1:50000 scale) Soil morphological, physical, and chemical properties, major and micro nutrient content of the soils, land use and socio- economic data, collected from farmers in a sample survey, Govt of Puducherry. Climatic data collected from India Meteorological Department. These data were analysed and suggested ways to improve the productivity of crops keeping the future needs of the people.
Inter Institutional Projects
- Development of climatic and soil site-suitability criteria for Jatropha curcas in Rainfed regions of India. (CRIDA & NBSS & LUP, Bangalore)
Soil site suitability criteria Jatropha curcas was developed. This was used to assess 108 targeted districts in 25 states.
Externally Funded Projects (National)
- Land Resource of Kudankulam, Vijayapati and Erukkandurai Villages, Radhapuram Taluk, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu at 1: 12,500 scale
In collaboration with M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, Detailed Soil Survey and mapping of natural resources and preparation of action plan for development of three villages around the proposed Kudankulam nuclear power project of NPC was taken up. 9364 hectares of area was covered under high intensity detailed soil survey. Soil maps of the three villages were prepared. Based on the data collected on land/soil resources and the socio-economic conditions of the people, suitability of entire arable lands of the villages were evaluated for all possible crops and related enterprises. Thematic maps on land and soil qualities were prepared using GIS. Further developmental work was carried out by MSSRF. - Land Resource Inventory and GIS Database for Farm Planning in Tamil Nadu
To provide detailed site-specific database suitable for Farm level planning on land resources for all the villages in the state in a phased manner. The database is expected to form the basis and provide all the necessary information required for implementing any land based developmental programmes in the state in future. - Economic land evaluation for sustainable land management of watersheds in different agro-climatic zones of Karnataka.
The project was undertaken with the objective of increasing the capacity for application of economic principles and tools to environmental management. It was funded by Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), Mumbai. - Land Resource Survey in Kumaranahalli, Dyapanayakanahalli and Hariyam-manahalli villages in Harapanahalli taluk for Land Use Planning
It is a collaborative project involving the National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Bangalore, Samaja Parivarthan Samudaya, a Non-Governmental Organisation from Davanagere and the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad. As per the work plan, the National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning has carried out detailed soil and socioeconomic survey of the three villages, prepared soil map, problem and potential area maps, generated suitability thematic maps for various crops and soil and water conservation structures. Based on the database, the UAS, Dharwad and the Samaja Parivarthan Samudaya have prepared the Action Plan and implemented developmental works in the farmer’s field. - Soil Resources Atlas of Andhra Pradesh
The state of Andhra Pradesh has 22 districts and 1104 mandals. The Mandal is a cluster of villages or Panchayaths. The state Department of Agriculture, Government of Andhra Pradesh has divided the state into 254 agricultural divisions for the purpose of planning and execution of agricultural developmental programmes. Land Resource Information in the form of atlases was planned for all the divisions in the state to organise the spatial and attribute data of soil for Andhra Pradesh in digital form using GIS and to generate agricultural subdivision-wise thematic maps on external land features, soil qualities and interpretative maps, with explanatory notes. - Benchmark Soils of Andhra Pradesh
The Soil Resource Mapping of the state on 1:250,000 scale identified and mapped 132 soil families out of which 55 benchmark soils were identified based on the extent and Taxonomic importance. - Soil Resource Mapping of Medak District, Andhra Pradesh for Land Use Planning (1:50,000 scale)
Soil resource inventory of Medak district was carried out at 1:50,000 scale to interpret soil related constraints, to evaluate suitability for different crops and to prepare fertility maps. Forty five soil series were identified and mapped into 61 units as association of soil series. Red soils covers maximum area (41%) followed by black cotton soils (20%), red laterite soils (5%) and alluvial lowland soils about (18%). About 90% of area in the district is suitable for agriculture and 10% area for forestry, agroforestry, agri-horti-silvi-pasture, recreation and habitat for wild life. The most productive lands are concentrated in Andole (56% of the total division), Sadasivpet (54%), Sangareddy (48%), Dubbak (39%), Gajwel (36%), Medak(34%), Ramayampet(33%), Shankarampet(32%), and Narsapur(31%). The marginal/ problem soils are concentrated in Narayankhed(46%), Zaheerabad(12%), and Medak (10%) divisions.The soil fertility assessment showed 46% of area is low in available N, 85% is low in available phosphorus and 43% is low in available Potassium. - Generation of mandal soil maps (1:50,000) for Medak district, Andhra Pradesh
In Andhra Pradesh, mandal is the basic Administrative Unit where Agricultural Officer will be working and implementing different developmental programmes and rendering farm advisory services to farmers. Realising the need for soil resource information at Mandal level, State Department of Agriculture has approached the Regional Centre of NBSS & LUP for generation of mandal-wise soil maps with comprehensive legend for 20 themes were prepared and handed over to the Department. - Soil resource mapping of Bellary (1:50,000)
Soil resource mapping of Bellary district is completed. 37 soil series have been identified and mapped. Information for different themes was generated. - Desertification status mapping in Bellary district, Karnataka
As a part of the Desertification Status Mapping, sponsored by the Space Application Centre, Ahmadabad, work was initiated in Bellary district in 2002 -2003 to assess the type, extent and severity of different forms of degradation. In the first phase, IRS IC/ID- LISS-3 Images were interpreted for the study area and various degradation forms were identified. Desertification atlas was submitted to Space Application Centre, Ahmadabad. - Economic land evaluation for sustainable land management of Rajanukunte Watershed, Karnataka
Study carried out at Rajankunte watershed between 1980 and 2002 indicated that the total cultivable land area reduced at the rate of 4.1 ha annually. Reduction in area under food crops, agro forestry and grazing lands has been diverted to horticulture. Nitrogen and phosphorus usage in the watershed increased by 67 and 32 per cent over 22 years and in general nutrient usage increased by 35 per cent. Change in land use and nutrient use pattern resulted in increase in area under acid soils, decline in base saturation and soil organic carbon (SOC) in the 0-20 cm layer at a faster rate. Change in land use and management greatly affects the soil quality and require immediate correction measures like lime application and soil and water conservation measures including proper crop rotations to arrest the further degradation. The total cost of correcting soil acidity using lime worked out to be of Rs 218802 for the entire watershed and an average cost of Rs 761/ha for improving soil quality in Rajanukunte Watershed. - Integrated National Agricultural Resource Information System (IANARIS): Subproject – Soil Resource Data Base.
INARIS project is major initiative of the ICAR for creation of digital data bases of the agricultural resources of the nation. The Bureau played a major role in the project being in possession of various spatial data sets on land and soils. The Bangalore Regional Centre is entrusted with the responsibility of creation of digital data sets on land and soil qualities of south Indian states. The digital data sets on soils are at 1:1 million scale were generated and maintaining digital form at this centre.
Externally Funded Projects (Foreign)
- Soil Carbon pool and biodiversity conservation (Sponsored by FIP, Pondicherry, CIRAD, Montpellier, INRA, France)
The SOC stocks were calculated for forest and plantation areas for different periods. The SOC stock measured in forest plots (181 TC/ha and 250 TC/ha) are significantly higher than those of plantation areas estimated with MART model built during the first phase (63 TC/ha) and the conversion of forest into coffee plantation is followed by a loss of SOC. Similar trend of SOC stock was recorded for forest to annual crop production system and rubber plantations. It was evident that SOC stocks measured under plantations are quite lower than those measured under evergreen forest stands in their vicinity: loss of 20-70 T/ha for coffee, 10-25 T/ha for rubber.
Institute funded project
- High resolution soil mapping of Koppal district, Karnataka using DSM approach.
- High resolution soil mapping of Chitradurga district, Karnataka using DSM approach.
- High resolution soil mapping of Tumkur district, Karnataka using digital soil mapping approach.
- High resolution soil mapping of Hassan district, Karnataka using DSM approach.
- High resolution soil mapping of Yadgir district, Karnataka using DSM approach.
- Land Resource Inventory of JalihalHobli, Sindhanur taluk, Raichur district, Karnataka on 1:10,000 scale for optimal agricultural land use planning, using geo-spatial techniques
- Land Resource Inventory of Mandapam block of Ramanathapuram district, Tamil Nadu for optimal land use planning.
- Land Resource Inventory of Hassan district, Karnataka on 1:10000 scale for optimal agricultural land use planning using geo-spatial techniques
- Pedotransfer functions for water retention characterisation of major soils of Karnataka
- Digital soil mapping of India (IndianSoilGrids project)
- Agronomic evaluation of crops for their suitability in different soils of Karnataka
- Evaluation of effectiveness of land resources inventory in Watershed Development and its Impact on Agro Ecosystem Services and Livelihood in Chamarajanagar district,
- Morphological evaluation for soil development in delta soils of Andhra Pradesh using legacy data of SRM
- Livelihood improvement of SC communities of selected villages of Kolar district through Integrated Land Use planning (SCSP Programme)
Externally funded project
- Rejuvenating Watersheds for Agricultural Resilience through Innovative Development (REWARD –SUJALA-IV)
- Monitoring of Bench mark sites under Sujala III Exit strategy project
- (Externally funded project)
- Land resource inventory of horticultural farms and nurseries in Koppal District, Karnataka
- Development of GIS based digital library and data analysis for REWARD project (Sub-project of REWARD sponsored by Govt. of Karnataka)
- Spatial Crop Planning for Sustainable Resource Use and Conservation of Ecological Resources (GoI-GEF-UNDP IHRML project)
- Accompanying the adaptation of irrigated agriculture to climate change (ATCHA)
- Development of standard protocols for assessment of cropped area, crop monitoring and precision orchards management in mango (Collaborative project with IIHR, Bangalore)
- Kaushik Saha, K.S. Anil Kumar, K.S. Karthika, Rajendra Hegde and Jagdish Prasad, 2023. Distribution of nutrients and their indexing in major mango-supporting soils of different agro-climatic zones of Karnataka and its impact on yield Journal of Applied Horticulture, 25(2): 144-148. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2023.v25i02.26
- R. Harsha, K. S Anil Kumar, C. V. Nandeesha, T. Vanitha, K. S. Karthika, Upadhaya Bharati and D. V. Prashanth, 2023. Climatic Analysis, Soil Site Suitability Evaluation and Soil Organic Carbon Stock Studies on Major Grape-Growing Soils in the Southern Karnataka, India. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,54(22): 3043-3062. DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2023.2254331
- Kalaiselvi, S. Dharumarajan, M. Lalitha, R. Vasundhara, R. Srinivasan, K.S. Karthika, Rajendra Hegde, Rameshan1, K.S. Anil Kumar, Jagdish Prasad, N. Maddileti and Ranabir Chakraborty, 2023. Carbon Sequestration Potential of Natural Sandalwood Forest in Southern Western Ghats, India. Journal of Indian society of soil science, 71(3): 287-298. DOI:10.5958/0974-0228.2023.00033.6
- Kalaiselvi, Rajendra Hegde, K. S. Anil Kumar, S. Dharumarajan, R. Srinivasan, M. Lalitha, Jagdish Prasad, S. Srinivas and N. Maddileti, 2022. Influence of Parent Material on Soil Characteristics in a Topo-sequence of Tamil Nadu Uplands. Agropedology, 32 (02):180-190. DOI: doi.org/10.47114/j.agroped.2022.dec3 (Published in 2023)
P.C. Moharana, S. Dharumarajan, Brijesh Yadav, Roomesh Kumar Jena, Upendra Kumar Pradhan, Sonalika Sahoo, Ram Swaroop Meena, Mahaveer Nogiya, Roshan Lal Meena, Ram Sakal Singh, Surendra Kumar Singh, and Brahma Swarup Dwivedi, 2023. Prediction of Soil Inorganic Carbon at Multiple Depths Using Quantile Regression Forest and Digital Soil Mapping Technique in the Thar Desert Regions of India, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 54(21): 2977-2994. DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2023.2253840.
Jena RK, Moharana PC, Dharumarajan S, Sharma GK, Ray P, Deb Roy P, Ghosh D, Das B, Alsuhaibani AM, Gaber A, et al. Spatial Prediction of Soil Particle-Size Fractions Using Digital Soil Mapping in the North Eastern Region of India. Land, 2023. 12(7):1295. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12071295
- Lalitha, M., Kalaiselvi, B., Dharumarajan, S., Anil Kumar, K. S., Ramesh Kumar, S. C., Srinivasan, R., Ramamurthy, V., and Hegde, R,2023. Determining soil quality indicators for alluvial plains in the semi-arid tropics. Soil Use and Management, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1111/sum.12929
G.K. Harikaran, S. Dharumarajan, R. Vasundhara , M. Lalitha , B. Kalaiselvi , S. Parvathy and G. Ushakiran, 2023. Mapping of soil organic carbon stock and carbon sequestration potential in Vemagal Hobli, Kolar. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation. 51:154-163.
Vimalashree, H., Sathish, A., Subbarayappa, C. T., Dharumarajan, S., Dashavant , P. B., & Venkate Gowda, J, 2023. Variations in Soil Texture Using Machine Learning Models Based on the Spectral Response of Soil Samples in the Visible-Near-Infrared (Vis-NIR) Region. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 13(11):4458–4465. DOI: https://doi.org/10.9734/ijecc/2023/v13i113625.
Chandrakala, M., Sunil P. Maske, K.S. Karthika, S. Sheela Rani, K.V. Niranjana, R. Srinivasan, S.C. Ramesh Kumar, B.P. Bhaskar, V. Ramamurthy and N.G. Patil, 2023. An evaluation of mango cultivation soils and identification of potentially suitable lands upon conversion of agricultural crop land to mango plantations in semi-arid land of south Telangana plateau, Andhra Pradesh, Indian Journal of Soil Conservation, 51(2): 132-143.
Rani S. S., Sudhir K., Nalina C. N., Prakash H. C., Chandrakala M., Veeranagappa P. and M. H. Shankara, 2022, Maize (Zea mays) Yield Response to Application of Calcium, Magnesium and Boron on Acid Soil, International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 12(11): 2980-2988.
Rani S. S., Sudhir K., Hanumanthappa M., Nalina C. N., Naik S. R., Chandrakala M. and M. H. Shankara, 2023. Effect of Calcium, Magnesium and Boron on Rice and their residual effects on Groundnut, International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, British Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 13(5):53-59.
Rajendra Hegde, M.B. Mahendra Kumar, K.V. Niranjana, K.V. seema, and B.A. Danorkar. 2023. Spatial distribution of organic carbon in Koppal and Yadgir taluk of Karnataka ,India, using GIS and geo-statistics. Journ.Geol.Soc India(2023)99:533-538. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12594-023-2341-X.
Srinivasan, R., Anil Kumar, K.S., Maddileti, N., Maske, S.P., Chandrakala, M., Kalaiselvi, B., Arti Koyal., Parvathy, S., Lalitha, M., Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Ramamurthy, V. and Bhaskar, B.P., 2023. Mapping of Soil Fertility in Paddy-growing Soils of KRP Dam Catchment of Tamil Nadu Using GIS. Agropedology 32 (02): 211-218 DOI: doi.org/10.47114/j.agroped.2022.dec6.
Srinivasan, R., Chandrakala, M., Kasthuri Thilagam, V., Maddileti, N., Abhilash, P.C.,2023. A Farm-scale Approach to Soil Resource Inventory for Crop Productivity and Land Restoration in KRP Dam Catchment, Tamil Nadu, India. Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability 10(1): 52-69. DOI: 10.5958/2320-642X.2022.00006.0.
Tejashvini, A., Subbarayappa, C.T., Ramamurthy, V. and Srinivasan, R., 2023. Urbanization Impact on Soil Quality Assessment in Semi-Arid Region: Bangalore Metropolitan City, India. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2023.2256792.
Pervin, J., Sellamuthu, K.M., Srinivasan, R. and Santhi, R., 2023. Assessment of Morphological and Physico-chemical Properties of Dominant Soil Series in Western and North-Western Zones of Tamil Nadu, India. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 35 (19): 1964-1974. DOI: 10.9734/IJPSS/2023/v35i193748.
Gagan B. Shetty., Channakeshava, S., Naveen, D.V., Srinivasan, R., Jayadeva, H.M. and Nataraja, A.,2023. Studies on Potassium Fractions in Central and Southern Dry Zones of Coconut Growing Areas of Hassan District of Karnataka, India. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13 (11):3301-3314.
Srinivasan, R., Lalitha, M., Maddileti, N., Srinivas, S., Kalaiselvi, B., Parvathy, S., Jagdish Prasad., Tejashvini, A. and V. Ramamurthy,2023. Biophysical Suitability Assessment and Mapping for Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Arid Region of Deccan Plateau, India Using Farm-Scale Soil Survey Information. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 71 (3): 254-265. DOI: 10.5958/0974-0228.2023.00036.1.
- Srinivasan, R., Nayak D.K., Gobinath, R., Kumar, S.N., Nageswara Rao, D.V.K., and Singh, S.K. (2022). Consequential rice crop response to resultant soil propertiesin a toposequence in eastern coastal plain of Odisha, India. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 8:2135–2150. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40808-021-01216-2. (NAAS rating: 9.0).
- Srinivasan, R., Vasu, D., Amar Suputhra, S., Rajendra Hegde., Ray, S.K. and Singh S. K. (2022). A GIS-based Spatial Prediction of Landslide Hazard Zones and Mapping in an Eastern Himalayan Hilly Region Using Large Scale Soil Mapping and Analytical Hierarchy Process. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 50, 1915–1930. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-022-01579-8. (NAAS rating: 8.50).
- Srinivasan, R., Shashikumar, B. N. and S. K. Singh. (2022). Mapping of Soil Nutrient Variability and Delineating Site-Specific Management Zones Using Fuzzy Clustering Analysis in Eastern Coastal Region, India. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. 50, 533–547. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-021-01473-9. (NAAS rating: 8.50).
- Amrita Daripa, Sudipta Chattaraj, Lalchand Malav, Prasenjit Ray, Ramprasad Sharma, Deepak S. Mohekar, Ramamurthy, V., Mahendra S. Raghuvanshi & Nitin G. Patil, 2022. Risk assessment of agricultural soils surrounding an iron ore mine: A field study from Western Ghat of Goa, India. Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal, DOI: 10.1080/15320383.2022.2111403.
- Altaf Kuntoji, C.T. Subbarayappa, A. Sathish, Ramamurthy and B.C. Mallesha, 2022. Soil Quality of Different Land Use Systems in Southern Transect of Bengaluru, Karnataka. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, Vol. 70, No. 4, pp 407-415.
- T Vanitha, CT Subbarayappa, Ramamurthy, A Sathish and HC Prakasha, 2022. Potassium fixation capacity and potassium release in profiles of different land use systems in southern transect of Bengaluru. The Pharma Innovation Journal 2022; 11(11): 2472-2479.
- Amrita Daripa, Sudipta Chattaraj, Lal C. Malav, Ramprasad Sharma, Ravindra K. Naitam, Deepak S Mohekar and Ramamurthy, 2022. Land Use Based Distribution Pattern, Fractionation forms and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Mining-affected Soils of Western Ghats of Goa, India. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 34(23): 838-854.
- Gomez, C, Vaudour, E, Féret, J.B, De Boissieu, F, Dharumarajan, S. 2022. Topsoil clay content mapping from Sentinel-2 data in croplands: Influence of atmospheric correction methods across a season time series. Geoderma, 423, 115959.
- Lalitha, S. Dharumarajan, C. Gomez, Rajendra Hegde, Arti Koyal, Shivanand Khandal, BN. Shashikumar & S. Parvathy. 2022. Spectral assessment of soil properties in semi-arid tropical regions of southern Karnataka Plateau, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, DOI: 10.1080/03650340.2022.2134565.
- Elizabeth Baby George, Cécile Gomez, D. Nagesh Kumar, Subramanian Dharumarajan & Manickam Lalitha. 2022. Impact of bare soil pixels identification on clay content mapping using airborne hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG data: spectral indices versus spectral unmixing, Geocarto International, DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2022.2102241
- S Dharumarajan, TFA Bishop.2022. Desertification status mapping in Muttuma Watershed by using Random Forest Model. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions 14 (1), 32-42
- S Dharumarajan, M Lalitha, KV Niranjana, R Hegde. 2022. Evaluation of digital soil mapping approach for predicting soil fertility parameters—a case study from Karnataka Plateau, India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15 (5), 386.
- Dharumarajan, B. Kalaiselvi, M. Lalitha, R. Vasundhara, K.S. Anil Kumar and Rajendra Hegde. 2022. Predictive Soil Mapping of Key Soil Properties in Western Ghats, India Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 70(3): 266-278 (2022) DOI: 10.5958/0974-0228.2022.00032.9
- Srinivasan, R., Vasu, D., Suputhra, S.A., Hegde, R., Ray, S. K. Singh, S. K. 2022. A GIS-based Spatial Prediction of Landslide Hazard Zones and Mapping in an Eastern Himalayan Hilly Region Using Large Scale Soil Mapping and Analytical Hierarchy Process. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-022-01579-8.
- Srinivasan, R., Mukhopadhyay, S., Sunil Maske. and Singh, S. K. 2022. Assessment of Soil Erosion Using Large-scale Soil Information and GIS in Utkal Coastal Plain, Odisha. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management, 13(2):187-196.https://doi.org/10.23910/1.2022.2567a.
- Srinivasan, R., Shashikumar, B. N. and S. K. Singh. 2022. Mapping of Soil Nutrient Variability and Delineating Site-Specific Management Zones Using Fuzzy Clustering Analysis in Eastern Coastal Region, India. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. doi.org/10.1007/s12524-021-01396-5.
- Lalitha M., Dharumarajan S., Kalaiselvi B., Kumar K.S. Anil, Prasad Jagdish, Koyal Arti, Parvathy S., Srinivasan R., Hegde Rajendra, Singh S.K. 2022. Shrink-swell soils of rice-based cropping system of old Deltaic Plains, Tamil Nadu: Their characterization and classification. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science. 70(3): 306-312.
- Lalitha, S. Dharumarajan, C. Gomez, Rajendra Hegde, Arti Koyal, Shivanand Khandal, BN. Shashikumar & S. Parvathy (2022) Spectral assessment of soil properties in semi-arid tropical regions of southern Karnataka Plateau, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. DOI: 10.1080/03650340.2022.2134565.
- Lalitha, S. Dharumarajan, Shivanand Khandal, Arti Koyal, S. Parvathy, B. Kalaiselvi, K.S. Anil Kumar, and Rajendra Hegde. 2022. Vertical Distribution of Soil Organic and Inorganic Carbon under Silvipastoral System in a Dry Semi-Arid Agro-ecological Region, Tamil Nadu, India. Range Mgmt. & Agroforestry. 43(1): 57-65.
- Vasundhara, R., Srinivasan R., Dharumarajan.s., Kalaiselvi. B and Rajendra Hedge. 2022. Characterization and classifications of soils in the East Ghats region of Karnataka -A case study. Agropedology 2022 (December 2022 issues)
- Sathya, S., Akila, N., M. Thirunavukkarasu and Kalaiselvi, B. Yield and available nutrient status as influenced by nutrient management practices in Cotton. Journal of Krishi Vigyan, 11(1):406-409.
- Karthika, K.S., Anil Kumar, K.S., Srinivasan, R., Chandrakala, M. and Hegde, R. (2022). Characterization and Classification of Pigeon Pea Growing Soils and their Land Suitability for Hot Semiarid Deccan Plateau, India. Legume Research. DOI: 10.18805/LR-4774.
- S. Karthika, K.S. Anil Kumar, R.S. Reddy and Jagdish Prasad (2022) Characterization and Classification of Major Mango-Supporting Soils in Semi-arid Ecosystem of South Deccan Plateau, Telangana. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 70 (3): 279-286.
- Srinivasan, R., Shashikumar, B. N. and S. K. Singh. (2022). Mapping of Soil Nutrient Variability and Delineating Site-Specific Management Zones Using Fuzzy Clustering Analysis in Eastern Coastal Region, India Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. doi.org/10.1007/s12524-021-01396-5.
- Lagacherie P, Buis S, Constantin J, Dharumarajan S, Ruiz L and Sekhar M. (2022). Evaluating the impact of using digital soil mapping products as input for spatializing a crop model: The case of drainage and maize yield simulated by STICS in the Berambadi catchment (India). Geoderma, 406: 115503. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115503.
- ChandrakalaM, Srinivasan,R., Bhooraprasad,NiranjanK.V,SujathaK,RajendraHegde,P.Chandran,B.S.Dwivedi, S.P.Maske, Landsuitabilityevaluationforpigeonpeainsemi-aridland,SouthTelanganaPlateau,IndiausingGIS,remoteentitled:sensinganddetailedsurvey, CommunicationsinSoilScienceandPlantAnalysis, DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2022.2028807 (In Press). NAAS rating in (2022- 7.33) (impact factor-1.33)
- Chandrakala M., Anil Kumar K.S. and Sujatha K., Soil heterogeneity: A comparative assessment of soils from two different AESR, southern India, Annals of plant and soil research, (In press), NAAS rating in (2022- 5.22)
- Lalitha, M., Dharumarajan, S., Kalaiselvi, B., Shivanand, K., ArtiKoyal., Seenipandi, K. and RajendraHegde. (2021). Hydrochemical characterization and groundwater quality in Cauvery deltaic fluvial plains of Southern India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(33):44861-44876. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-13467-8
- Lalitha, M., Anil Kumar, K. S., Nair, K. M., Dharumarajan, S., ArtiKoyal., ShivanandKhandal., Kaliraj S. and RajendraHegde. (2021). Evaluating pedogenesis and soil Atterberg limits for inducing landslides in the Western Ghats, Idukki District of Kerala, South India. Natural Hazards, 106: 487–507. https://doi.org/10.1007/ s11069-020-04472-0
- Lalitha, M., Subramanian, D., Khandal, S. and RajendraHegde. (2021). Modelling and Mapping of Salt-Affected Soils through Spectral Indices in Inland Plains of Semi-arid Agro-Ecological Region. J Indian Soc Remote Sens., 49: 1475–1481. https://doi.org/ 10.1007/ s 12524-021-01321-w
- Lalitha, M., RajendraHegde., Dharumarajan, S. and ArtiKoyal. (2021). Soil Fertility Evaluation in Rainfed Regions of Different AgroClimatic Zones of Karnataka, India. Agric Res., https://doi.org/10.1007/s40003-021-00561-z
- Lalitha, M., Dharumarajan, S., Amar Suputhra., Kalaiselvi, B., RajendraHegde., Reddy, R.S., Shiva Prasad, C.R., Harindranath, CS. and B.S. Dwivedi. (2021). Spatial prediction of soil depth using environmental covariates by Quantile Regression Forest model. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 193(10):660. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-021-09348-9.
- Kalaiselvi, B., Rajendra Hegde, K.S. Anil Kumar, R. Vasundhara, S. Dharumarajan, R. Srinivasan, M. Lalitha and S.K. Singh. (2021). Soil organic carbon stocks (SOCS) in different land uses of Western Ghats, Karnataka – A case study. Journal of Plantation crops, 49(2): 146-150.
- Kalaiselvi, B., Srinivasan, R., Lalitha, M., Rajendra Hegde, Srinivas, S and N. Maddileti. (2021). Carbon Sequestering Potential of Arid Soils and Their Characterization in Southern Deccan Plateau for Climate-Smart Agriculture. Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability, 9(1): 87-98.
- Srinivasan, R., Nayak, D.C., Gobinath, R., Kumar, S.N., Nageswara Rao, D.V.K. and Singh, S.K. (2021). Consequential rice crop response to resultant soil properties in a toposequence in Eastern coastal plain of Odisha, India. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40808-021-01216-2.
- Srinivasan, R., Karthika, K.S., Amar Suputhra, S., Chandrakala, M. and Rajendra Hegde. (2021). Mapping of Soil erosion and Probability Zones using Remote Sensing and GIS in Arid part of South Deccan Plateau, India. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. doi.org/10.1007/s12524-021-01396-5.
- Srinivasan, R., Anil Kumar, K.S., Chandrakala, M., Niranjana, K.V., Maddileti, N. and Rajendra Hegde. (2021). Characterization and classification of major coconut growing soils in South-Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Plantation Crops 49(2): 94-103. doi:10.25081/jpc. 2021.v49.i2.72.
- Srinivasan, R., Gangopadhyay, S.K., Reza, S.K., Rajendra Hegde, and Singh, S.K. Assessment of Soil Quality in Different Land-Use Systems of Eastern Coastal Plains of Odisha, India. Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability 9(1):53-63. DOI: 10.5958/2320-642X.2021.00006.5.
- Dharumarajan S, Kalaiselvi B, Lalitha M, Vasundhara R and Hegde R. (2021). Defining fertility management units and land suitability analysis using digital soil mapping approach. Geocarto international, 10:1-21. https://doi.org/10.1080/10106049.2021.1926553.
- Dharumarajan S, Lalitha M, Gomez C, Vasundhara R, Kalaiselvi B and Hegde R. (2021). Prediction of soil hydraulic properties using VIS-NIR spectral data in semi- arid region of Northern Karnataka Plateau. Geoderma Regional. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geodrs.2021.e00475.
- Dharumarajan S, Hegde R and Lalitha M. (2021). Modelling of soil depth and hydraulic properties at regional level using environmental covariates- A case study in India. Geoderma Regional, 27:e00439. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geodrs.2021.e00439.
- DharumarajanS, Kalaiselvi B, Suputhra A, Lalitha M, Vasundhara R, Anil Kumar KS, Nair KM, Hegde R, Singh SK and Lagacherie P. (2021). Digital soil mapping of soil organic carbon stocks in Western Ghats, South India. Geoderma Regional. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geodrs.2021.e00387.
- Gomez C, Dharumarajan S, Lagacherie P, Riotte J, Ferrant S, Sekhar M and Ruiz L. (2021). Mapping of tank silt application using Sentinel-2 images over the Berambadi catchment (India). Geoderma Regional, 25: e00389. DOI:10.1016/j.geodrs.2021.e00389.
- Dharumarajan S, Hegde R, Lalitha M and Vasundhara R. (2021). Predicting and Mapping of Soil Hydraulic Properties in Karnataka. Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 18:1-9. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-021-01336-3.
- Chandrakala M, Bhoora Prasad, Niranjana K.V, Sujatha K, Rajendra Hegde, and P. Chandran, (2021), Application of Soil Fertility Capability Classification (FCC) in Dry Semi-Arid Land of South Telangana Plateau, Andhra Pradesh, Communications In Soil Science And Plant Analysis, 52(2): 161-171. https://doi.org/10.1080/00103624.2020.1854291. NAAS rating in 2021- 7.33 (impact factor-1.33)
- Debashis Mandal, M. Chandrakala*, Alam, N.M., Trisha Roy and Uday Mandal, (2021), Assessment of soil quality and productivity in different phases of soil erosion with the focus on land degradation neutrality in tropical humid region of India”. Catena, 204, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2021.105440 (*Corresponding author).
- NAAS rating in (2021)- 11.2 (Impact factor-5.2)
- Srinivasan, K. S. Karthika, S. Amar Suputhra, M. Chandrakala, Rajendra Hegde, (2021), Mapping of Soil erosion and Probability Zones using Remote Sensing and GIS in Arid part of South Deccan Plateau, India, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-021-01396-5. Springer. ., NAAS rating in 2021- 7.5 (Impact factor-1.5)
- Srinivasan, K.S. Anil Kumar, M. Chandrakala, K.V. Niranjana, N. Maddileti and Rajendra Hegde, Characterization and classification of major coconut growing soils in South Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India, Journal of Plantation Crops, (2021), 49(2): 94-103, doi:10.25081/jpc.2021.v49.i2.7255. NAAS rating in 2021- 4.66
- Ramesh Kumar, S. C., Rajendra Hegde and B.S.Dwivedi (2021). Soil Resources Information for Sustaining Farmer Producer Company, in the Technical Session 3 (Natural Resources Management), in the Annual Conference of Agricultural Economics Research Association, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 27-29, (October, 2021)
- Ramamurthy, V., Sangeetha,G and Shyla, B. (2021). Performance of Cowpea and Horse Gram as Intercrops with Bt Cotton on Red Soils of Southern Transition Zone of Karnataka Plateau, India. Legume Research, DOI: 10.18805/LR-4368.
- Siva Prasad, P. N., C. T. Subbarayappa , A. Sathish and V. Ramamurthy. (2021). Impact of Zinc Fertilization on Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Yield, Zinc use Efficiency, Growth and Quality Parameters in Eastern Dry Zone (EDZ) Soils of Karnataka, India. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 33(7): 20-38.
- Altaf Kuntoji, Subbarayappa CT, Chamegowda TC, Sathish A, Ramamurthy V and Mallesha BC. (2021). Studies on soil physico-chemical and biological properties and evaluation of nutrient index for soil fertility along rural-urban interface of southern transect of Bengaluru. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 9(1): 2267-2275.
- Ramamurthy, V., D. Mamatha,B. P. Bhaskar, Aziz Qureshi, G. D. S. Kumar, S. K. Singh.(2021). ProductivityEnhancement of Sunflower through Site-Specific Management. Agricultural Research, DOI : 10.1007/s40003-021-00570-y.
- Siva Prasad, P. N., C.T.Subbarayappa, A. Satish and V. Ramamurthy. (2021). Establishing and validation of new critical limits of zinc for Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) in Alfisols of Karnataka, India. J. Plant Nutrition. DOI:10.1080/01904167.2021.2003400.
- Tejashvini, A., Subbarayappa, C.T., Ramamurthy, V. and Mukunda, G., (2021), Influence of calcium and boron application on quality of tomato. Pharmacog. Phytochem., 10(1):549-552.
- Ramamurthy,V., Munnu Singh, E V S Prakasa Rao, R. M. Shreyas, S. Srinivas, B. P. Bhaskar, K.S.Anilkumar and L G K Naidu, (2021). Land suitability assessment using GIS for Davana (Artimisiapallens) cultivation in Karnataka, India. Agropedology, 30 (01):23-41.
- Rajendra Hegde, M.B. Mahendra Kumar, K.V. Seema, K.V. Niranjana and B.A. Dhanorkar (2021) Studof land use mapping of Devarahalli micro watershed with Geospatial technology Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phyto chemistry 10CC: 1556-1561
- Rajendra Hegde, M.B. Mahendrakumar, K.V. Seema, K.V. Niranjana and B.A. Dhanorkar (2021) Land Suitability evalution in Yadahalli micro watershed Yadgir taluk, and district Karnataka, India using remote sensing and GIS International journal of chemical studies g(1) 2144-2153.
- Research paper Dr. Rajendra Hegde, M.B. Mahendrakumar, K.V. Seema, K.V. Niranjana and B.A. Dhanorkar (2021) Characterization and classification of soils of Harve-1 Micro watershed , Chamarajanagar district, Karnataka India current journal of applied science and technology 39(48):43-54.
- Research paper Dr. Rajendra Hegde, M.B. Mahendra Kumar, K.V. Seema, K.V. Niranjana and B.A. Dhanorkar (2021). Vertical distribution of physical and chemical properties of soils of Ramapura-1 micro watershed of Yadgir taluk and District Karnataka. International journal of Environment and climate change. 11(2):88-96.
- Srinivasan, K.S. Karthika, S. Amar suputhra, M. Chandrakala and Rajendra Hegde-(2021). Mapping of soil erosion and probability zones using remote sensing and GIS in Arid part of south deccan plateau journal of Indian Society of Remote sensing
- V. Niranjana, M.B. Mahendra Kumar, Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Seema, B.A. Dhanorkar, R. Srinivasan (2021) Land Resources Inventory for sustainable Watershed Development a case study of Bisarahalli-1 micro watershed of semiarid Region of Koppal district Karnataka India International Journal of Environment and climate change 11(6) 64-81. Article No. IJECC.71453.
- Rajendra Hegde, Dr. S. Dharumarajan, Dr. R. Srinivasan, Dr. K.V. Nirajana, H.R. Savitha, Dr. M. Lalitha & Dr. R. Vasundhara -(2021) Spatial distribution of soil nutrients in Berambadi Watershed Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka for sustainable crop production Agropedology 2021.30(01)43-51.
- P.Sharma, P.Raja and B.P.Bhaskar.(2020). Peodgenesis and mineralogy of alluvial soils from semiarid southeastern part of Rajasthan in Aravalli range, India. Journal of Geological Society of India.Journal of Geological Society of India.95:59-66.
- N. Siva Prasad, C. T. Subbarayappa1, V. Ramamurthy and A. Sathish. (2020). Quantifying and Mapping of Major, Secondary and Micronutrient Status of Tomato Growing Soils in Kolar District, Karnataka Using GIS and GPS Approach. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 32(14): 14-27; Article no.IJPSS.62332
- Ramamurthy, V., G.P. Obi Reddy and Nirmal Kumar. (2020). Assessment of land suitability for maize (Zea mays L) in semi-arid ecosystem of southern India using integrated AHP and GIS approach. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 179; 105806. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2020.105806.
- Sunil Maske, Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S., Sujatha, K. and B.P. Bhaskar (2020). Soil erosion risk assessment using Corine model – A case study from Harve 1 micro watershed, Central Karnataka Plateau, India. Indian J. Plant Soil 7(2) 49 – 60.
- Lalitha, M., Anil Kumar, K.S., Shivanand, S., Dharumarajan, S., Kalaiselvi, B., ArtiKoyal., Parvathy, S., Thayalan, S., Ramesh, M., RajendraHegde and S.K. Singh. (2020). Land resource characterization of Kangayam block intamilnadu uplands under dry semiarid eco-region. Agropedology, 30(01): 19-30
- Lalitha, M., RajendraHegde., ArtiKoyal., Parvathy, S., Niranjana, K.V., Dhanorkar, B.P., Dharumarajan, S., Srinivas, S., Reddy, R.S. and Chandran, P. (2020). Diagnosis of multinutrients deficiency in rainfed semi-arid tropical soils of Karnataka. Journal of soil and water conservation, 19(2): 208-214
- Karthika, K.S., Anil Kumar, K.S., Nair K. M., Violet M. D’Souza, Nagaraj, S., Lalitha, M. Arti Koyal, Jayaramiah, M., Parvathy, S., Sujatha, K., Shivanand, K., Ramamurthy, V., Srinivas, S., Raghuramulu, Y., Hegde, R. and Singh, S. K. (2020). Sustainability of coffee land use upon conversion from natural forest in Western Ghats of South India: An evaluation. Soil Use and Management doi: 10.1111/sum.12692
- Kalaiselvi, B., Lalitha, M., Dharumarajan, S., Anil Kumar, K. S., Srinivasan, R., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V. and Chandran, P. (2020). Evidence of Sub-soil Sodicity in Tamil Nadu Uplands and their Characterization. Journal of Soil Salinity and Water Quality, 12(2): 155-162.
- Srinivasan, R., Rajendra Hegde, Srinivas, S., Niranjana, K.V. and Maddileti, N. (2020). Mapping land suitability for groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in arid environment of Andhra Pradesh using geographic information system. International Journal of Chemical Studies 8(2): 201-207. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i2c.8768.
- Srinivasan,R., Rajendra Hegde., Srinivas, S., Niranjana, K.V. and Maddileti,N. (2020).Arid Fruit Crops Suitability Evaluation for Drought Mitigation Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques in South Deccan Plateau, Andhra Pradesh, India.Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability 8(1):13-23. DOI: 10.5958/2320-642X.2020.00002.2.
- Srinivasan, R., Rajendra Hegde., Bhaskar, B.P., Srinivas, S., Niranjana, K.V. and Amar Suputhra, S. (2020). Pedogenesis of Sodic Soils in Somavati River Basin of Semi-arid Eco-region, Andhra Pradesh, India- A Case Study. Journal of Soil Salinity and Water Quality 12 (2): 139-147.
- Srinivasan, R., Rajendra Hegde., Srinivas, S., Niranjana, K.V., Vasundhara, R., Lalitha, M., Kalaiselvi, B. and Maddileti, N. (2020). Assessment of Soil Organic Carbon Stock in major land uses of Arid-Region of Andhra Pradesh, India. Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability 8(2): 170-180.
- Srinivasan, R., Vasundhara, R., Lalitha, M., Kalaiselvi, B., Niranjana, K.V. and Rajendra Hegde. (2020). Characterization and Classification of Major Mango Growing Soils in Arid part of Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Agropedology 30 (02), 123-132. doi: org/10.47114/j.agroped.2020.dec5.
- Vasundhara, R., Rajendra Hedge, Dharumarajan, S. and Niranjana K. V. (2020). Spatial Assessment of Soil Fertility Status in Shiratti Sub Watershed of Semi-arid Tropics in Southern India. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management. 11(2):163-170
- R., Prakash N.B., Anil Kumar K.S. and Rajendra Hegde
(2020) Characterisation and classification of arecanut-growing soils of Karnataka. Journal of Plantation Crops, 48(2):91-102. doi:10.25081/jpc.2020.v48.i2.6211 - Vasundhara, R. , N.B. Anil Kumar, K.S. Rajendra Hegde and Dharumarajan S. Soil fertility status of coconut and arecanut growing soils.Journal of Plantation Crops, (2020), 49(2): doi:10.25081/jpc.2021.v49.i2.70.
- Dharumarajan S and Hegde R. (2020). Digital mapping of soil texture classes using Random Forest classification algorithm. Soil Use Management. doi:10.1111/sum.12668
- Dharumarajan S, Vasundhara R, Suputhra A. et al. (2020). Prediction of Soil Depth in Karnataka Using Digital Soil Mapping Approach. Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 48: 1593–1600. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-020-01184-7.
- Dharumarajan S, Lalitha M, Manish Parmar, Amar Suputhra, Vasundhara R, Rajendra Hegde and Rajawat AS. (2020). Desertification and land degradation vulnerability assessment using integrated geospatial techniques. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation, 48 (2): 160-173
- Chandrakala, M. and Hebsur, N. S., (2020), Effect of FYM and Fermented Liquid Manures on Some physico- chemical, and biological properties of soil and nutrients status at harvest of Chilli (Capsicum annuum), Agropedology, 30(01): 55-62, doi.org/10.47114/j.agroped.2019.dec1. NAAS rating in 2020- 4.16
- Chandrakala M, Bhoora Prasad, Niranjana K.V, Sujatha K, Rajendra Hegde, and P. Chandran, (2020), Application of Soil Fertility Capability Classification (FCC) in Dry Semi-Arid Land of South Telangana Plateau, Andhra Pradesh, Communications In Soil Science And Plant Analysis, 52(2): 161-171. https://doi.org/10.1080/00103624.2020.1854291. NAAS rating in 2021- 7.33 (impact factor-1.33)
- Ramamurthy, D. Mamatha, K.V. Niranjan, R. Vasundhara, K. Ranjitha, M. Chandrakala, S.K. Singh, (2020), Suitability evaluation for pigeon pea in southern transition zone of Karnataka Plateau, India, Legume Research- An International Journal, 43(6): 812-818. NAAS rating in (2021- 6.53)
- Chandrakala, M. and Hebsur, N. S., (2020), Effect of FYM and Fermented Liquid Manures on Some physico- chemical, and biological properties of soil and nutrients status at harvest of Chilli (Capsicum annuum), Agropedology, 30(01): 55-62, doi.org/10.47114/j.agroped.2020.jun8. NAAS rating in 2020- 4.16.
- R Hegde, G Bardhan, KV Niranjana, BP Bhaskar and Singh, S.K. (2019).Spatial variability and mapping of selected soil properties in KaligaudanahalliMicrowatershed, Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagar District, under hot semi aridagrosubregion of Central Karnataka Plateau, India– SN Applied Sciences, Springer Nature.6(1):518
- Bhaskar, B.P. (2019). Evaluating Potentials of Riverine Floodplain Soils for Management of Rice (Oryza sativa L) in Majuli River Island, Assam, India. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 45(2):145-156.
- Bhaskar, B.P., Maske, Sunil, Ramesh Kumar, S.C. et al. Appraisal of Land Resources to Assess Climate Change Impacts for Rainfed Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L) Production Potential in Pulivendula Tehsil, YSR Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Indian J Plant Soil., 6(1):5-19.
- Hegde Rajendra*, Bardhan G., Niranjana K.V., Bhaskar B.P., Singh S.K.(2019).land evaluation for site specific crop planning –A case study of Chincholi Khurd-1 microwatershed.Aland taluk, Gulburga district, Karnataka, India. Journal of the Indian society of soil science.67(3):291-300.
- Ramamurthy, V., Satish Kumar, G.D., Aziz Qureshi, M.A. and Bhaskar, B.P. (2019). Performance of Sunflower in relation to soil types and management levels. J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci., 8(10):1186-1195.
- Maske, S.P., Anil Kumar, K.S., Nair, K.M., Rajendra Hegde, Srinivas, S., Sujata, K. and Bhaskar, B.P.Bhaskar.(2019).Estimation of soil loss in rubber(Hevea brasiliensis)growing areas of Kerala and Karnataka, India, International Journal of Chemical Studies. 7(6):2907-2914.
- A. Nanja Reddy, T. Lavanyabai, Prabhakar, V. Ramamurthy, T.C. Chame Gowda, A.G. Shankar and M.V.C. Gowda, (2019). Bench Mark Values for Grain Iron Content in Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.). Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci, 8(6): 502-506.
- Ramamurthy,V., D. Satish Kumar, M.A. Aziz Qureshi and B.P. Bhaskar, (2019). Performance of Sunflower in relation to soil types and management levels. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci, 8(10): 1186-1195.
- GM Prashantha, SS Prakash, S Umesha, T Chikkaramappa, CT Subbarayappa, V Ramamurthy. (2019). Direct and Residual Effect of Zinc and Boron on Yield and Yield Attributes of Finger Millet–Groundnut Cropping System. Indian J. Pure & App. Biosci., 7(1):124-134.
- GM Prashantha, SS Prakash, S Umesha, T Chikkaramappa, CT Subbarayappa and V Ramamurthy. (2019). Direct and residual effect of zinc and boron on soil enzyme activities at harvest in finger millet-groundnut cropping system. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 8(1): 2447-2481.
- Kalaiselvi, B., M. Lalitha, S. Dharumarajan, R. Srinivasan, Rajendra Hegde, Anil Kumar. K.S., and Singh, S.K. (2019). Fertility capability classification of semi-arid upland soils of Palani block, Tamil Nadu for sustainable soil management. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation, 47 (3): 143- 147.
- B., Dharumarajan. S, Lalitha. M, Srinivasan. R, Anil Kumar. K.S, Rajendra Hegde and P. Chandran. (2019). Spatial variability of soil nutrients and their relationship in “Semi-arid” uplands of Southern India. Agropedology, 29(2): 97-106.
- Srinivasan, R., Natarajan, A., Anil Kumar, K.S. and Lalitha. (2019). Carbon stocks in Major Cashew Growing Soils of Coastal Karnataka, India. Journal of plantation crops 47 (1): 23-28.
- Srinivasan, R., Singh, S.K., Nayak, D.C., Rajendra Hegde, and MuniasamiRamesh,M. (2019).Estimation of soil loss by USLE Model using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques – A Case study of Coastal Odisha, India.Eurasian J Soil Sci, 8 (4) 321 – 328.DOI: 10.18393/ejss.598120.
- Srinivasan, R., Rajendra Hegde., Karthika, K.S., Maddileti, N and Singh. S.K. (2019). Effect of Different Land Uses on Soil Pedogenic Properties and SodicityDevelopment in Krishnagiri Reservoir Project Dam Catchment in Tamil Nadu. Journal of Soil Salinity and Water Quality 11 (1): 10-17.
- Gomez C, Dharumarajan S, Féret J-B, Lagacherie P, Ruiz L and Sekhar M. (2019). Use of Sentinel-2 Time-Series Images for Classification and Uncertainty Analysis of Inherent Biophysical Property: Case of Soil Texture Mapping. Remote Sensing, 11: 565.
- Dharumarajan S, Kalaiselvi B, Suputhra A, Lalitha M, Hegde R, Singh SK and Lagacherie P. (2019). Digital soil mapping of key GlobalSoilMap properties in northern Karnataka plateau, Geoderma Regional, 25: e00387. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geodrs.(2019).e00250.
- Dharumarajan S, Hegde R, Janani N and Singh SK. (2019). The need for digital soil mapping in India, Geoderma Regional, 16: e00204. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geodrs.2019.e00204.
- Dharumarajan S, Hegde R, Lalitha M, Kalaiselvi B, Singh SK. (2019). Pedotransfer functions for predicting soil hydraulic properties in semi-arid regions of Karnataka Plateau, India. Current Science, 116 (7): 1237-1246. DOI:10.18520/cs/v116/i7/1237-1246.
- Lalitha, M., Dharamurajan, S., Anil Kumar, K.S., Shivanand, Parvathy, S., Koyal, Arti, Hegde, R. and Singh, S.K., (2019). Evaluation of soil moisture retention characteristics using pedotransfer functions for the soils of dry semi-arid region, Indian Journal of Soil Conservation, 47(2):30-38.
- Chandrakala, R. Srinivasan, K. S. Anil Kumar, K. Sujatha, Rajendra Hegde, S. K. Singh and H. R. Nirmala, (2019), Land Suitability Evaluation for Rubber in the Tropical Humid Region of Kerala, India, Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology,35(5): 1-9,; Article no.CJAST.44650 ISSN: 2457-1024. NAAS rating in 2021- 4.71.
- Chandrakala, M., Srinivasan, R., Anil Kumar, K. S., Sujatha, K., Rajendra Hegde andS. K. Singh, (2019), Land suitability evaluation for major crops adopted to tropical humid region of Kerala, India, International Journal of Chemical Studies, 7(4): 2446-2453. NAAS rating in 2020- 5.31
- Ramesh Kumar S C, Bhaskar B P, Rajendra Hegde, Bhoora Prasad Prakashanaik M K and S K Singh (2019). Impact of urbanization on agricultural land in Rajanukunte micro watershed, Karnataka, Agricultural Economics Research Review. Volume 32 Conference number (2019).Page 214
- Sunil maske, Anil Kumar, K.S., K.M.Nair, Rajendra Hegde, S. Srinivas, K. Sujatha and B.P. Bhaskar (2019). Estimation of Soil loss in Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) growing areas of Kerala and Karnataka, India. International journal of chemical studies. Ref: Chemi-7-6-2907-2914.
- Rajendra Hegde, R., Bardhan, G,.Nirajana, K.V., Bhaskar, B.P., and Singhh, S.K. (2019). Spatial variability and mapping of selected soil properties in KaligaudanahalliMicrowatershed, Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagar District, under hot semi aridagrosubregion of Central Karnataka Plateau, India. SN Applied Sciences, Springer Nature, 6(1):518 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-0486-4).
- Bhaskar, B.P., Maske, Sunil, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Srinivas, S.and Hegde, Rajendra. (2018). Agropedological Approach for Rural Land Use Planning – A Case Study from Lagadwal Village, Dhule District, Maharashtra, India, International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 7(2):2528-2541.
- Bhaskar, B.P., Satyavati, P.L.A., Singh, S.K. and Anantwar, S.G.(2018). The analysis of standardized precipitation index (SPI) in cotton growing Yavatmal d12345678mukilan26istrict, Maharashtra. Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research 8(6):505‒510.
- Raja, P., Bhaskara, B.P., Surendran, U., Rajan, C., Santosh Kumar Sarkard, Malpee, D.B. and Nagaraju, M.S.S. Pedogenesis of spatially associated red and black soils in Purna valley from semi-arid region of Central India.Chemical Geology.483:174-190.
- Hegde, R., Bhaskar, B.P., Niranjana, K.V., Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Ramamurthy, V., Srinivas, S. and Singh, S.K. (2018). Land evaluation for groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) production in Pulivendula tehsil, Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Legume Research Print ISSN:0250-5371 / Online ISSN:0976-0571
- Rajendra Hegde , K. V. Niranjan , GopaliBardhan , B. P. Bhaskar, B.P. and S. K. Singh.(2018). Assessment of Spatial Variability of Soil Properties in GopalapurMicrowatershed, Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, India. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology26(2): 1-16.
- Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., GopaliBardhan, Bhaskar, B.P., and Singh, S.K.(2018). Land evaluation for suitability analysis of site specific Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajana) –Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)-A case study of Matki -3 Microwatershed, Gulbarga district, Karnataka, India. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences.10 (13):6584-6591.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Chandrakala, M., Niranjan, K.V., Bhaskar, B.P., Hegde, Rajendra and Singh, S.K. (2018). Land capability and land irrigability classification in Garakahalli micro watershed of Karnataka, Agropedology, 28 (1):81-92.
- Ramamurthy, V. (2018). Participatory Land Use Planning to Enhance Rural Livelihoods in Eastern Maharashtra Plateau of Central India. J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(04): 867-880.
- Ramamurthy,V., Mamatha, D., L.G.K.Naidu, K.S.Anil Kumar, S.Srinivas, Munnu Singh, EVS Prakas Rao and S.K.Singh. (2018). Influence of different agro-climatic factors on Eucalyptus citriodora Hook performance in Karnataka, India. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, SP3: 18-21.
- Ramamurthy,V., Ramesh Babu, Shilpasri, D. Mamatha, L.G.K.Naidu, K.S.Anil Kumar, Munnu Singh, E.V.S.Prakas Rao and S.K.Singh. (2018). Micronutrient status in different medicinal and aromatic land use systems of Karnataka. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, SP3: 22-25.
- L G K Naidu, G Subbi Reddy, V Ramamurthy, T Prathibha and M V S Naidu. (2018). Climate Change Induced Abnormal Flowering Pattern in Mango. The Andhra Agric. J., 65 (1): 250-252.
- V Ramamurthy, D Mamatha, SC Ramesh Kumar and SK Singh. (2018). Impact of soil depth and management on performance of Bt cotton in Alfisols. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 7(4): 2724-2728.
- Ramamurthy, S. Chattaraj, S. K. Singh and R. P. Yadav. (2018) . Identification of Potential areas for crops. Current Sci., 115 (5): 955-961.
- M. Prashantha, T. Chikkaramappa, S. S. Prakash, C. T. Subbarayappa, V. Ramamurthy and G. P. Brahmaprakash. (2018). Residual effect of graded levels of zinc and boron on growth and yield of groundnut under finger millet – groundnut cropping system. Trends in Biosciences, 11 (32): 3700-3704.
- Ramamurthy, V., D. Mamatha, K.V.Niranjan, R. Vasundhara, K. Ranjitha, M. Chandrakala and S.K.Singh. (2018). Suitability evaluation for pigeon pea in southern transition zone of Karnataka Plateau, India. Legume Research, 43(6): 812-818; DOI: 10.18805/LR-4047.
- Lalitha, M., Dharumarajan, S., Anil Kumar, K.S., Shivanand, Kalaiselvi, B., Koyal, Arti, S. Parvathy, Hegde, Rajendra and Singh, S.K. (2018). Application of fertility capability classification in Kangayam grasslands representing dry semi arid climate of Tamil Nadu, Range Management and Agroforestry, 30(1):1-7
- Lalitha, M., Dharumarajan.S., Natarajan, A., Thayalan, S., Naidu, L.G.K., Anil Kumar, K.S.,Vasundhara, R., Nair, K.M., RajendraHegde and S.K. Singh. (2018). Assessment of Soil Sodicity and its Relationship with Aridity and Other Soil Properties under Semi-arid Environment. Journal of Soil Salinity and Water Quality 10(2), 149-156.
- Karthika, K.S. Parama, V.R.R., Srinivasamurthy, C.A., Hemalatha B. and Rashmi, I. Evaluation of industrial waste-municipal solid waste composts as a source of nutrients and study on its effect on soil properties, growth, yield and nutrient uptake in Maize (Zea mays L.) Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.7(07): 2249-2264
- Karthika, K. S., Parama, V.R.R., Hemalatha, B., Rashmi, I. and Vidya, C.S. (2018). Industrial Waste Composts: Toxicity Tests and Decomposition Studies under Laboratory Conditions.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.7(7):3855-3865
- Karthika, K. S., V.R.R. Parama, C.T. Subbarayappa, B. Hemalatha and Vidya, C.S. (2018). Residual Effect of Enzyme Industrial Waste-Municipal Solid Waste Composts Application on Growth, Yield, Content and Uptake of Nutrients by Cowpea. J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(10): 1386-1395
- Karthika, K.S., Parama, V.R.R., Subbarayappa, C.T., Hemalatha, B. and Vidya, C.S. (2018). Application of Enzyme Industrial Waste-Municipal Solid Waste Composts: Residual Effect on Physico-Chemical Properties of Soil. J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(11): 3273-3284
- Kalaiselvi, B., Rajendra Hegde, Vasundhara. R, Anil Kumar. K.S., S. Dharumarajan, Lalitha. M and Singh, S.K. (2018). Characterization and classification of soils of Bilalgodu micro-watershed, Chikmagalur district, Karnataka. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 6(1): 1812-1815.
- B, Rajendra Hegde, K.S. Anil Kumar, S. Dharumarajan, R. Vasundhara, M. Lalitha, S. Srinivas, S.C. Ramesh Kumar, K.M. Nair and S.K. Singh. (2018). Land Resource Inventory in selected Sujala watersheds of Chikmagalur district, Karnataka for optimal agricultural land use planning using geospatial techniques. NBSS&LUP Tech. Bull. 1113. P. 118.
- Srinivasan, R., Singh, S.K., Nayak, D.C. and Dharumarajan, S. (2018). Assessment of Soil and Water Salinity and Alkalinity in Coastal Odisha – A Case Study. Journal of Soil Salinity and Water Quality 10(1), 14-23.
- Vasundhara, R., Chandrakala, M., Dharumarajan.S., Kalaiselvi, B., Rajendra Hegde and S.K Singh.(2018). Characterization and classification of soils of Madahalli micro watershed of Karnataka Agropedology 28(0):42-47
- Dharumarajan S, Bishop TFA, Hegde R and Singh SK. (2018). Desertification vulnerability index—an effective approach to assess desertification processes: A case study in Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Land Degradation Development 29: 150-161. https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.2850.
- Dharumarajan S, Lalitha M, Hegde R, Janani N, Rajavat AS, Sastry KLN and Singh SK. (2018). Status of desertification in South India- Assessment, Mapping and Change detection analysis. Current Science, 115: 331-338. doi: 10.18520/cs/v115/i2/331-338.
- Dharumarajan S, Lalitha M, Ramesh Kumar SC, Vasundhara R, Ramamurthy V, Rajendra Hegde and Singh SK. (2018). Economic Evaluation of Some Soils of Arid Regions of Anantapur District for Groundnut Cultivation. Agropedology, 28 (02): 107-117
- Chandrakala, M. Ramesh, K. Sujatha, Rajendra Hegde and S. K. Singh, (2018); Soil Fertility Evaluation under Different Land Use System in Tropical Humid Region of Kerala, India, International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 24(4): 1-13, Article no.IJPSS.40099 ISSN: 2320-7035. NAAS rating in (2021- 5.07)
- Chandrakala, R. Srinivasan, K. S. Anil Kumar, K. Sujatha, M. Ramesh, Rajendra Hegde, S. K. Singh and H. R. Nirmala, (2018), Characterization and classification of rubber growing soils of Kerala, India, Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 32(1):1-12. NAAS rating in (2021- 4.71)
- Sanjeev Kumar, Shiva Dhar, R.S. Yadav, M. Chandrakala, S.A. Kochewad, R. Meena, L.K. Meena, Magan Singh and Arpan Bhowmik, (2018), Effect of Integrated K Management on Productivity and Nutrient Use Efficiency of Maize-Wheat Cropping System International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences.7(8): 1052-1061. NAAS rating in (2020- 5.38)
- Sanjeev Kumar, Shiva Dhar, SharmishthaBarthakur, Sudhir Kumar, Biswajit Mondal, Dileep Kumar, S.A.Kochewad, Laxman Ram Meena, Mahendra Vikram Singh Rajawat, Magan Singh, M. Chandrakala, Chet Ram, (2018), Integrated K Management Exhibit a Key Role in Potassium Uptake Transporter (ZmKUP) Expression to Improve Growth and Yield of Corn, International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences,7(12): 1867-1887. NAAS rating in (2020- 5.38)
- Sanjeev Kumar, Shiva Dhar, SharmisthaBarthakur, M. Chandrakala, S.A. Kochewad, L.R. Meena, L.K. Meena, Sudhir Kumar, Magan Singh, Dileep Kumar, (2018), Effect of Integrated Potassium Management on Soil Biological Properties and Yields of Corn under Corn-Wheat Cropping System, International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences,7(12): 1855-1866. NAAS rating in (2020- 5.38)
- Chandrakala, M. Ramesh, K. Sujatha, Rajendra Hegde and S. K. Singh, (2018); Soil Fertility Evaluation under Different Land Use System in Tropical Humid Region of Kerala, India, International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 24(4): 1-13, Article no.IJPSS.40099 ISSN: 2320-7035. NAAS rating in (2021- 5.07)
- C. Ramesh Kumar, B.P. Bhaskar, M. Chandrakala, K.V. Niranjana, Rajendra Hegde and S.K. Singh, Land Capability and Land Irrigability Classification in Garakahalli Micro- watershed of Karnataka, Agropedology (2018), 28 (01), 60-70. NAAS rating in (2020- 4.16).
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Chandrakala, M., Niranjan, K.V., Bhaskar, B.P., Hegde, Rajendra and Singh, S.K. (2018). Land capability and land irrigability classification in Garakahalli micro watershed of Karnataka, Agropedology, 28 (1):81-92.
- Rajendra Hegde, R., Bhaskar, B. P., Niranjana, K.V., Ramesh Kumar. S.C., Ramamurthy, V., Srinivas, S. and Singh, S.K. (2018). Land evaluation for groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) production in Pulivendula tehsil, Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Legume Research Print ISSN:0250-5371/ Online ISSN:0976-0571.
- Rajendra Hegde, R., Bhaskar, B. P., Nirajan, K.V., Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Ramamurthy, V., Srinivas, S. and Singh, S.K. (2018). Land evaluation for groundnut in Pulivendula tehsil, Kadapa district. Legume Research. ISSN:0250-5371/ Online ISSN:0976-0571.
- Rajendra Hegde, R., Dhanorkar, B.A., Bardhan, Gopali, Bhaskar. B.P., and Singh, S.K. (2018). Land evaluation for suitability analysis of site specific pigeon pea (Canjanuscajana)- Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)-A case study of Matki-3 Microwatershed, Gulbarga district, Karnataka, India. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 10 (13):6584-6591.
- Rajendra Hegde, R., Nirnjana, K.V., Bardhan, Gopali, Bhaskar. B.P., and Singh, S.K. (2018). Assessment of Spatial Variability of Soil Properties in GopalapurMicrowatershed, Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, India. Journal of Applied Science and Technology. 26 (2): XX-XX,
- Rajendra Hegde, R., Nirnjana, K.V., Srinivas, S., Dhanorkar, B.A., and Singh, S.K. (2018). Site specific land resources inventory for scientific planning of Sujala Watersheds in Karnataka. Current Science 115(4):644-652.
- Bhaskar, B. P., Prasad, J. and Tiwari, G. (2017). Evaluation of agricultural land resources for irrigation in the cotton growing Yavatmal district, Maharashtra, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(1): 102 –113.
- Bhaskar, B. P., Tiwari, G. and Prasad, J. (2017). Pedogenic influence on profile distribution of total and DTPA – extractable micronutrients in rice growing hydric soils of Majuli river island, Assam, India. Spanish Journal of Soil Science, 7(1): 45-71.
- Bhaskar, B.P. and Tiwari, G. (2017). Geochemical interpretations of laterite associated soils of east coast Andhra Pradesh. Chemical Science Review and Letters, 6(21):187-197.
- Bhaskar, B.P., Maske, Sunil, Gaikwad, S.S., Chaturvedi, A., Jagdish Prasad, Anantwar, S.G. and Singh, S.K. (2017). Soil and land resource evaluation for rural agricultural land use planning – A case study from hot semiarid ecosystem of Western India. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science 2(3):201-218.
- Bhaskar, B.P., Prasad, J. and Tiwari, Gopal. (2017). Evaluation of agricultural land resources for irrigation in the cotton growing Yavatmal district, Maharashtra, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 9(1):102-113
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C. Bhaskar, B.P, Ramamurthy, V. Srinivas, S. Hegde, Rajendra, Maske, S.P, and Singh, S.K. (2017). Indigenous Knowledge of Soil health and Fertility Management in Garakahalli Micro Watershed of Ramanagara District of Karnataka. International Journal of Plant and Soil Science. 17(6):1-13.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S., Bhaskar, B.P., Hegde, Rajendra and Singh, S.K. (2017). Economic Viability of Soil Resource Mapping and its Use in Enhancing Farm Income- A Case study of Garakahalli Micro Watershed in Karnataka, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 30:153-160.
- Satyavathi P.L.A., Tiwary P., Bhaskar B.P., Ray S.K., Prasad Jagdish and Bobde S.V.(2017). Pedotransfer Functions to Estimate Soil Water Retention Characteristics in Major Cotton Growing Shrink-swell Soils of Yavatmal District, Maharashtra. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 65(4):379-386.
- Naidu, L.G.K., M.Lalitha, S.Dharumarajan, R. Vasundhara, S.Srinivas, G. Ravindra Chary, V. Ramamurthy and S.K.Singh. (2017). Evaluation of soil and climatic characterstics for identifying constraints and potentials for forest development in Andhra Pradesh. Indian J Dryland Agril. Res. and Dev., 32 (1): 63-70.
- B. Mahendra Kumar, C.T. Subbarayappa and V. Ramamurthy. (2017). Distribution of available (DTPA-extractable) zinc and iron and their relationship with some soil properties in rice soils of Chamarajanagar district, Karnataka, India. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 6(5):1423-28.
- B. Mahendra Kumar, C.T. Subbarayappa and V. Ramamurthy. (2017). Effect of graded levels of Zinc and Boron on growth, yield and chemical properties of soils under paddy. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci., 6(10): 1185-1196.
- Ramamurthy, V., L.G.K.Naidu, G. Ravindra Chary, D. Mamatha and S.K.Singh, (2017). Potassium status of Indian soils: need for rethinking in research, recommendation and policy. J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci., 6(12):1529-1540.
- B. Mahendra Kumar, C. T. Subbarayappa and V. Ramamurthy.(2017). Effect of graded levels of zinc and boron on nutrientcontent and uptake by grain and straw of paddy. An Asian Journal of Soil Science, 12(2):272-285.
- Srinivasan, R., Singh, S.K., Nayak, D.C and Dharumarajan, S. (2017). Assessment of Soil Properties and Nutrients Status in three Horticultural Land use System of Coastal Odisha, India. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management 8(1):033-040.
- Srinivasan, R., Singh, S.K., Chattopadhyay, T., Gangopadhyay, S.K., Nayak, D.C. and Mukhopadhyay, S. (2017). Characterization of Soils and Cropping Pattern of Coastal West Bengal – A Case Study in Canning II Block. Journal of Soil Salinity and Water Quality 9 (2): 249-256.
- Srinivasan, R., Singh, S.K. and Nayak, D.C. (2017). Assessment of Soil Degradations in Coastal Ecosystem of Sundarbans, West Bengal- A Case Study. Journal of Soil Salinity and Water Quality 9 (2): 257-269.
- Srinivasan, R., Nayak, D.C. and Singh, S.K. Distribution of Nutrients in Sundarban- A Case Study. Agropedology 27 (01): 42-47.
- R., Jeevan Rao. K., Sailaja. V. and Reza S.K. (2017). Release of Nitrogen and CO2 Evolution from Manures and Fertilizers Applied in Soil: An Incubation Study. Agropedology 27 (01): 48-55.
- Kalaiselvi, B., Rajendra Hegde, R. Vasundhara, S. Dharumarajan and Singh, S.K. (2017). Assessment of Land Suitability of Bilalgodu Micro-Watershed, Chikkamagaluru District, Karnataka for Optimal Agriculture Use Planning. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 6(11): 1146-1155
- Vasundhara, R. Dharumarajan1, Rajendra Hegde, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.Srinivasan, and S.K. Singh, (2017). Characterization and Evaluation of Soils of SinganallurWatershed Using Remote Sensing and GIS. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management. 8(1):051-056 Doi: HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.23910/IJBSM/2017.8.1.1746
- Gangadhar B ,Umalatha H , Hegde G, Vasundhara R and Sridhar N Influence of Commonly used Manures on the Growth and Nutrient composition of Periphyton Insights in Aquaculture and Biotechnology 1 (1:1) :1-6.
- Dharumarajan S, Hegde R and Singh SK. (2017). Spatial prediction of major soil properties using Random Forest techniques – A case study in semi-arid tropics of South India. Geoderma Regional, 10C: 154-162. DOI: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2017.07.005.
- Dharumarajan S, Lalitha M, Natarajan A, Naidu LGK, Balasubramanian R, Hegde R, Vasundhara R, Anil Kumar KS and Singh SK. (2017). Biophysical and Socio Economic Causes for Increasing Fallow Lands in Tamil Nadu. Soil Use and Management. 33: 487-498. DOI:10.1111/sum.12361.
- Dharumarajan S, Lalitha M, Hegde R, Somashekar B and Singh SK. (2017). Biophysical characterisation of Kangeyam grasslands for land degradation vulnerability analysis. Range Management and Agroforestry, 38(1):10-16
- Chandrakala, C.A. Srinivasamurthy, Sanjeev Kumar and D.V. Naveen, (2017) Effect of Application of Graded Level of Phosphorus to Finger Millet – Maize Cropping System in Soils of Different P Fertility. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 6(11): 265-280. NAAS rating in 2020- 5.38
- Chandrakala, C.A. Srinivasamurthy, Sanjeev Kumar, S. Bhaskar, V.R.R. Parama and D.V. Naveen, (2017), Revised Soil Phosphorus Test Ratings (RSPTR), Critical Limits (CL) and Phosphorous Recommendation for Maize. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences.6(11): 295-309. NAAS rating in 2020- 5.38
- Chandrakala, C.A. Srinivasamurthy, V.R.R. Parama, S. Bhaskar, Sanjeev Kumar and D.V. Naveen, (2017) Phosphorus Fractions- Keys to Soil based P Management. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 6(11): 281-294. NAAS rating in 2020- 5.38
- Chandrakala, C.A. Srinivasamurthy, Sanjeev Kumar, S. Bhaskar, V.R.R. Parama and D.V. Naveen, (2017), Phosphorus Status in Soils of Eastern Dry Zone, Karnataka, India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 6(11): 310-324. NAAS rating in 2020- 5.38
- Chandrakalal, Srinivasa Murthy C. A. and Sanjeev Kumar, (2017), Influence of Graded Levels of Phosphorus at Different Fertility Gradient on Soil Properties under Finger Millet- Maize Cropping SystemAgropedology, 27(01) 19 – 29. NAAS rating in 2020- 4.16
- Chandrakalal, Srinivasa Murthy C. A. and Sanjeev Kumar, (2017), Influence of Graded Levels of Phosphorus at Different Fertility Gradient on Soil Properties under Finger Millet- Maize Cropping SystemAgropedology, 27(01) 19 – 29. NAAS rating in 2020- 4.16
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S., Bhaskar, B.P., Hegde, Rajendra and Singh, S.K. (2017). Economic Viability of Soil Resource Mapping and its Use in Enhancing Farm Income- A Case study of Garakahalli Micro Watershed in Karnataka, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 30:153-160.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C. Bhaskar, B.P, Ramamurthy, V. Srinivas, S. Hegde, Rajendra, Maske, S.P, and Singh, S.K. (2017). Indigenous Knowledge of Soil health and Fertility Management in Garakahalli Micro Watershed of Ramanagara District of Karnataka. International Journal of Plant and Soil Science. 17(6):1-13.
- Rajendra Hegde, R., Dhanorkar, B.A., GopaliBardhan, Bhaskar, B. P. and Singh. S. K. (2017). Land Evaluation for site – specific pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan) – Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) management – A case study of Mormanchimicrowatershed, Gulbarga district, Karnataka, India. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology 24(4):1-16.
- Lalitha, M., Mani, S. and Sivasamy, R. (2016). Evaluation of Land Suitability for Different Irrigation Methods Using GIS Techniques. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management 2016, 7(6):1262-1266.
- Bhaskar, B.P., Anantwar, S.G., Gaikwad, S.S. and Bobade, S.V.(2016). Land resource assessment for agricultural development in Seoni district, Madhya Pradesh, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science.8(2):750-759.
- Dubey, P.N., Bhaskar, B.P., Chandran , P. Singh, B. and Mishra, B.K.(2016). Geochemistry of some ferruginous soils of Kerala, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science. 8(1):196-207.
- Bhaskar, B.P., Anantwar, S.G., Gaikwad, S.S. and Bobade, S.V. (2016).Land resource assessment for agricultural development in Seoni district, Madhya Pradesh, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science.8(2):750-759.
- Bhaskar, B.P., Anantwar, S.G., Gaikwad, S.S. and Bobade, S.V. (2016). Land resource assessment for agricultural development in Seoni district, Madhya Pradesh, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(2):750-759.
- Dubey, P.N, Bhaskar, B.P., Chandran, P., Singh, B., and Mishra, B.K. (2016). Geochemistry of some ferruginous soils of Kerala, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8:196-207
- G.K. Naidu, M. Lalitha, S. Dharumarajan, S.Srinivas, V. Ramamurthy. (2016). Delineation of prime and marginal lands in Karnataka for sustainable land use. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci., 63 (4):373-378.
- Ramamurthy, V., Munnu Singh, Akashta Srinivas, Silpasree, A. C. Ramesh Babu, L. G. K. Naidu and E. V. S. Prakasa Rao. (2016). Effect of age of plantation and season on leaf yield, content and composition of oil of Eucalyptus citriodora and soil properties in semi-arid conditions of Karnataka. Res. on Crops 17 (1): 112-117.
- Ramamurthy, V., M. Nair, S.C. Ramesh Kumar, S. Srinivas, L.G.K. Naidu, K. Sujatha, Dipak Sarkar and S.K.Singh. (2016). Delineation of Land Management Units in Tropical South Deccan Plateau of India. Agropedology, 26 (02), 105-116.
- Srinivasan, R., Jeevan Rao, K., Reza, S.K., Shelton Padua., Dinesh, D. and Dharumarajan, S. (2016). Influence of Inorganic Fertilizers and Organic Amendments on Plant Nutrients and Soil Enzyme Activities under Incubation. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management 7(4): 924-932.
- Srinivasan, R., Natarajan, A., Anil Kumar, K.S., Dharumarajan, S. and Kalaivanan, D. (2016). Distribution of Different Forms of Soil Acidity in Selective Laterite Soils under Cashew Plantations in Coastal Karnataka. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management 7(2): 222-228.
- Srinivasan, R., Singh, S.K., Nayak, D.C. and Naidu, L.G.K. (2016). Characterization, Classification and Evaluation of Cashew Growing Soils in Coastal Odisha for Sustainable Production. Agropedology 26 (2):178-188.
- Dharumarajan S, Lalitha M, Vasundhara R and Rajendra Hegde. (2016). The Major Biophysical Indicators of Desertification in Arid and Semi arid regions of India, Agropedology, 26 (02): 189-197
- Dharumarajan S, Naidu LGK, Lalitha M, Vasundhara R, Anil Kumar KS, Rajendra Hegde and Singh SK. (2016). Assessment of Suitability of Fallow Lands for Major Medicinal Plants in Tamil Nadu. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management, 7(4): 877-884 DOI:10.5958/0976-4038.2016.00142.1 (NASS: 4.65)
- N. Nalina, K.S. Anil Kumar, M. Chandrakala, S. Sheela Rani, K. Sujata, K.G. Shilpa Shree, Rajendra Hegde and S.K. Singh, (2016), Soil nutrient status mapping of Nagenahalli micro-watershed under Eastern Dry Zone of Karnataka by remote sensing, detailed soil survey and GIS techniques, Indian Journal of Agricultural Research., 50 (5) : 389-397. NAAS rating in (2021- 5.2)
- Ramesh Kumar, S. C., Rajendra Hegde and S. K. Singh(2016).Socio-economic Assessment for Land Use Planning In Land Use Planning for Arresting Land Degradation, Combating Climate Change and Ensuring Food Security – A Training Manual”, (Edited by )S.K. Singh, R.K. Batta and S. Chatterji NBSS Publ. 171.ICAR-National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Nagpur, India, 135p.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Tejaswini, A.B., Prakashanaik, M.K., Nandini, S., Rajendra Hedge and Singh, S.K. (2016). Economics of kharif sorghum production in southern dry zone of Karnataka. Agropedology, 26(1):29-33.
- Lalitha, M., Dharumarajan, M., Natarajan, A., Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S., Naidu, L.G.K. and Sarkar, Dipak. (2016).Need for site specific land resource database for integrated watershed management. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation, 44(22):168-176.
- Lalitha, M., Mani, S., and R. Sivasaamy. (2016). Crop water budgeting for rainfed cotton for crop planning and management in Coimbatore. Journal of Agrometeorology, 18(2): 265-269.
- Bhaskar B.P., Sarkar, D., Bhattacharyya, T., Satyavati, P.L.A., Bobade, S.V. and Anantwar S.G. (2015). Geochemical characterization of shrink-swell soils in Yavatmal district, Maharashtra. Journal of Applied Geochemistry 17 : 98-108.
- Bhaskar, B.P. (2015). Landscape planning for agridevelopment at regional scale: an example from cotton growing Yavatmal district, Maharashtra, India. Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development, 109:235-269
- Bhaskar, B.P., Bobade, S.V., Gaikwad, S.S., Sarkar, D., Anantwar, S.G. and Bhattacharyya, T. (2015). Soil informatics for agricultural suitability assessment in Seoni district, Madya Pradesh, India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 49:315-320.
- Mahendra Kumar, M.B., C.T.Subbarayappa, V.Ramamurthy, B.V. Shreenivas and C.Vijay Kumar. (2015). Characterization of surface soils in irrigated land management unit-1 (Command area) of Mysore District, Karnataka. Env. & Cons. 21(1):471-476.
- Mahendra Kumar, M.B., C.T.Subbarayappa, V.Ramamurthy, B.V. Shreenivas, N.g.Yogendra and C.Vijay Kumar. (2015). Effect of graded levels of zinc and boron on availability of zinc and zinc fractions of Paddy. Env. & Cons. 21(1):477-480.
- Ramamurthy,V., M.V.venugopalan, V.N.Parhad and Jagdish Prasad., (2015). Effect of seed priming on emergence and yield of late sown wheat on Typic haplusterts of Central India. Indian J.Agric.Res., 49(3)245-249.
- G.K.Naidu, V.Ramamurthy, K.V. Niranjana, P.L. Satyavathi1, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, G. Ravindra Chary, and R.S. Reddy (2015). Evaluation of Regional Benchmark Soils and Agro-climate vis-à-vis Soils of Technology Generation Sites for Agrotechnology Transfer – A Case Study of Andhra Pradesh. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 63 (2): 144-158.
- G.K.Naidu, S.Dharumarajan, M.Lalitha, R.Vasundhara, V.Ramamurthy, G.P.Obi Reddy, R.S.Singh, B.tailor, Rameshwar Singh, U.Baruah, M.Padmaiah, G.Suresh and K.S.Varaprasad. (2015). Identification and delineation of potential castor growing areas in different Agro-eco sub regions of India. J. Oilseeds Res., 32(1):39-48.
- Srinivasan, R., Mukhopadhyay, S., Nayak, D.C. and Singh, S.K. Characterization, Classification and Evaluation of Soil Resources in Coastal Eco-system- A Case Study of Gosaba Block (Part), South 24 Parganas, West Bengal. Agropedology 25 (02): 195-201.
- Srinivasan, R., Reza, S.K., Nayak, D.C., Singh, S.K. and. Sarkar, G.C. (2015). Characterization and Classification of Major Vegetables Growing Soils of Odisha Coastal System- A Case Study. Agropedology 25 (02): 232-239.
- Dharumarajan S, Lalitha M, Naidu LGK and Singh SK. (2015). Characterisation of major forests in Tamil Nadu based on climate and soil-site characteristics for identifying potential areas for afforestation. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management. 6(6):656-666. DOI: 10.5958/0976-4038.2015.00102.5
- Lalitha, M. and Dhakshinamoorthy, M. (2015). Quantity-intensity characteristics of potassium (K) in relation to potassium availability under different cropping system in alluvial soils. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 10: 2097-2103.
- Lalitha, M. and Dhakshinamoorthy, M. (2015). Evaluation of soil properties in major paddy growing soils of Thamirabarani Command area, Tamil Nadu. Madras Agricultural Journal, 102(4): 118-112
- Lalitha, M. and Praveen Kumar (2015). Soil carbon fractions influenced by temperature sensitivity and land use management. Agroforestry Systems. p.1-4 (DOI 10.1007/s10457-015-987-9).
- Rajendra Hegde, R., Natarajan, A., Meena, R.S., Niranjana. K.V., Thayalan, S. and Singh, S.K. (2015). Status of land degradation in an irrigated command area: a case study of ChikkarasinakereHobli, Mandya district, Karnataka. Current Science 108:1501-1511.
- Rajendra Hegde, R., Natarajan A., Meena, R. S., Niranjana. K.V., Thayalan S. and Singh S.K. (2015). Status of soil degradation in an irrigated command area in ChikkarasinakereHobli, Mandya district, Karnataka. Current Science. 108:1051-1511.
- Utpal Baruah, T.H.Das, B.P.Bhaskar and Dipak Sarkar. (2014). Characterization of rice growing soils: A case study in Gerua Farm, Assam. Agropedology24(1).pp.119-123.
- Bhaskar B. P.,Sarkar Dipak, Bobade, S. V., Gaikwad, S. S., Anantwar, S. G. (2014). Land evaluation for irrigation in cotton growing Yavatmal District, Maharashtra. International Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences 1(2) ISSN (Online):2348–3997:128-136.
- Bhaskar B.P., Raja, P. and Bhattacharyya, T. (2014). Soil informatics for agricultural land suitability assessment in Seoni district, Madhya Pradesh, India. Enviro Geochimica Acta 1: 292-300.
- P.Bhaskar, Dipak Sarkar, S.V. Bobade, S.S. Gaikwad and S.G. Anantwar. (2014).Land evaluation for irrigation in cotton growing yavatmal district, Maharashtra. International Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences,1(2):128-136.
- Singh, D., Bhaskar, B. P., Baruah, U. and Sarkar, D. (2014).Agro-economic analysis of sustainable cropping patterns in hydric rice fallows of upper Brahmaputra valley, Asom.Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 84:385–390.
- Singh, D., Bhaskar, B.P., Baruah, U. and Sarkar, D. (2014). Diversification of rice (Oryza sativa L.) based cropping systems for higher productivity and benefits on dominant soil series of upper Brahmaputra valley. Annals of Agriculture Research 35:37-42.
- Singh, D., Bhaskar, B.P., Baruah, U. and Sarkar, D. (2014). Evaluaion of rice (Oryza sativa) based cropping systems in major soil series of Upper Brahmaputra Valley, Asom. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: Agriculture and Veterinary 14:73-78.
- Naidu, L.G.K., Dharumarajan, M.Lalitha, S.Srinivas, V. Ramamurthy and S.K.Singh. (2014). Categorization and delineation of Prime and Marginal Lands of Andhra Pradesh for Different Uses. Agropedology 24(2): 253-261.
- Ravindra Chary, G. R. Rao, L. G. K. Naidu, S. Srinivas, N. Sunil, G. R. Maruthi Sankar, Ch. Srinivasa rao, V.Ramamurthy, G. Prathiba and N. Rani. (2014). Climate and soil-site suitability criteria for Jatropha curcasL. cultivation under non-arable marginal lands in different agro-ecological regions of India. Range Mgmt. & Agroforestry 35 (2): 210-219.
- R., Jeevan Rao. K., Sailaja. V. and Kalaivanan. D. (2014). Influence of organic manures and fertilizers on nutrient uptake, yield and quality in cabbage-baby corn cropping sequence. Journal of Horticultural sciences 9 (1):48-54.
- Dharumarajan S and Singh SK. (2014). GIS Based Soil Site Suitability Analysis for Potato – A Case Study in Lower Indo- Gangetic Alluvial Plain. Potato Journal, 41(2): 113-121
- Lalitha, M and S.Dhakshinamoorthy. (2014). Forms of soil potassium- A review. Agri. Reviews, 35(1): 64-68.
- Bhaskar B.P., Sarkar, D., and Baruah, U. (2013). Pedogenesis in rice growing hydric soils of Majuli river island, Assam, India. Indian Chem. Soc. 90:1431-1439.
- Bhaskar B.P.and Sarkar, D. (2013). Capability and quality assessment of rice growing hydric soils in Majuli river Island, Assam, India. Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development 107:1-13-32.
- Bhaskar B.P.and Saxena, R.K. (2013). Soil-landscape relationship in Lohit valley near Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh, India. International Journal of Scientific Research 12:55-59.
- Bhaskar, B.P Sarkar, D. and Baruah, U. (2013). Geochemistry of hydric soils in Majuli river island, Assam, India. Indian Chem. Soc. 90:2279-2283.
- Singh, D., Bhaskar B.P, Baruah U. and Sarkar, D. (2013). Diversification of rice (Oryza sativa) based cropping systems for higher productivity and resource use efficiency in major soil series of Upper Brahmaputra valley of Assam. Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research and Development 28:26-32.
- Singh, D., Bhaskar, B. P., Baruah U., Sarkar, Dipak, and Vadivellu, S. (2013). Economic appraisal of rice based cropping sequences in major soil series of upper Asom. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 83 : 326–330.
- Singh, D., Bhaskar, B.P., Baruah, U. and Sarkar, D. (2013). Diversification of rice (Oryza Sativa L.) based cropping systems for higher productivity and benefits on dominant soil series of upper Brahmaputra Valley, Assam. Annals of Agriculture ResearchNew Series34:1-6.
- Singh, D., Bhaskar, B.P., Baruah, U. and Sarkar, D. (2013). Production potential of Lahangaon soil series for rice based cropping sequences in riverine floodplains of northeastern India. Annals of Agriculture Research34:269-275.
- Singh, D., Bhaskar, B.P., Baruah, U. and Sarkar, D. (2013). Soil analogy for making varietal and fertilizer recommendations for rice (Oryza sativa) Cultivars in Brahmaputra valley, Assam. Indian Journal of Agronomy 58:21-25.
- Naidu, L.G.K., V.Ramamurthy, S.Srinivas, R.S.Reddy and Dipak Sarkar. (2013). Need for developing user friendly soil maps: A case study of Andhra Pradesh. Agropedology 23(1):30-35.
- Naidu, L.G.K., V.Ramamurthy, Srinivas, S., Natarajan, A. and S. Thayalan. (2013). Delineation of Agro Ecological Zones of Tamil Nadu. Agropedology 23(2): 82-93.
- Sunil P. Maske and M. K. Jain. (2013). Study on effect of surface roughness on overland flow from different geometric surfaces through numerical simulations. Hydrologic Processes. Published online (19 April 2013) in Wiley Online Library. (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9773
- Srinivasan, R., Natarajan, A., Kalaivanan, D and Anil Kumar, K. S. (2013). Soil fertility status of cashew growing soils of Dakshina Kannada district of coastal Karnataka. Journal of Plantation Crops 41(3): 373-379.
- Srinivasan, R., Natarajan, A., Anil Kumar, K.S. and Kalaivanan, D. (2013). Distribution of Available Macro and Micronutrients in Cashew Growing Soils of Dakshina Kannada District of Coastal Karnataka. Madras Agricultural Journal 100 (1-3): 747-750.
- Srinivasan, R., Natarajan. A., Anil Kumar. K.S. and Kalaivanan. D. (2013). Characterization of Major Cashew Growing Soils of Dakshina Kannada District of Agropedology 23 (2): 59-64.
- Dharumarajan S, Singh SK, Bannerjee T and Sarkar D. (2013). Water retention characteristics and available water capacity in three cropping system of lower Indo Gangetic alluvial plain. Communications in soil science and plant analysis, 4: 2734-2745. DOI:10.1080/00103624.2013.803561.
- P.Zade, P.Raja and B.P.Bhaskar. (2012).Pedochemical and Minerological characterization of Basaltic clay soils in the marathwada region, Central India .Gondwana Geological Magazine.26(1):39-44
- P.Zade, P.Raja and B.P.Bhaskar.(2012). Pedochemical and Minerological characterization of Basaltic clay soils in the marathwada region, Central India. Gondwana Geological Magazine, 26(1):39-44.
- Satyavathi, P. L. A., Raja, P., Ray, S. K., Anantwar, S. G. and Bhaskar B. P. (2012) Elemental composition and mineralogy of silt and clay fractions of cracking clay soils of semi arid and arid parts of Gujarat, India, Clay Research.31 : 12-26.
- Raja, D.B.Malpe, B.P.Bhaskar, Deepali Marghadeand P.M.Tapaswi.(2012).Hydrogechemical Characterization of groundwater for Irrigation in Purna Basin, Maharashtra.Journal of Geological Society of India,80:167-184.
- Ramamurthy, V., L.G.K.Naidu, S.Srinivas, G.P.Obi Reddy and Dipak Sarkar. (2012). Delineation of potential areas for safflower production in Deccan Plateau. Oilseeds Res., 29: 226-233.
- Maske, S.P., Anilkumar, K.S., Hegde Rajendra, Rameshkumar, S.C., Srinivas, S. and Naidu, L.G.K. (2012). Rainfall probability analysis for crop planning – A case study of Kuthinageremicrowatershed. Mysore J. Agric. Sci., 46(3): 683-686.
- Deepak Jhajhria, Brijesh K. Yadav, Sunil Maske, Surajit Chattopadhyay and Anil K. Kar. (2012). Identification of trends in rainfall, rainy days and 24 h maximum rainfall over subtropical Assam in Northeast India. C.R. Geoscience: 344, 1-13
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C. Naidu, L.G.K., Niranjana, K.V. and Dipak Sarkar (2012). Assessment of the Economic Value of Soil Resource Information, paper presented in the National Seminar on Geospatial Solutions for Resources Conservation and Management, organized by KSRSAC held in Bangalore during (18-9 January 2012).
- Bhaskar, B.P., Sarkar, Dipak, Bobade, S.V., Gaikwad, M.S., Gaikwad, S.S., Nimkar, A.M., Anantwar, S.G., Patil, S.V. and Bhattacharyya, T. (2011). Land resource evaluation for optimal land use plans in cotton growing Yavatmal district, Maharashtra. The Ecoscan 1:251-259.
- Naidu, L.G.K., Ramamurthy,V., G.S.Sidhu and Dipak Sarkar, (2011). Emerging deficiency of potassium in soils and crops of India. Karnataka J. Agric.Sci., 24 (1): 12-19.
- Srinivasan,R., A. Natarajan, K.S. Anil Kumar and D. Kalaivanan.(2011). Land suitability evaluation of soils of Dakshina Kannada district of Karnataka for cashew production. Journal of Plantation Crops, 39 (2): 325-329.
- M Chandrakala, N S Hebsur and C N Nalina, (2011), Effect of FYM and Fermented Liquid Manures on Yield and Economics of Chilli (Capsicum annum ). Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2(3): 722-724. NAAS rating in (2020- 4.54)
- M Chandrakala, N S Hebsur and M B Mahendra Kumar, (2011), Effect of FYM and Fermented Liquid Manures on Quality of Chilli (Capsicum annuum ), Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2(3): 761-763. NAAS rating in (2020- 4.54)
- Bhaskar, B.P., Baruah, Utpal, Vadivelu, S., Raja, P. and Sarkar, Dipak (2010). Remote Sensing and GIS in the Management of Wetland Resources of Majuli Island, Assam, India, Tropical Ecology 5:31-40.
- Bhaskar, B.P., Dipak Sarkar and Utpal Baruah. (2010). Characterization of hydric soils in rice growing areas of Disang inland valley, Sibsagar district, Assam. Gondwana Geological Magazine 12:355-363.
- Bhaskar, B.P., Raja, P., Gajbhiye, K.S., Maji, A.K., Singh, S.R., Anantwar, S.G., and Nimkar, A.M. (2010). Topographic appraisal for irrigaton suitability in a part of Jayakwadi command area, Parbhani district, Maharashtra. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 58:363-370.
- Bobade, S.V., Bhaskar, B.P., Gaikwad, M.S., Raja, P., Gaikwad, S.S., Anantwar, S.G., Patil, S.V., Singh, S.R. and Maji, A.K. (2010). A GIS based land use suitability assessment in Seoni District, Madhya Pradesh, India. Tropical Ecology 51:41-54.
- Raja, P., Bhaskar, B.P., Deepak Malpe, Anantwar, S.G. and Tapaswi, P.M. (2010). Geochemistry of salt affected soils in Purna valley, Maharashtra, India: their paleoclimatic implications. Journal of Applied Geochemistry 12:491-501.
- Goswami, S. N., M. V. Venugopalan, Ramamurthy,V., R.S.Gawande, V.P.Patil, and A. Chaturvedi (2010). Participation of farm women in land use decision making process-A case study in Panubali watershed of Nagpur district, Maharashtra. Indian J. Extension and Education, 46 (1 and 2): 97-100.
- Naidu, L.G.K., Ramamurthy, V and S.C. Ramesh Kumar. (2010). Potassium deficiency in soil and crops. Indian J. Fertilizers, 6(5): 32-38.
- Raja, B.P.Bhaskar, Deepak Malpe, S.G.Anantwar and P.M.Tapaswi.2010.Geochemistry of salt affected soils in Purna valley, Maharashtra, India:their Paleoclimatic implications.Journal of Applied Geochemistry.12(3):491-501.
- Bhaskar, B.P., Saxena, R.K., Vadivelu, S., Baruah, U., Sarkar, Dipak, Raja, P. and Butte. P.S. (2009). Intricacy in classification of pine growing soils in Shillong plateau, Meghalaya, India. Soil Survey Horizons 50: 11-16.
- Bhaskar, B.P., Baruah, U., Vadivelu, S., Raja, P. and Sarkar, Dipak (2009). Pedogenesis in some subaqueous soils of Brahmaputra valley of Assam. Journal of Indian Society of Soil Science 57:237-244.
- Ramamurthy, V., Patil, N.G., Venugopalan, M.V. and Challa, O. (2009). Effect of drip irrigation on productivity and water use efficiency of hybrid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) in Typic Haplusterts. Indian J. Agricultural Sciences, 79 (1):118-121.
- Ramamurthy, V., L.G.K.Naidu, S.C.Ramesh Kumar, S.Srinivas and Rajendra Hegde (2009). Soil based fertilizer recommendation for precision farming. Current Sci.,97(5):641-647.
- Ramamurthy, V. and M.V.Venugopalan (2009). Performance of Bt. cotton hybrid on shrink-swell soils of central India. Indian J. Agricultural Sciences, 79 (12):1026-1029.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., L.G.K. Naidu and Dipak Sarkar(2009). Economic Evaluation of Soil and Land Resources for Optimum Land Use Planning – Concepts, Methods and a Case Study, Indian Society of Soil Science, Platinum Jubilee Symposium – Proceedings, pp139-153.
- Ramesh Kumar S.C. (2009). Stakeholder analysis for Land Use Planning in Planning and Management of Land Resources (edited by Ramamurthy and Dipak Sarkar), NBSS&LUP report No 1033, NBSS&LUP, Nagpur.
- G.K.Naidu, V. Ramamurthy, S.C.Ramesh Kumar, G.S.Sidhu and Rajkumar. (2008). Soil based fertilizer recommendations-A Rational Approach. Indian J. Fertilizers. 4(7): 47-56.
- G Ravindra Chary, KPR Vittal, GR Sankar, V Ramamurthy, RA Sharma, DP Dubey, MN Patil, KL Sharma and G Pratibha (2008) Assessment of influence of soil-site characteristics on soybean productivity in swell-shrinks and associated soils of semi-arid tropics. Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research and Development, 23(2):14-23.
- P.Bhaskar, Utpal Baruah, T.K.Sen, P.Raja, S.Vadivelu, D.Sarkar, P.S.Butte,and D.P.Dutta.(2008).Categorization and mapping of potassium forms in hill land soils of Narang-kongripara watershed, Meghalaya, India., Gondwana Geological Magazine.,127-134
- P.Bhaskar, U.Baruah, S.Vadivelu and D.Sarkar.(2008). Characterization of depositional soils in dynamic fluvial land forms of Majuliislandfor land use related issues, Agropedology.18(1),33-43.
- Ramesh Kumar, S. C. , S. Vadivelu, V. Ramamurthy, L. G K. Naidu, R. S. Reddy, S. Srinivas, and A. K. Maji (2007), Monitoring soil quality changes in relation to land use and management in a watershed, Karnataka, Agropedology 2007, 18 (1) 50-57.
- Chandrakala, M., Hebsur, N.S., Bidari, B.I. and Radder, B.M. (2007) Effect of FYM and fermented liquid manures on nutrients uptake by chilli (Capsicum annuum ) and soil nutrient status at harvest, Journal of Asian Horticulture 4: 19-24. NAAS rating in 2020- 3.26
- Ramamurthy, V. and Jagdish Prasad, (2006). Intercropping with mulberry in shallow soils. Indian Silk. 44 (11): 10-11.
- V. Sulbha B. Sarve, J. P. Sharma and Jagdish Prasad. (2006). Performance of mulberry in different soils of Nagpur. Indian Silk. 45 (6): 14-15.
- Ramamurthy, V. (2006). Vermicompost application improves the productivity of Nagpur mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco). Organic News, 3(2):1-6.
- Ramamurthy V., Jagdish Prasad, V.N. Parhad and V.Thakare. (2006).vermicompost improves productivity and quality of Nagpur mandrin. Organic Farming Newsletter. 2(3):5.
- Ramamurthy V., Jagdish Prasad and Gajbhiye K.S., (2005).Sericulture-A reason for farmers smile. Indian Silk. 44 (1):15-16.
- Ramamurthy V., Jagdish Prasad and Gajbhiye K.S., (2005). Effect of inorganic and biofertilizers on productivity of soybean. Biofertilizer News letter, 13 (1):18-20.
- Ramamurthy, V. and Jagdish Prasad. (2005). Farmer Field Schools – A New Participatory Approach. Agriculture Extension Review. 17 (2): 9-12.
- Ramamurthy V., Gajbhiye K.S., Venugopalan M.V., Parhad V. N. (2004).On-farm evaluation of seed priming technology in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). Agricultura Tropica ET Subtropica. 37 (2): 60-66.
- R. Maruthi Sankar, K. S. Gajbhiye, G. P. Gupta, I.P.S. Yadav, P.S. Dharmaraj, V.N. Autkar, C.R. Thyagaraju, V.Ramamurthy, G.Ravindra Chary and K. P.R.Vittal. (2004). Integrated land resources appraisal of rainfed chickpea productivity in sub-humid and semi-arid agro-eco-subregions. Agropedology. 14(2): 100-107.
- P.Bhaskar, R.K.Saxena, S.Vadivelu, U.Baruah, P.S.Butte and D.P.Dutta.(2004). Pedogenesis in high altitude soils of Meghalaya plateau, Agropedology. 14(1), 9-23
- V., D. S. Loch and M.V.Venugoplan. (2003). Evaluation of Forages in smallholder farming systems through participatory research. The Land, 7 (2):43-156.
- Velayutham, Ramamurthy, V. and M. V. Venugopalan, (2002). Agricultural Land Use Planning- from theoretical perspectives to participatory action plan in the Indian context. The Land. 6(4): 45-60
- Ramamurthy, V.(2002). Response of Napier bajra hybrids to integrated nitrogen management. Indian J. Agron., 47 (3): 455-459.
- Ramamurthy, V. (2002). Effect of nitrogen and Azospirillum inoculation on growth and green forage yield of Pennisetumtrispecific hybrid. Indian J. Agron, 47 (4): 566-570.
- Gangaiah, B and V. Ramamurthy. Weed management through cropping practices in kharif forage crops. Indian J. Weed sci., 34(1&2):150-151.
- Sukanya, D.H., V.Ramamurthy and C.R.Ramesh, (2001), Selection of parents for leafiness in Bajra x Napier hybrids, Forage Research, 27 (2) ;115-117.
- Vadivelu, T.K.Sen, B.P.Bhaskar, Jiji Thampi, U.Baruahand J.P.Mishra.(2001).Mapping of available potassium in the soils of Assam, Agropedology,12-29-37
- P.Bhaskar, S.Vadivelu, U.Baruah, P.S.Butte,D.P.Dutta and J.P.Mishra.(2001).Distribution of Potassium forms in Chars and Marshy lands of Brahmaputra valley, Jorhat District, Assam, Journal of Potassium Research., 17:39-47
- G.P. ObiReddy, D. Esther Shekinah, U.K. Maurya, S. Thayalan, Jagdish Prasad, S.K. Ray and B.P. Bhaskar. (2000). Landscape-Soil Relationship in a part of Bazargaon Plateau, Maharashtra, Geographical Review of India., 61(3),280-291
- P. Bhaskar, R.S. Reddy, S.L. Budihal, O. Challa, S.G. Anantwar, R.A. Nasre, Arti Koyal, K.S. Gajbhiye and M. Velayutham(2000).Evaluation of Sediment Stratification and Classification of Alkali Soils in the Chithravathi River Basin, Andhra Pradesh, Agropedology 10,195-204.
- Srinivasan, R., Nayak D.K., Gobinath, R., Kumar, S.N., Nageswara Rao, D.V.K., and Singh, S.K. (2022). Consequential rice crop response to resultant soil propertiesin a toposequence in eastern coastal plain of Odisha, India. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 8:2135–2150. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40808-021-01216-2. (NAAS rating: 0).
- Srinivasan, R., Shashikumar, B. N. and S. K. Singh. (2022). Mapping of Soil Nutrient Variability and Delineating Site-Specific Management Zones Using Fuzzy Clustering Analysis in Eastern Coastal Region, India. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. 50, 533–547. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-021-01473-9. (NAAS rating: 50).
- Srinivasan, R., Vasu, D., Amar Suputhra, S., Rajendra Hegde., Ray, S.K. and Singh S. K. (2022). A GIS-based Spatial Prediction of Landslide Hazard Zones and Mapping in an Eastern Himalayan Hilly Region Using Large Scale Soil Mapping and Analytical Hierarchy Process. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 50, 1915–1930. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-022-01579-8. (NAAS rating: 50).
- Rajendra Hegde., Srinivasan, R., Bhaskar, B. P., Srinivas, S., Lalitha, M., Vasundhara, R., Kalaiselvi, B. and Sunil P. Maske. (2022). Land Resource Inventory (LRI) of Thummalakuntlapalli Panchayat, Ananthapuram District on 1:10000 scale under Andhra Pradesh Drought Mitigation Project (APDMP). NBSS Publ. No.1145, NBSS&LUP, Nagpur.
- Rajendra Hegde, Srinivasan, R., Bhaskar, B. P., Srinivas, S., Vasundhara, R., Lalitha, M., Kalaiselvi, B. and Sunil P. Maske. (2022). Land Resource Inventory (LRI) of Venkatapuram Panchayat, Ananthapuram District on 1:10000 scale under Andhra Pradesh Drought Mitigation Project (APDMP). NBSS Publ. No. 1146, NBSS&LUP, Nagpur.
- Rajendra Hegde., Srinivasan, R., Bhaskar, B.P., Srinivas, S., Vasundhara, R., Lalitha, M., Kalaiselvi, B. and Sunil P. Maske. 2022. Land Resource Inventory (LRI) of Inaglur Panchayat, Ananthapuramu District on 1:10000 scale under Andhra Pradesh Drought Mitigation Project (APDMP). NBSS Publ. No. 1147, NBSS&LUP, Nagpur.
- Rajendra Hegde, Dr. K.V. Niranjan, Dr. S. Srinivas, Dr. M. Lalitha and Dr. B.S. Dwivedi 2022 Bench mark soils of Chikkanayakana Halli Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka PP-30.
- Rajendra Hegde, Dr. K.V. Niranjan, Dr. S. Srinivas, Dr. M. Lalitha and Dr. B.S. Dwivedi 2022 Bench mark soils of Gadag District, Karnataka PP-30.
- Rajendra Hegde, Dr. K.V. Niranjan, Dr. S. Srinivas, Dr. M. Lalitha and Dr. B.S. Dwivedi 2022 Bench mark soils of Chitaguppa taluk, Bidar District, Karnataka PP-34
- Rajendra Hegde, Dr. K.V. Niranjan, Dr. S. Srinivas, Dr. M. Lalitha and Dr. B.S. Dwivedi 2022 Bench mark soils of Horticulture farms of Koppal District, Karnataka
- Dr Rajendra Hegde and S. Srinivas 2022. Training manual on Remote sending and GIS under REWARD project.
- Rajendra Hegde, A. Natarajan, R. Srinivasan, K. V. Niranjana and R. Vasundhara 2022 Field guide for Land Resources Inventory REWARD project Karnataka ICAR-NBSS & LUP publication Bangalore Page-159. Published by ICAR-NBSS&LUP and Karnataka watershed Development Department
- S.Dharumarajan, R. Vasundhara, M. Lalitha, R. Srinivasan, B. Kalaiselvi, K.S. Karthika, S.C. Ramesh Kumar and Rajendra Hegde (2022) Spatial Crop Planning for sustainable resource use and conservation of ecological resources. ICAR-NBSS&LUPtechnical Bulletin No. Nagpur pp. 495
- S,Dharumarajan, B. Kalaiselvi, R. Vasundhara, M. Lalitha, R. Srinivasan, K.S. Karthika, S.C. Ramesh Kumar and Rajendra Hegde (2022). Soil Resources of Marayoor Sandal wood forest ecosystem of Idukki district, Kerala. ICAR-NBSS&LUP technical Bulletin No. Nagpur., pp. 48.
- C. Ramesh Kumar, S. Dharumarajan, Rajendra Hegde, R. Vasundhara, M. Lalitha, R. Srinivasan, B. Kalaiselvi and K.S. Karthika (2022) Socioeconomic status of farm households in Marayoor Gram panchayat of Iduki District, Kerala. ICAR-NBSS&LUP technical Bulletin No. Pp. 38.
- Lalitha, S. Dharumarajan, B. Kalaiselvi, K.S. Anil Kumar, R. Srinivasan, Rajendra Hegde and S.K. Singh. 2022. Land Resource Inventory in Needamangalam block of Thiruvarur district, Tamil Nadu, for optimal agricultural land use planning using Geo-spatial techniques. NBSS&LUP Tech. Bull.No. 1160. P120.
- Karthika, K. S., Anil Kumar, K.S., Srinivasan, R., Chandrakala, M., Lalitha, M., Srinivas, S., Bhaskar, B.P. and Rajendra Hegde (2021). Land Resource inventory of Mahabubnagar Rural Mandal, Mahabubnagar District, Telangana on 1:10000 scale for optimal agricultural land use planning using geo-spatial techniques. NBSS Publ.No. 1153. ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur.
- Kalaiselvi, B., Rajendra Hegde, Anil Kumar, K.S., Dharumarajan, S., Srinivasan, R., Lalitha, M., Srinivas, S., Singh, S. K. and Chandran, P. (2021). Land Resource Inventory in Palani block of Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu for optimal Agricultural Land Use Planning Using Geo-Spatial Techniques. NBSS&LUP Tech. Bull. 1144.
- Chandrakala, M., Srinivasan, R, Bhaskar, B. P., Sunil P. Maske, Ramesh Kumar, S. C., Srinivas, S. and Rajendra Hegde (2019). Land Resource Inventory of Rayachoty mandal, YSR Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh on 1:10000 scale for optimal agricultural land use planning, using geo-spatial techniques. NBSS Publ. No.1120, ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur, p 1-110.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Raghunathanahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.589, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Malhar-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.590, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Badal Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.591, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.33.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kondapur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.592, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.33.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Goudagera Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.593, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgir Rf Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.594, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V Niranjan, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hatti-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.595, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.43.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nagalapur-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.596, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Adavalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.576, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Wankasambar-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.577, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hosahalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.578, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.38.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Lakshmapura-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppala Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.579, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dr. K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hasgal 2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.580, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V Niranjan, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Haligeri 4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.581, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Belur-5 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.582, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Katarki West-6 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.583, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chikka Bidinahalu-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.584, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Belagunda-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.585, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yallgir Rf-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.586, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Tumkur-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.587, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
- Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgir Rf-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.588, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgir Rf-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.563, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Ashanal-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.564, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bhimanahalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.565, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kakalawar 2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.566, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kotageri 2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.566, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kotageri-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.568, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Warakanahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.569, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chepatla Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.570, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgir Rs-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.571, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Shampuralli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.572, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nageshanahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.573, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kadechur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.574, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hire Wadarkal Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.575, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.46.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Dupalli-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.550, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mundragi-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.551, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Indargi-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.552, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Indargi-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.553, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bandehalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.554, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Ramapur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.555, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bhimanahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.556, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgir Rf-5 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.557, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Shethalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.558, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chyamanahalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.559, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nagaraladoddi-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.560, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Itakal-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.561, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Belagiri-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.562, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Narayanpet-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.537, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Turk Madhawar-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.538, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Dupalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.539, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mitta Tipadampalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.540, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mundargi-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.541, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Sidganahalli-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppala Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.542, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bhimanahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Chithaputa Taluk and Kalaburagi District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.543, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Wankasambar-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.544, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Buragapalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.545, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kodlur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.546, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gopalapur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.547, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Balachakra-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.548, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Turk Madhawar-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.549, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Indargi-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.524, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kotagi Shahpur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.525, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gudigere North-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.526, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.27.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chennahalu-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.527, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bandehalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.528, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nilahalli-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.529, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gudigere North-5 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.530, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.30
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gudigere North-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.531, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.30.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bhanapur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.532, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bukanhatti-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.533, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Haligeri-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppala Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.534, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar. B. A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mavanahalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.535, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Himalapur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.536, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Lakshmapura-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppala Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.511, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Dantapur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.512, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Sankaur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.513, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Ajalapur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.514, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgir Rf-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.515, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Honavalu-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.516, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Lakshmapura-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.517, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Haligeri-5 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.518, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bukanhatti-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.519, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chennahalu-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.520, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Honnahunasi Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.521, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Indargi-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.522, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Indargi Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.523, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kesapur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.498, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana. K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chilayadgi-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.499, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niramjana K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kunikeri-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.500, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Narayanpet-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.501, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Handrahalu-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.502, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Alawandi-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.503, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.43.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bandahalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.504, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgiri Rf-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.505, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgir Rf-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.506, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hire Anur-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.507, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Pirlagar-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.508, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.28.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgiri Rf-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.509, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadagapur Tanda-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Chithapura Taluk and Kalaburagi District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.510, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chikka Alur-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Chithapura Taluk and Kalaburagi District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.485, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Alipur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.486, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Belagunda-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.487, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgir-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Chithapura Taluk and Kalaburagi District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.488, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.38.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Lingadahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.489, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Daddegallu-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppala Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.490, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Ginigera Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.491, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana,K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Katarki West-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.492, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Katarki West-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.493, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Raghunathanahalli West-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.494, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kanchagarahatti Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.495, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yelawanti Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.496, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgir Rf-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.497, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Ramasamudram-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.472, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Handarki Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Sedam Taluk and Kalaburagi District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.473, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hosahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.474, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Arakera Khurd-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.475, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.43.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chandaraki-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.476, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Holandgira Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.477, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Basavanthapur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.478, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Turk Madhawar-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.479, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Shethalli-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.480, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgir-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.481, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chikka Alur-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.482, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hire Baganalu-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.483, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Ramatirth Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Chithapura Taluk and Kalaburagi District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.484, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Paspol-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.459, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.43.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yaadahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.460, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.43.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nilahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.461, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Malkapalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.462, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgir Rf-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.463, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Somanapur-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.464, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yallgir Rf-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.465, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Thanagunda Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.466, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.38.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mavanahalli-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.467, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Shethalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.468, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.38.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Ashanal-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.469 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Rogalapur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.470, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yagapur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.471, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Lingadahalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.446, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kunikeri-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppala Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.447, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Tinnapur Tanda Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppala Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.448, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hitnal Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.449, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hosahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.450, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Arsinakeri Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.451, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Katarki West-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.452, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Muradihalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.453, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.38.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Wankasambar-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.454, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Khanapur Hosalli-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.455, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Arakera Buzurg Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.456, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yasgir Rf-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.457, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bandehalli-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.458, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K.,Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nirligi-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.433, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC,Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K.,Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kidadhala-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.434, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chilayadgi-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.435, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chintakunta-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.436, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bettageri-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppala Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.437, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Godadahadagi-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.438, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Devalapura-5 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.439, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Belagera-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.440, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Danda Cheruvu-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.441, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Belagunda-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.442, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nazarapur-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.443, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Motanahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.444, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bettageri-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.445, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kalhalli Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.420, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.53.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Halawadi Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.421, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.45.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hankunti-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.422, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Katarki West-5 Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.423, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.43.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yattinahatti Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.424, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gondabalu Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.425, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Adavalli-1 Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.426, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mellikeri-1 Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.427, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mundrigi Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.428, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mokadampur-2 Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.429, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde,. Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgir Rf-6 Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.430, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde,. Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mundal-2 Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.431, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.43.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde,. Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mailapur Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.432, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hosur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.407, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Muddapalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.408, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.47.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Ballary-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.409, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Sidganhalli-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.410, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Niranjana. K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Belanalu Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.411, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Sidganhalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.412, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gabbur-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.413, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Budagumpa-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.414, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.45.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gudigeri North-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.415, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Raghunathanahalli-1 Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppala Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.416, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.47.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kerehalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.417, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Adavalli-3 Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.418, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Belur-3 Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.419, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mokadampur-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.394, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Ghanapur-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.395, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.45.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yakehalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.396, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Arakera khurd-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.397, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Tatalageri-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.398, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chintalpalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.399, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Shivapur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.400, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgir Nala-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.401, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgir Rf-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.402, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.38.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mundal-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.403, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.47.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Rogalapur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.404, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Horanchi-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.405, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kinhalu Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.406, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.38.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Pirlagar-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.381, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nagarabundi-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.382, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chyamanahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.383, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nagalapur-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.384, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bamashettihalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.385, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nagarbundi-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.386, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Haligeri-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.387, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Haligeri-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.388, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.43.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kanakpura Hosalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.389, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgiri Rf-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.390, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nazarapur-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.391, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kukalawar-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.392, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chintakunta-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.393, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadalapur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.357, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bandehalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.358, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Ashanal-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.359, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgiri Rf-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.360, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.45.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Talak-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.361, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Paspol-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.362, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Talak-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.363, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Maskanahalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.364, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nagalapur-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.365, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.49.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Maskanahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.366, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nalla cheruvu Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.367, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yargol-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.368, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Malraddipalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.369, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yargol-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.370, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bachawar Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.371, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Buragapalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.372, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgiri Rf-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.373, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.49.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mavanahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.374, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Horanchi-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.373, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Koyalur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.376, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgiri Nala-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.377, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Raisabad Hosalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.378, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Raisabad Hosalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.379, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2019). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Balachakra-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.380, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.38.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Yaragala (4D5B2H) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .99, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.99.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Yakehalli (4D5B1D) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .98, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.67.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Yadgir RF (4D5B1C) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .97, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.85.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Yadgir- (4D5B1I) Sub-watershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .96, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.89.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Turk Madhawar (4D2D6M) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .95, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.95.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Thanagunda (4D5B2M) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .94, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.91
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Shivapur (4D5B1B) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .93, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.87
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Shettigeri (4D5B1K) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .92, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.85.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Ramasamudram (4D5B1G) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .91, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.87.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Rachanahalli (4D5B1P) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .90, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.103.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Nagalapur (4D5B1M) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .89, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.93
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Mungal (4D5B1R) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ 88, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.63.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Motnahalli (4D5B1A) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .87, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.91.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Mothakapalli (4D5B4I) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS- LRI Atlas No.62 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.89.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Mokadampur (4D2D6A) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .85, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.89.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Malhar (4D5B1L) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .84, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.89.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Kollur (4D5B2I) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .83, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.59.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Kodlur (4D5B1S) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .82, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.87.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Kilankeri (4D5B1O) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .81, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.65.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Khanahalli (4D5B2L) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .80, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.89.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Kadechur (4D5B1Q) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .79, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.95.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Hattikuni (4D5B1E) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .78, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.89.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Haligeri (4D5B1J) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .77, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.91
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Hadagimadara (4D5B2K) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .76, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.89.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Gurmatkal (4D2D6D) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .75, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.91.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Gunjanur (4D2D6C) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .74, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.81.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Gopalapur (4D2D6B) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .73, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.71
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Duganur (4D5B4J) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .72, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.59.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Dharmapur (4D2D6F) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .71, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.87
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Chikka Alur (4D5B2A) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .70, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.93.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Chandaraki (4D2D6E) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .69, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.87.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Bewanahalli (4D5B1F) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .68, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.89.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Belagunda (4D5B1N) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .67, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.61.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Belagiri (4D5B1H) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .66, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.97.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Bandehalli (4D2D6O) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .65, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.99.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Ajalapur (4D2D6P) Subwatershed Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .64, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.91.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Tavaregere subwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,63. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P 103.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Tadkal (4D4A1V) Sub-watershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .62, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.63.
- Rajendra Hegde., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Shivpur (4D3A9F) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .61, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.65.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Shapura (4D3A9D) subwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ, 60,ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.105.
- Rajendra Hegde., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Murlapura (4D4A2M) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .59., ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.97.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Maslapur subwatershed , Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ 58., ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.91.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Kinhalu subwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ 57., ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.93.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Kerehalli (4D3A9E) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ 56, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.101.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Kavalur (4D4A2P) subwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ ,55, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P 101.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Katarki (4D4A2R) subwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ, 54, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.97.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Katagihalli (4D3A9R) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ.53, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.95.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Karkihalli (4D4A1Z) subwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ, 52, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.105.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Kalakeri (4D4A1S) subwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ, 51.ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.103.
- Rajendra Hegde., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Irakallaguda (4D4A1R) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .50, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.109.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Indargi (4D3A9A) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .49, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.103.
- Rajendra Hegde., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Hire Shindhogi (4D4A1W) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .48, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.105.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory a for watershed planning and development of Hire Benakal (4D3A9I) subwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,47, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.69.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Haligeri (4D4A1T) subwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,46, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.105.
- Rajendra Hegde., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Hale kumta (4D3A9G) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .45, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.87.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Gudigere (4D4A2N) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ 44, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.91.
- Rajendra Hegde., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Ginigera (4D3A9C) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .43, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.109.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Ganganal (4D3A9N) subwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,42. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.93.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Chukkanakallu (4D4A1Y) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .41, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
- Rajendra Hegde., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Chik Bamanhal (4D3A9O) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .40, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.87.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Chenduru (4D4A1Q) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .39, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.83.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Bhanapur (4D4A1U) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .38, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.99.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Bhagyanagar (4D4A1X) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .37, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.103.
- Rajendra Hegde., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Bettageri (4D4A2Q) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .36 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.93.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory a for watershed planning and development of Bannikoppa (4D4A2O) subwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,35. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.79.
- Rajendra Hegde., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P,Chandran (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nilogal (4D4A3G) Subwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ.34, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.93.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P.Chandran (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gopalapur (4B3E2E) Subwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ.34, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.97.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory a for watershed planning and development of Anekatte (4D3D8G) subwatershed, Chikkanayakanahalli Taluk and Tumakuru District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,32. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.99.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.M. Nair, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and P.Chandran (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Belhatti (4D4A3I) Sub-watershed, Shirhatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ.31, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.99.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Sonath subwatershed, Gulbarga Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,30 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.73.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory a for watershed planning and development of Bangihalli (4B3D3N) subwatershed, Gubbi Taluk and Tumakuru District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,29. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.69.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Adki subwatershed, Sedum Taluk and Kalaburagi District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,28 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.61.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Kanakvad (4D4A3j) Subwatershed, Gadag Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ, 27.ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.69.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Haligeri (4D4A1T) subwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,46, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.105.
- Rajendra Hegde., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Hale kumta (4D3A9G) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .45, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.87.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Gudigere (4D4A2N) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ 44, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.91.
- Rajendra Hegde., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Ginigera (4D3A9C) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .43, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.109.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Ganganal (4D3A9N) subwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,42. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.93
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Chukkanakallu (4D4A1Y) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .41, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
- Rajendra Hegde., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Chik Bamanhal (4D3A9O) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .40, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.87.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Chenduru (4D4A1Q) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .39, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.83.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Bhanapur (4D4A1U) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .38, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.99.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Bhagyanagar (4D4A1X) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .37, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.103.
- Rajendra Hegde., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Bettageri (4D4A2Q) Subwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ .36 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.93.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory a for watershed planning and development of Bannikoppa (4D4A2O) subwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,35. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.79.
- Rajendra Hegde., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P,Chandran (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nilogal (4D4A3G) Subwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ.34, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.93.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P.Chandran (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gopalapur (4B3E2E) Subwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ.34, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.97.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory a for watershed planning and development of Anekatte (4D3D8G) subwatershed, Chikkanayakanahalli Taluk and Tumakuru District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,32. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.99.
- Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.M. Nair, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and P.Chandran (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Belhatti (4D4A3I) Sub-watershed, Shirhatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ.31, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.99.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Sonath subwatershed, Gulbarga Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,30 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.73.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory a for watershed planning and development of Bangihalli (4B3D3N) subwatershed, Gubbi Taluk and Tumakuru District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,29. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.69.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Adki subwatershed, Sedum Taluk and Kalaburagi District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,28 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.61.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Kanakvad (4D4A3j) Subwatershed, Gadag Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ, 27.ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.69.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Shirhatti (4D4A3L) Subwatershed, Gadag Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ, 26.ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.63.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Mannur (4D5C5C) subwatershed, Afzalpur Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ, 25 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.79.
- Rajendra Hegde., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P.chandran (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Dummadri (4D5A3O) Subwatershed, Jewargi Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS&LUP Sujala SWS Publ.24, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.83.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Mudhol (4D5B4H) subwatershed, Sedum Taluk and Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,23, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.81.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. chandran (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Basavapur (4B3E2F) subwatershed Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ.22, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.95.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Chik Hangargi (4D5A3Q) subwatershed, Jewargi Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,21. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.79.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Kamalapur (4D5B8K) subwatershed, Gulbarga Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,20. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.83.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Invi subwatershed (4D5B3L), Chitapur Taluk and Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ, 19. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.81.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Padasavli (4D5C2E) subwatershed, Aland Taluk and Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,18. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.79.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Alur (4D5C2B) subwatershed, Aland Taluk and Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,17. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.77.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory a for watershed planning and development of Tyagatur (4B3D3R) subwatershed, Gubbi Taluk and Tumakuru District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,16. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.79.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory a for watershed planning and development of Pillahalli (4D3D7B) subwatershed, Gubbi Taluk and Tumakuru District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,15. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.79.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory a for watershed planning and development of Kibbanahalli (4D3D4L) subwatershed, Chikkanayakanahalli Taluk and Tumakuru District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,14. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.79.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Hosur (4D5C5A) subwatershed, Afzalpur Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ, 13 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.61.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Mulkod (4D5B8Z) Subwatershed, Chitapur Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka,” Sujala SWS Publ, 12. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.59.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Khairat (4D5C2A) subwatershed, Aland Taluk and Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,11. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.61
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. chandran (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hongahalli (4B3E2A) subwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District,Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ.10, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.73.
- Rajendra Hegde., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P.Chandran (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Shivapura subwatershed Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.9 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.73
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. chandran (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hangala (4B3E2G), Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ 8, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.73.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. chandran (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Annurkeri (4B3E2H), Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ.7, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.73.
- Rajendra Hegde., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P.Chandran (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kempahalla (4D5A3R) sub-watershed, Jewargi Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS&LUP Sujala SWS Publ.6, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.73
- Rajendra Hegde., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P.Chandran (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Halikher (4D5B7F) Subwatershed Gulbarga Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS&LUP Sujala SWS Publ.5, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.75.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P.Chandran (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Mattimadu (4D5B3K) Subwatershed, Chitapur Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS&LUP Sujala SWS Publ 4, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.75.
- Rajendra Hegde., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P.Chandran (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Halikher (4D5B7F) Subwatershed Gulbarga Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS&LUP Sujala SWS Publ.5, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.75.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P.Chandran (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Mattimadu (4D5B3K) Subwatershed, Chitapur Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS&LUP Sujala SWS Publ 4, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.75.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Matki (4D5C2C) subwatershed, Aland Taluk and Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,3. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.73.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Hullur (4D4A3F) Subwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ, 2. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.81.
- Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and P. Chandran (2019). “Land resource inventory for watershed planning and development of Hadgali (4D4A3O) Subwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala SWS Publ,1. .ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.81.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Sidganhalli3 (4D4A1R1c) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .601, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Indargi1 (4D3A9A1d) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .600, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Indargi3 (4D3A9A1b) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .599, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Indargi4 (4D3A9A1a) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .598, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Shahpura (4D3A9D2c) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .597, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Lachankeri (4D4A1Z1e Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .596, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Oddarahatti (4D4A1R2d) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .595, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Lingadahalli2 (4D3A9D2a) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .594, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Ginigera (4D3A9C1c ) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .593, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Chikka Alur2 (4D5B2A2c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .591, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Ramatirth (4D5B2A2a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .591, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Pogalapur-2 (4D5B1K1d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .587, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Kesapur (4D2D6E2b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .588, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf1 (4D5B1E2b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .589, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir 2 (4D5B2A1b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .590, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf2 (4D5B1C2c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .583, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf6 (4D5B1C2b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .584, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf4 (4D5B2H2b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .585, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Dupalli1 (4D2D6P1b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .586, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Chikka alur-1 (4D5B2A2b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .578, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yagapur Tanda-1 (4D5B2H1c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .579, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir-3 (4D5B2A1c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .580, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Nandepalli-3 (4D2D6C2c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .581, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Kotageri1 (4D5B1B2c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .582, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Wankasambar-2 (4D2D6M2c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .573, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Balachakra-2 (4D5B1M1c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .574, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Kotagi shahpur (4D5B1E2a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .575, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Turk madhawar-2 (4D2D6M1b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .576, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Ajalapur (4D2D6P2a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .577, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Belagunda-1 (4D5B1N1e) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .568, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Hire Anur-2 (4D5B1N1b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .569, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Kanchagarahatti (4D5B2M1b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .570, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Narayanpet-2 (4D5B1S1a ) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .571, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf2 (4D5B1E2c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .572, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy, M.K. Prakashanaik and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development of Gudigere North-4 (4D4A2N1b) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 560, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy, M.K. Prakashanaik and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development of Lakshmanpura- 1 (4D4A1U1b) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 561, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy, M.K. Prakashanaik and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development Laksmapura-3 (4D4A1U1d ) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 562, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy, M.K. Prakashanaik and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development Laksmapura-2 (4D4A1U1c) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 563, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy, M.K. Prakashanaik and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development Lambani Tanda (9A2e) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 564, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy, M.K. Prakashanaik and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development Gudigere North-3 (2N1c) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 565, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy, M.K. Prakashanaik and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development Hitnal (9D2d) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 566, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. B.A. Dhanorkar, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Alipur (4D5B2M1a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .567, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy, M.K. Prakashanaik and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development of Gudigere North-2_(1Y1c) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 551, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy, M.K. Prakashanaik and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development of Haligeri-5 (1T1c) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 552, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy, M.K. Prakashanaik and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development of Honahunasi (1S1a) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 553, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy, M.K. Prakashanaik and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development of Sidganhalli-2_(1R1g) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 554, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy, M.K. Prakashanaik and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development of Virapura-1_(1Q1d) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 555, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy, M.K. Prakashanaik and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development of Haligeri-5 (1T1c) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 556, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy, M.K. Prakashanaik and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development of Mundargi_(4D4A1Z1c) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 557, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy, M.K. Prakashanaik and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development of Chennahalu-1(4D4A1R2b) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 558, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy, M.K. Prakashanaik and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development of Chennahalu-2(4D4A1R2a) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 559, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy, M.K. Prakashanaik and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development of Mukkumpi-3 Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli ,Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 542, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.125.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Raghunathanahalli-2 (4D4A2M3a) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .543, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Sidganhalli-2 (4D4A1R1g) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .544, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.153.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Virapura-2_(4D4A1Q1e) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .545, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.143.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Kinhalu (4D4A1Q2e) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .546, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Indargi-2 (4D3A9A1c ) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .547, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Bhanapur (4D4A1U1a) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .548, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Bukanhatti-1(4D3A9O1b) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .549, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy, M.K. Prakashanaik and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development of Bukanhatti-2_(4D3A9O1a) Microwatershed, Irakallgada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 550, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Hosakanakapura (4D4A9C3c) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .500, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Kinhalu-1 (4D4A1S1f) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .535, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Kodadhalu (4D1A1R1f) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .536, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.139.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Lingadahalli-1 (9D2b) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .537, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.145.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Maglapur (4D4A1X2a) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .538, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Maslapur-2 (4D3A9P2b) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .539, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.139.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Mellikeri-1 (4D4A1Y2e) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .540, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.151.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Mukkumpi-1_(4D3A9I1d) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .541, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.145.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Chikkabagnalu (4D4A1Z1f) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .525, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Chukkanakallu-1 (4D4A1Y1b) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .526, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Gondabalu (4D4A1Y1g) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .527, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.147.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Hale kumta-1_(4D3A9G1b) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .528, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development Hanumanahatti (4D4A1R2e) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .529, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.151.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Hirebagnalu-4 (4D4A1Z2e) Microwatershed, Hitnal hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .530, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Honavalu-4 (4D4A1W1a) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .531, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Hosahalli-1 (4D4A1Y1e) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .532, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Hosahalli-2 (4D3A9F1c) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .533, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf-5(4D5B1C1D) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .516, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.119.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yagapur Tanda-2 (4D5B2H1b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .517, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.125.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yagapur (1D2c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .518, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yelawanti _(4D2D6E1a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .519, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Basavanthapur (4D5B2M1c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .520, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Bhimanahalli-2(1A2b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .521, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Belur-6 (2R2a) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .522, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Budisettinalu-2 (4D4A1S1d) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .523, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Budisettinahalu-1 (4D4A1S1e) microwatershed Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .524, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.145.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy, M.K. Prakashanaik and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development of Nagarabundi-1 (4D5B1M2d) Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 508, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Sankanur_(2H1a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ 509, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.125.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Shethalli-3_(1Q2c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .510, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.125.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Turk madhawar-3_(6M1a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .511, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf-1(4D5B1C1c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.512, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf-3 (2H2a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .513, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.123.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf-4 (1C1a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .514, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.127.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf-4_(4D5B1D2e) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.515, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.117
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Gudigeri North-5_(2N1a) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .498, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Hirebagnalu-1(1Z2c) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .499, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Katarki West-1(2R1f) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .500, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Handarki (4D5B1A2a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.501, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Holandgira_(4D5B2K2a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.502, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Kodlur (4D5B1S2a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.503, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.125.
Rajendra Hegde,Ramesh Kumar ,S.C.,K.V. Niranjana, S.Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A.Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019).“Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Kotagei-2(4D5B1B2d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.504, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Malhar-2 (1L2c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .505, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Mavanahalli-1_(4D5B1Q1d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.506, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh kumar S.C. K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Motanhalli_(1A2d)) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .507, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf-7_(1C2a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .487, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.115.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf-8_(1C1b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .488, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.199.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf_(1G1a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .489, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.116.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rs-1_(1l2g) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .490, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.117.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rs-2_(1I2c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .491, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir_(1l2f) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .492, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yakehalli-1_(1D2b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .493, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yakehalli-2 (1D2a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .494, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.115.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yargol-2_(2H2d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .495, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Buragapalli-1(6D1a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .496, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Chukkanakallu-2(1Y1a) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .497, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Samanapur-1 (1D2g) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .476, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Talak-1(2K1c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .477, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.144.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Talkal-2 (2K1d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .478, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Tumkur-2(1l2b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .479, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.127.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Wadanahalli_(2L2a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .480, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.145.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf-1_(2H1d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .481, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf-1_(2L1a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .482, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.125.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf-2 (2H1e) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .483, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf-2_(2L1b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .484, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf-2_(6A2c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .485, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.123.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf-2_(6D2b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .486, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Chintakunta-2_(1A1d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .465, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.125.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Hedagimadra_(2K2c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .466, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Khanahalli_(2L2b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .467, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Khanapur Hosalli-1(1A1b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .468, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Khanapur hosalli-2 (1A1c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .469, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Kyaspanahalli (2L2c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .470, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Mundal-1_(1I2d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .471, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Mundal-2_(1I2e) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .472, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Raisabad Hosalli-2_(1J1b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .473, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Raisabad Hosalli-3 (1J1a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .474, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Rogalapur (1J1g) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .475, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Belur-5 (2R2b) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .443, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Chikka Bidinahalu-2(1J2d) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .444, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.143.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Chikkashindhag-2_(1X2d) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .445, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Hire Bagnalu-2_(1Z2b) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .446, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Hire Wadarkal (9R1c) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .447, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.151.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Hirebagnalu-3_(1Z2d) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .448, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Hosahalli-2_(1Y1c) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .449, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Kidadhala-2 (9C1b) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .450, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.151.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Kunikeri 1(1Z1d) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .451, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Kunikeri Tanda-1_(1Z1a) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .452, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.145.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Kunikeri Tanda-2_(1Z1b) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .453, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.137.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Kunikeri-2_(1Z1g)) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .454, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Vadegenhalu_(1U2a) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .455, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.151.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Achala (2K1b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .456, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Arakera Buzurg (2K1a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .457, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Bachawar(1D2d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .458, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.117.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Bandehalli-1(1I1d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .459, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.127.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Bandehalli-2_(1I1e) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .460, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.143.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Banhatti_(2K2b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .461, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Belagera-2_(1D1e) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .462, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.215.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Bhimanahalli-1_(1A2c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .463, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Chintakunta-1(1A1a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .464, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Thanagunda Rs (4D5B2M2c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.412, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Thanagunda (4D5B2M2d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.413, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf-1 (4D5B2A1a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.414, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.119
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Mitta Tipadampalli (4D5B4I2d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.415, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Nachawar-2 (4D5B4J1c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS&LUP Sujala MWS Publ.416, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Nalla cheruvu (4D5B6D1c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.417, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Yadgir Rf-3 (4D5B1C2d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.418, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121 .
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Bhagyanagar-1 (4D4A1X1g) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .419, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Bhagyanagar-2 (4D4A1X1e) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .420, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Chikkashindhag-1(4D4A1X2c) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .421, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Devalapura-5 (4D4A1S2e Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .422, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.147.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Dombarahalli-1(4D4A1W2f) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .423, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.145
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Gunnahalli (4D4A1X2b) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .424, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Huvinahalu-(4D4A1Y1d) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .425, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.157
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Hyati-1(4D4A1Y2b) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .426, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.143
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Hyati-2(4D4A1Y2a) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .427, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Hyati-3 (4D4A1Y2c) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .428, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.139.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Kalakeri (4D4A1S2d) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .429, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.143.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Mellikeri-2(4D4A1Y2d) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .430, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Muddaballi_(4D4A1Y1f) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .431, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.145.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Naregallu-1 (4D4A1T2e) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .432, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.152.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Naregallu-2 (4D4A1T2d Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .433, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Naregallu-3_(4D4A1T2c) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .434, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.145.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Nirligi-1_(4D4A2Q4g) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .435, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.145.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Vojenahalli -1_(4D4A1X1c) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .436, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.151.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Vojenahalli-2 (4D4A1X1d) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .437, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Belanalu_(9C1a) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .438, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Belur-1(2R2f) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .439, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Belur-2(2R2e) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .440, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.147.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Belur-3(2R2d) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .441, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Belur-4(2R2c) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .442, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.143
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hasgal-1 (4D3A9N1d) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .372, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.147.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hasgal-2 (4D3A9N1b) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .373, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.147.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hire Bamanhal-1 (4D3A9O1e) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .374, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.143.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hire Bamanhal-2 (4D3A9O1d) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .375, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.139.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hire Bamanhal-3 (4D3A9O1c) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .376, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.147.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hire Sulikeri (4D3A9N2c) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .377, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.153.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hosur (4D3A9N1a) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .378, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.151.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Budihalu (4D4A1W2e) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .379, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.159.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gabbur-4 (4D3A9D1e) Microwatershed, Kasaba Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .380, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.151.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Haidarnagar (4D4A2Q2b) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .381,ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.150.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Handrahalu-2 (4D4A1V2c) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.382, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.139.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Handrahalu-3 (4D4A1V2b) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.383, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hatti-1 (4D4A2Q2a) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.384, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.143.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hire Shindhogi (4D4A1W1e) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .385, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.139.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Honavalu-3 (4D4A1W1b) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.386, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Jabbalgudda-2 (4D3A9I1c) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .387, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kanakapura-1 (4D3A9C3d) Microwatershed, Kasaba Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .388 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kerehalli-1 (4D3A9E2d) Microwatershed, Hitnal Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .389, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kerehalli-2 (4D3A9E2e) Microwatershed, Kasaba Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .390, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.147.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Jabbalgudda-1 (4D3A9I1b) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.391, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.127.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kalhalli (4D4A2M3d) Microwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.392, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.145.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kerehalli-3 (4D3A9E2c) Microwatershed Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.393, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kolur-1 (4D4A1U2b) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.394, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Bomashettihalli-2 (4D5B2M2a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS&LUP Sujala MWS Publ.395, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Belagunda-3 (4D5B1N1d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS&LUP Sujala MWS Publ.396, ICAR – NBSS LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Burgapalli-2 (4D2D6B1b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS&LUP Sujala MWS Publ.397, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Dhanda Cheruvu-1 (4D5B1B1e) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS&LUP Sujala MWS Publ.398, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.139
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Devarapalli-1 (4D5B4J1a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.399, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Devarapalli-2 (4D5B4J1b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.400, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.127
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Hosahalli-1 (4D5B1K1a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.401, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Hosahalli-2 (4D5B1K1b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.402, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.130
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Itkal-1 (4D5B4I2e) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.403, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Kakalawar-2 (4D5B4I2b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.404, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.125
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Malakapanapalli (4D5B2I1b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.405, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Malkapalli (4D5B4I2e) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.406, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Malraddipalli-1 (4D5B6E1d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.407, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Malreddipalli-2 (4D5B6E1c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.408, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Pogalapur-2 (4D5B1K1d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.409, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.127
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Shampurahalli (4D5B2I1a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.410, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137
Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land resource inventory and socio-economic status of farm households for watershed planning and development of Sudapur-1 (4D5B4J2b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICAR-NBSS &LUP Sujala MWS Publ.411, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yadalapur (5D5B1B1a) Microwatershed, Gurumitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.317, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yadgir Rf-2 (4D5B1F2b) Microwatershed, Gurumitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.318, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Danda Cheruvu-2 (4D5B1B1d) Microwatershed, Gurumitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.319, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Narayanapur (4D2D6D2a) Microwatershed, Gurumitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.320, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nazarapur-2 (4D2D6D2d) Microwatershed, Gurumitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.321, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Arakera khurd-1 (4D2D6B1a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.322, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Arakera Khurd-2 (4D2D6B1c) Microwatershed, Balichakra & Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.323, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.143.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yadgir Rf-1 (4D5B1F2a) Microwatershed, Gurumitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.324, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Ramasamudram-2 (4D5B1G1c) Microwatershed, Hatthakuni & Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.325, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Masknahalli-2 (4D5B1J2a) Microwatershed, Hatthakuni & Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.326, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.124.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chymanahalli-3 (4D5B1I1a) Microwatershed, Hatthakuni Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.327, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chyamanahlli-1 (4D5B1I1c) Microwatershed, Hatthakuni & Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.328, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bewanahalli (4D5B1F1c) Microwatershed, Gurumitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.329, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Ashanal-3 (4D5B1G2c) Microwatershed, Hatthakuni & Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.330, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Balachakra-1 (4D5B1M1d) Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.331, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Balachakra-1 (4D5B1O1b) Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.332, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bamashettihalli-1 (4D5B2M2b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.330, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Budar (4D2D6F1a) Microwatershed, Gurmitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.334, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chepata (4D5B4I2c) Microwatershed, Gurmitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.335, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chintalapali-2 (4D2D6A2e) Microwatershed, Gurmitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.336, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.119.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chintalapalli (4D2D6A1b) Microwatershed, Gurmitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.337, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.119.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chintalpalli-1 (4D2D6A2d) Microwatershed, Gurmitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.338, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Dantapur (4D2D6E2a) Microwatershed, Gurmitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.339, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.139.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kakalawar-1 (4D5B4I2a) Microwatershed, Gurmitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.340, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.127.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Khanapur Hosahalli-3 (4D5B1A1e) Microwatershed, Hatthakuni Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.341, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Mavanahalli-2 (4D5B1Q1c) Microwatershed, Sydhapur Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.342, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.145.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Mokadampur-1 (4D2D6A1f) Microwatershed, Gurmitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.343, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.143.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Mokadampur-2 (4D2D6A1e)Microwatershed, Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.344, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Muradihalli (4D2D6P1a) Microwatershed, Saidhapur Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.345, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nagalapur-1 (4D5B1M1e) Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.346, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nagalapur-3 (4D5B1M1b) Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.347, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nagarabundi-2 (4D5B1M2b) Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.348, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.143.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nagarabundi-3 (4D5B1M2a) Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.349, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.139.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Sudapur 2 (4D5B4J2a) Microwatershed, Gurmitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.350, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yargol-1 (4D5B2H2c) Microwatershed, Hatthakuni Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.351, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gajarkot1 (4D5B1B1b) Microwatershed, Gurmitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.352, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gajarkot2 (4D5B1B1c) Microwatershed, Gurmitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.353, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Ghanapur-1 (4D2D6B2a) Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.354, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.124.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gurmatkal (4D2D6D1d) Microwatershed, Gurmitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.355, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nazarapur 1 (4D2D6D2e) Microwatershed, Gurmitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.356, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.127.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yadgir Rf2 (4D2D6D2b) Microwatershed, Gurmitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.357, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hanumanahalli-2 (4D3A9C2a) Microwatershed, Koppal Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .358, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.157.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Katarki West 5 (4D4A1R1b) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .359, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Katarki West 6 (4D4A2R1a) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .360, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.123.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kesalapura-1 (4D4A2Q1e) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .361, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.143.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Mattur (4D4A2Q4e) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .362, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nirligi-2 (4D4A2Q4f) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .363, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Ragunathanahalli West-3 (4D4A2M4a) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli , Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .364, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Ragunathanahalli -1 (4D4A2M3b) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .365, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.153.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Katrahalli (4D4A1U2c) Microwatershed, Kasaba Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .366, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Tavaragere-2 (4D3A9 B2d) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .367, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Tavaragere (4D3A9D1a) Microwatershed, Kasaba Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .368, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Abbagiri Tanda-2 (4D3A9B1b) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .369, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.151.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Abbagiri Tanda-1 (4D3A9B1c) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .370, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gasaladoddi (4D4A1R1d) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .371, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.153.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Mainahalli (4D4A1W2a) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .295 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.139.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nelogi-1 (4D4A2Q2d) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 296 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Sidaganahalli-4 (4D4A1R1a) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .297 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Tigari-2 (4D4A2Q3f) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ. 298, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.143.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Tinnapur Tanda (4D3A9B1a) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .299 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.151.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yadgir Nala-2 (4D5B1E1b) Microwatershed, Hatthakuni Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.300, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.139.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Horanchi-2 (4D5B1E1d) Microwatershed, Hatthakuni & Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.301, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Horanchi-1 (4D5B1E1c) Microwatershed, Hatthakuni Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.302, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Himalapur (4D2D6A2a) Microwatershed, Gurumitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.303, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.123.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yadgir Rf-1 (4D2D6A2b) Microwatershed, Gurumitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.304, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Pirlagar-1 (4D5B1F1a) Microwatershed, Gurumitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.305, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yadgir Rf-3 (4D5B1F2c) Microwatershed, Hatthakuni & Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.306, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.117.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Paspol-2 (4D2D6B1d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.307, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.147.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Paspol-1 (4D2D6B1b) Microwatershed, Gurumitkal Yadgir & Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.308, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Turk Madhawar-1 (4D2D6M1c) Microwatershed, Balichakra & Konkala Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.309, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yadgir Rf-1 (4D2D6D2c) Microwatershed, Gurumitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.310, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Tatalgeri-2 (4D5B6A1c) Microwatershed, Gurumitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.311, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Tatalgeri-1 (4D2D6D1d) Microwatershed, Gurumitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.312, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yadgir Rf (4D2D6A1a) Microwatershed, Gurumitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.313, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.119
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Pirlagar-2 (4D5B1F1b) Microwatershed, Gurumitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.314, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Ramapur (4D5B1B2b) Microwatershed, Gurumitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.315, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Shivapur (4D5B1B2a) Microwatershed, Gurumitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.316, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.127.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chellari (4D3A9O2a) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .252, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.152.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chick sulikeri (4D3A9N2d) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .253, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.157.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Ashanal-2 (4D5B1G2b) Microwatershed, Hattakuni Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.254, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Ashanal-4 (4D5B1G2d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.255, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Belagiri-1 (4D5B1H1d) Microwatershed, Hattakuni Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.256, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Belagiri-2 (4D5B1H1e) Microwatershed, Yadgir & Hattakuni Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.257, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.123.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chyamanahalli-2 (4D5B1I1b) Microwatershed, Hattakuni Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.258, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Haligeri-2 (4D5B1J1f) Microwatershed, Yadgir & Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.259, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hattikuni (4D5B1E2d) Microwatershed, Hattikuni Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.260, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Honageri-2 (4D5B1H2b) Microwatershed, Hattakuni Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.261, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Koyalur (4D5B1J2d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.262, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Pogalapur-1 (4D5B1K1c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.263, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Ramasamudram-1 (4D5B1G1b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.264, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yaadahalli-1 (4D5B1E2f) Microwatershed, Hattakuni Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.265, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.127.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yaadahalli-2 (4D5B1E2e) Microwatershed, Hattakuni Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.266, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yadgir Nala-1 (4D5B1E1a) Microwatershed, Hattakuni Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.267, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.123.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yadgir Rf-1 (4D5B1H1a) Microwatershed, Hattakuni & Gurumitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.268, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yadgir Rf-2 (4D5B1H1b) Microwatershed, Hattakuni & Gurumitkal Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.269, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Ashanal-1 (4D5B1G2a) Microwatershed, Hattakuni & Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.270, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.139.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Honageri-1 (4D5B1H2a) Microwatershed, Hattakuni Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.271, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Mailapur (4D5B1J1d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.272, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.125.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Maskanahalli-1 (4D5B1J2b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.272, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Mundragi-1 (4D5B1H2e) Microwatershed, Yadgir & Hattakuni Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.274, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.133 .
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Mundragi-2 (4D5B1H2d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.275, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Mundragi-3 (4D5B1H2d) Microwatershed, Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.276, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Raisabad Hosalli-1 (4D5B1J1c) Microwatershed, Yadgir & Hattakuni Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.277, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.143.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Sutar Hosalli (4D5B1H1c) Microwatershed, Hattakuni Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.278, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.115.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Tumkur-1 (4D5B1I2a) Microwatershed, Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.279, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Warakanahalli (4D5B1J2c) Microwatershed, Yadgir Hobli, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.280, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Ballary-2 (4D3A9A2a) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .281, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bikkanahalli-1 (4D4A1W2b) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .282 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.151.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bisrahalli-2 (4D4A1W2c) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .283 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.159.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chilakmuki (4D4A1R1e) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .284 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.145
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Ganganal (4D3A9N2e) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .285 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Halawadi (4D4A2Q2c) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .286 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.147.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hanumanhalli -1 (4D3A9C2b) Microwatershed, Kasaba Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .287 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.153.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hattti (4D4A2M3c) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .288 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kanakapur-2 (4D4A1S1b) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .289 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kanakapur-1 (4D4A1S1c) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .290 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.145.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kanakapur-2 (4D3A9C3a) Microwatershed, Kasaba Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .291 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Katarki West-4 (4D4A2R1c) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .292 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.125.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kotakkanahalli-2 (4D3A9C2c) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .293, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kukanapalli-2 (4D3A9A2d) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .294 ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chanadrageri-1 (4D3A9Fab) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .252, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Ballary-1 (4D3A9A2b) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .250, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.153.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Raghunathanahalli west-2 (4D4A2M4c) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .241, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Timmapur-1 (4D3A9N2a) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .242, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.131.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Timmapur-2 (4D3A9N2b) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .243, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.145.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Adavalli -2 (4D4A2P3c) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .244, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.107.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Adavalli-3 (4D4A2P3d) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .245. ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Adavalli-4 (4D4A2P3e) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .256, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.121.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Arsinakeri (4D3A9N1c) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .247, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bachanahalli -2 (4D4A2Q3b) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .248, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.115.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bachanahalli-3 (4D4A2Q3c) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .249, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.105.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Raghunathanahalli west-1 (4D4A2M4b) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .240, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.118.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Haligeri-1 Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.230, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.135.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chikbamanhal (4D3A9O2b) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .231, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chikkakamanuru (4D3A9B2b) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .232, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Guddanahalli (4D3A9D1c) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .233, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.141
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Irakallaguda (4D3A9R2c) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .234, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.147.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kamanuru-1 (4D3A9B2a) Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .235, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.137.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kavalur east-1 (4D4a2P2a) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .236, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.125.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M. Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kavalur east-2 (4D4A2P2b) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .237, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.125.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kavalur east-4 (4D4A2P2d) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .238, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.117.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kalavalur east -6 (4D4A2P2f) Microwatershed ,Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ .239, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.129.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Shethalli-2 Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.229, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.117.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M. Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gopalagiri Colony-2 Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk and Chamrajangar District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.219, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.97
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M. Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hanumantharayanagudda-2 Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk and Chamrajangar District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.220, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.101.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M. Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hongahalli-2 Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk and Chamrajangar District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.221, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.109
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M. Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kalagatahundi-1 Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk and Chamrajangar District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.222, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.105.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Maddur-1 Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk and Chamrajangar District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.223, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.101.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Maddinahundi Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk and Chamrajangar District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.224, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.109.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Lakkipur-1 Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk and Chamrajangar District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.225, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.113.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kalagatahundi-2 Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk and Chamrajangar District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.226, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.97
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Shethalli-1 Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.227, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.101.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Shethalli-1 (1Q2b) Microwatershed, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.228, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.85.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M. Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bachanahalli-2 Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk and Chamrajangar District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.218, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.97
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Daddegallu-3 Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.208, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.99.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Daddegallu-4 Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.209, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.97
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Daddegallu-1 Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.210, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.125.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gabbur-1 Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.211, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.111.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Halavarti Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.212, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.105.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Halhalli Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.213, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.119
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hatti-3 Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.214, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.109.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kidadhala-1 Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.215, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.111.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kotakkanahalli-1 Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.216, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.109..
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bachanahalli-1 Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk and Chamrajangar District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.217, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.107
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Ballary-3 Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.207, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.123.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Abbagere Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.206, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.113.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Bhaskar, B.P. Rajendra, Hegde, Lalitha, M, B.P.LakshmiKantha, Sunil Maske, Shivakumar Magada, Prakashanaik, M.K., Rajendra, D and Singh, S.K., (2018). “Assessment of Soil Health Status for doubling Farmer’s Income in Dharegudde village, Mangalore Taluk in Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka”, Report No.07, ICAR – NBSS&LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.37.8
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., B.P. Bhaskar Rajendra Hegde, Lalitha, M, B.P.LakshmiKantha, Sunil Maske, M.V. Ravi, Prakashanaik, M.K., Rajendra, D and S.K. Singh (2018). “Assessment of Soil Health Status for doubling Farmer’s Income in Jakkaladinne village, Manvi Taluk in Raichur district of Karnataka”, Karnataka Agriculture Price Commission Report No.08, ICAR – NBSS&LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.35.9
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., B.P. Bhaskar Rajendra Hegde, Lalitha M. B.P.LakshmiKantha, Sunil Maske, Sukanya T.S, Mamatha B, Govinda Gowda V., Prakashnaik M, Rajendra D, and S.K. Singh (2018). “Assessment of Soil Health Status for doubling Farmer’s Income in Hullukatte village, Tiptur Taluk in Tumkur district of Karnataka”, Karnataka Agriculture Price Commission Report No.09, ICAR – NBSS&LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.41.
Kalaiselvi. B, Rajendra Hegde, K.S. Anil Kumar, S. Dharumarajan, R. Vasundhara, M. Lalitha, S. Srinivas, S.C. Ramesh Kumar, K.M. Nair and S.K. Singh. 2018. Land Resource Inventory in selected Sujala watersheds of Chikmagalur district, Karnataka for optimal agricultural land use planning using geospatial techniques. NBSS&LUP Tech. Bull. 1113. P. 118.
Dharumarajan, S., Phillipe Lagacherie, Rajendra Hegde and S.K.Singh. 2018. Digital soil mapping concepts and Applications- Manual. NBSS&LUP technical Bulletin No. 63Pp
Rajendra Hegde, R. 2018. Land Resources information for enhancing efficiency and sustainability of FPOs in Karnataka. In “Farmer organizations: status and prospects” Ed. S. Ayyappan, Letha Devi and Srinath Dixit, Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi, pp. 165.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., B.P. Bhaskar Rajendra Hegde, Lalitha M, B.P.LakshmiKantha, Sunil Maske, K. Thulasiram, Raghunatha Reddy R. L, Prakashanaik, M.K., Rajendra, D and S.K. Singh (2018). “Assessment of Soil Health Status for doubling Farmer’s Income in Bayappanahalli village, Kolar Taluk and District of Karnataka”, Karnataka Agriculture Price Commission Report No.06, ICAR – NBSS&LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.33.
Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.352, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgiri Rf-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.353, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Narayanpet-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.354, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgiri Rf-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.355, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Sudapur-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.356, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.38.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., B.P. Bhaskar Rajendra Hegde, Lalitha, M, B.P.Lakshmi Kantha, Sunil Maske, Kantharaju.V, S. Varadh, R.Salimath Prakashanaik, M.K., Rajendra, D and S.K. Singh (2018). “Assessment of Soil Health Status for doubling Farmer’s Income in Madavala village, Gokak Taluka, Belagavi district of Karnataka”, Report No.02, CAR – NBSS&LUP, RC, Bangalore ,. pp.39
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., B.P. Bhaskar Rajendra Hegde, Lalitha, M B.P.LakshmiKantha, Sunil Maske, Onkarappa S, S. Salimath, Prakashanaik, M.K., Rajendra, D and S.K. Singh (2018). “Assessment of Soil Health Status for doubling Farmer’s Income in Sidlaihanakote village, Hiriyur Taluk in Chitradurga District of Karnataka”, Report No.03, ICAR – NBSS&LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., B.P. Bhaskar Rajendra Hegde, Lalitha M, B.P.LakshmiKantha, Sunil Maske, Raju.G.Teggelli, Maruthi, Prakashanaik, M.K., Rajendra, D and S.K. Singh (2018). “Assessment of Soil Health Status for doubling Farmer’s Income in Tellur village, Aland Taluk in Kalaburagi District of Karnataka”, Karnataka Agriculture Price Commission Report No.04, ICAR – NBSS&LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.33
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., B.P. Bhaskar Rajendra Hegde, Lalitha, M, B.P.LakshmiKantha, Sunil Maske, Ashoka. P., Prakashanaik, M.K., Rajendra, D and S.K. Singh (2018). “Assessment of Soil Health Status for doubling Farmer’s Income in Khurdhaveerapura village, Byadgi Taluk in Haveri District of Karnataka”, Karnataka Agriculture Price Commission Report No.05, ICAR – NBSS&LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mundragi-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.344, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bamashettihalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.345, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Honageri-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.346, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nandepalli-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.347, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Balachakra-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.348, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nagalapur-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.349, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgiri Rf-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.350, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gajarakot-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.351, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Ghanapur-2
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgir Rf-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.336, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar. B. A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Sowrashtrahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.337, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.46.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Honageri-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.338, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Budar Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.339, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chintalpalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.340, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Devarapalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.341, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B. A. Dhanorkar, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Banhatti Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.342, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Achala Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.343, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Pogalapur-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.335, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Belur-6 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.327, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana.K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chikkashindhag-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.328, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.46.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Katarahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.329, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hale Kumta-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.330, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kavalur East-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.331, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana.K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chukkanakallu-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.332, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Virapura-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.333, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgir Rf-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.334, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana.K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Koluru-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.318, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana.K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Virapura-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.319, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana.K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Vadagenhalu Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.320, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana.K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mellikeri-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.321, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana.K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chukkanakallu-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.322, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana.K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hyati-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.323, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana.K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Maglapur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.324, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Katarahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.325, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.50.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana.K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hatti Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.326, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hosakanakapura Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.306, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kotakkanahalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.311, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kidadhala-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.312, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hire Sulikeri Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.313, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana. K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Vojenahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.314, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.43.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Daddegallu-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.315, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana. K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gabbur-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.316, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.46.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana.K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hyati-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.317, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Sutar Hosalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.301, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.38.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hatti-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.302, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana.K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Daddegallu-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.303, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Daddegallu-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.304, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.36.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mattur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.305, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kanakapura-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.306, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.52
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana,K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Tavaregere-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.307, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kotakkanahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.308, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.46.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana.K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Halavarti Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.309, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana.K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Naregallu-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.293, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.43.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Adavalli-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.294, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana.K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Honavalu-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.295, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.45.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Honavallu-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.296, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mattur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.297, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mukkumpi-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.298, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana.K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hatti-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.299, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.38.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Pogalapur-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.300, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Haligeri-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.284, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kunikeri Tanda-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.285, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde,. Niranjana K. V, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Adavalli-5 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.286, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.45.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde,. Niranjana K. V, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kavalur East-6 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.287, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde,. Niranjana K. V, Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kavalur East-5 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.288, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.38.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana.K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Ragunathanahalli west-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.289, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.45.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Haligeri-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.290, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.43.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hatti-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.291, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hanumanahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.292, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.46.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Sudapur-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.276, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Devarapalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.277, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Wadanahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.278, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Malakapanahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.279, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yagapur Tanda-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.280, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yaadahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.281, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Sidganahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.282, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kinhalu-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.283, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bewanahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.268, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A.., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Ramasamudram-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.269, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chintalapalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.270, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.36.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Shahpura Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.271, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.36.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Dandacheruvu-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.272, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgir Rf-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.273, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgir Rf-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.274, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Raisabad Hosalli-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.275, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar.B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgir Rf-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.259, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gabbur-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.260, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.46.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kerehalli-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.261, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Malraddipalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.262, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.38.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar.B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nachawar-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.263, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kyaspanahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.264, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.38.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar.B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yadgiri Rf Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.265, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Khanahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.266, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.36.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A.., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Narayanpur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.267, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.46.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kesalapur-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.250, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.45.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hire Bamanhal-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.251, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.38.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hire Bamanhal-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.252, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hire Bamanhal-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.253, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kerehalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.254, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Danakanadoddi-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.255, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hire Baganalu-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.256, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.46.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gurmatkal Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.257, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjan, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hirebaganalu-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.258, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bikkanahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.240, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.53.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mainhalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.241, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Raghunathanahalli West-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Develop-ment, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.242, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.49.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chikbamanhal Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.243, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.46.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bellary-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.244, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.47.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hadagimadara Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.245, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Belagiri-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.248, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Budisettinahalu-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.249, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.38.
Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.231, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Alawandi-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.232, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.52.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Huvinhalu Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.233, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.49.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Katarki West-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.234, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B. A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Tumkur-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.235, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mukkumpi-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.236, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.43.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chyamanahalli-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.237, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hanumanahatti Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.238, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Jabbalgudda-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.239, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kukanapalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.231, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chandrageri-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.223, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.45.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chilkamuki Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.224, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nageshanahalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.225, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.45.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gabbur-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.226, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.56.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Maslapura-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.227, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.49.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Timmapur-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.228, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chellari Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.229, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.40.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Jabbalgudda-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.230, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.45.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Belur-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.214, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.50.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Heganagera-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.215, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.45.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chik Sulikeri Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.216, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.42.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Belur-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.217, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.51.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kodadahala Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.218, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.46.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hosahalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.219, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.54.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hosahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.220, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gosaldoddi Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.221, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.48.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Dombarahalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.222, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.49.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanokar.B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2017). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Khanapur Hosalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.197, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Budagumpa-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.198, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.55.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Haidarnagar Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.199, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.47.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2017). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Abbagiri Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.200, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.49.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kanakapur-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.201, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kunikeri tanda-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.202, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.43.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Haidarnagar Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.203, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.47.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Timmapura-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.204, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.56.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Halhalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.205, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.49.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Naregalla-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.189, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.47.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chikkabagnalu Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.190, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.49.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bisrahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.191, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.57.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Danakanadoddi-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.192, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.49.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B. A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bandehalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.193, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.45.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B. A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hattikuni Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.194, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bachanahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.195, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.49.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Handrahalu-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.196, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.48.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Irakallaguda Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.172, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.51.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kamanuru-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.173, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.50.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B. A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Shethalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.174, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.50.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hire Bagnalu-1 Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.175, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.49.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Naregallu-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.176, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.38.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Abbigeri Tanda-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.177, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.48.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Tigari-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.178, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.48.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hyati-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.179, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.41.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kanakapur-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.180, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.54.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B. A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gadadahadagi-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.181, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bachanahalli-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.182, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.46.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hireshindhogi Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.183, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.60.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chikkasindhogi-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.184, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.57.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Vojenahalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.185, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.47.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kalakeri Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.186, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.52.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Ballary-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.187, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.39.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gunnahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.188, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.53.
S.K. Singh, V. Ramamurthy, S. Chattaraj, B. Dash, P. S. Butte, A.P. Nagar, D.S. Mohekar, A. Daripa and R.P. Sharma (2018). Agricultural Land Use Planning- Goa. NBSS Publ. No. 177, ICAR–NBSS&LUP, Nagpur p.103.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Allanagara Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.144, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.44.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Oddarahatti Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.145, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.51.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Abbigeri tanda-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.146, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.58.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Budihalu Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.148, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.51.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nelogi-1 Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.149, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.49.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K., (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kanikal-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.153, ICAR – NBSS&LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.37.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Ramapura-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.156, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Sambar-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.157, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.36.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Dadal Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.158, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Saidhapur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.159, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B. A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bhimanahalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadagiri Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.160, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.49.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Shethalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.161, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.34.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Balched Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.162, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Guralgunta Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.163, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kyatanal Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.164, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Narayanpet-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.165, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Totlur-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.166, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Totlur-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.167, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kilankeri-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.168, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.34.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Narayanpet-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.169, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Sambar-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.170, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.34.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Niranjana, K.V., Srinivas, S, M.K., Prakashanaik, and Singh, S.K (2018). “Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Lachankeri Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.171, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.38.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kanekal-3 Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.172, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.101
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kanekal-4 Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.173, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.113
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kanikal-1 Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.174, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.111
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kilankeri-2 Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.175, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.103
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kyatanal Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.176, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.107
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nagalapur-2 Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.177, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.109
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nilahalli-2 Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.178, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.113
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nilahalli-3 Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.179, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.107
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Rampura-1 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.180, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.113
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Rampura-2 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.181, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.115
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Saidapur Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.182, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.107
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Sambar-1 Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.183, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.111
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Shethalli-2 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.184, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.105
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Wankasambar-3 Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.185, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.113
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Badal Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.186, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.99
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bandehalli-1 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.187, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.109
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bandehalli-2 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.188, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.119
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bandehalli-3 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.189, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.117
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bandehalli-4 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.190, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.105
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Dupalli-3 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.191, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.101
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Godadahadagi-1 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.192, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.99
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Godadahadagi-2 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.193, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.99
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Heganagera-2 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.194, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.97
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kondapur Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.195, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.91
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Mavanahalli-3 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.196, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.95
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nagaraladoddi-2 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.197, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.95
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Narayanpet-1 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.198, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.99
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Narayanpet-1 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.199, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.105
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Narayanpet-3 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.200, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.107
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Sambar-2 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.201, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.107
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Sowrashtrahalli Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.202, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.121
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Totlur-2 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.203, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.111
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Totlur-3 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.204, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.113
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Wankasambara-1 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.205, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.111
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, K.M. Nair, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Harve 1 (4B3E1G2d) Micro watershed, Chamarajanagar taluk & district, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.602, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.89.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, K.M. Nair, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Harve 2 (4B3E1G2c) Micro watershed, Chamarajanagar taluk & district, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.603, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.89.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, K.M. Nair, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Ketanapura (4B3E1G2e) Micro watershed, Chamarajanagar taluk & district, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.604, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.89.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Honavalu-2 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.156, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.105
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kamanuru-2 Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.157, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.107
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Katarki West-2 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.158, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.95
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Katarki West-3 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.159, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.97
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nageshanahalli-1 Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.160, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.109
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nageshanahalli-2 Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.161, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.99
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Balched Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.162, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.111
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Belagunda-2 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.163, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.97
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bhimanahalli-1 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.164, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.91
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bhimanahalli-2 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.165, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.91
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Ghanapur-2 Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.166, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.95
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gopalapur Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.167, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.107
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Goudagera Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.168, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.103
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Guralgunta Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.169, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.115
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kadechoora Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.170, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.97
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kanekal-2 Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.171, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.105
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Allanagara Microwatershed, Kasaba Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.123, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.101.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chilavadgi-1 Microwatershed, Kasaba Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.124, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.117.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bannikoppa-6 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.125, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.93
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Alavandi -1 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.126, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.101
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Alawandi-2 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.127, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.101
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chilayadgi-2 Microwatershed, Koppal Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.128, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.115
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Daddegallu-2 Microwatershed, Koppal Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.129, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.97.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gudigere-1 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.130, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.97.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gudigere-2 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.131, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.89
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gudigere-3 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.132, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.99.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gudigere-4 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.133, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.99.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Haligeri-2&3 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.134, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.103
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Haligeri- 4 & 5 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.135, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.97
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Haligeri-1 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.136, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.107.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Handrahalu-1 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.137, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.105
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kavalur East-3 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.138, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.97
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kavalur East-5 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.139, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.99
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yattinahatti Microwatershed, Koppal Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.140, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.101.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Adavalli-5 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.141, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.103
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bettageri-1 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.142, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.101
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bettageri-2 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.143, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.103.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Budagumpa-1 Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.144, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.117
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Budagumpa-2 Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.145, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.113.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Danakanadoddi-1 Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.146, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.115.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Danakanadoddi-2 Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.147, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.115
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gabbur-2 Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.148, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.107
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gabbur-3 Microwatershed, Irakallagada Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.149, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.109
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gudigeri North-1 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.150, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.87
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gudigeri-5 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.151, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.97.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hankunti-2 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.152, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.99.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hatti-1 Microwatershed, Koppal Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.153, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.103.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hatti-2 Microwatershed, Koppal Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.154, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.109
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Honavalu-1 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.155, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.107
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gopanhalli-1 Microwatershed, Sedam Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.90, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.79
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gopanhalli-2 Microwatershed, Sedam Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.91, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.73.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Madhrai Microwatershed, Sedam Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.92, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.87.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Mustari South Micro watershed, Humnabad Taluk, Bidar District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.93, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.97.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Adavalli-4 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.94, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.91.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chik Hangargi-3 Microwatershed, Jewargi Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.95, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.77.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Balbatti-4 Microwatershed, Jewargi Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.96, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.89.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kotanpalli Microwatershed, Sedam Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.97, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.83.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Sanganahalli Micro watershed, Gubbi Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.98, ICAR-NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.97.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Raipalli-2 Micro watershed, Humnabad Taluk, Bidar District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.99, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.87
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Pinnenahalli Micro watershed, Gubbi Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.100, ICAR-NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.101
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Balbatti-5 Microwatershed, Jewargi Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.101, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.77.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hongahalli-4 Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.102, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.115.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chik Hangargi-4 Microwatershed, Jewargi Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.103, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.81
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kadenhalli Micro watershed, Chikkanayakanahalli Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.104, ICAR-NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.119.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kallenahalli Micro watershed, Chikkanayakanahalli Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.105, ICAR-NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.123.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kallupalya Micro watershed, Gubbi Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.106, ICAR-NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.101
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Adavalli-1 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.107, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.99
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Karahalli Micro watershed, Chikkanayakanahalli Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.108, ICAR-NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.115.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Khurgunta-2 Micro watershed, Sedam Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.109, ICAR–NBSS&LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.79.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Madkal Micro watershed, Sedam Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.110, ICAR–NBSS&LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.91.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Adavalli-3 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.111, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.87.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Muganahunse Micro watershed, Gubbi Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.112, ICAR-NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.99.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kurubarahalli Micro watershed, Chikkanayakanahalli Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.113, ICAR-NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.117.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Marasandra Micro watershed, Chikkanayakanahalli Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.114, ICAR-NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.115
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nagenahalli Micro watershed, Chikkanayakanahalli Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.115, ICAR-NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.105.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, K.M. Nair, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kethahalli Micro watershed, Chamarajanagar taluk & district, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.116, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.89.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Narayanpet-2 Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.117, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.93.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Ranganahalli Micro watershed, Gubbi Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.118, ICAR-NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.109.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Sanabanahalli Micro watershed, Gubbi Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.119, ICAR-NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.103.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Sompalli Micro watershed, Sedam Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.120, ICAR–NBSS&LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.89.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Adavalli-5 (2O3d) Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.121, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.99
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Devihal-2 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.47, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.93.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Devihal-3 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.48, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.93.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Devihal-4 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.49, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.95.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hullur-2 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.50, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.93.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Belhatti-5 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.51, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.97.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Dimal-2 Microwatershed, Afzalpur Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.52, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.83.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kirinala-2 Microwatershed, Afzalpur Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.53, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.75.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Mormanchi Micro watershed, Gulbarga Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.54, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.83.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Dharjamga-2 Microwatershed, Gulbarga Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.55, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.85.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Dharjamga-3 Microwatershed, Gulbarga Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.56, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.87.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kamalapur Tanda Microwatershed, Gulbarga Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.57, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.89.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Margutti Microwatershed, Gulbarga Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.58, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.85.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kinhi Micro watershed, Gulbarga Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.59, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.87.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nelkud-1 Micro watershed, Gulbarga Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.60, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.79.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Sonath Micro watershed, Gulbarga Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.61, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.81.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Tonsanhalli-2 Microwatershed, Chitapur Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.62, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.77.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Adki Micro watershed, Sedam Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.63, ICAR–NBSS&LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.85.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Somanahalli Micro watershed, Chikkanayakanahalli Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.64, ICAR-NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.105.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Navule Micro watershed, Chikkanayakanahalli Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.65, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.121.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Babulgaon -2 Micro watershed, Humnabad Taluk, Bidar District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.66, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.93.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Karanji Khurd Micro watershed, Humnabad Taluk, Bidar District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.67, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.85.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Babulgaon-1 Micro watershed, Humnabad Taluk, Bidar District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.68, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.89.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Machinahalli-1 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.69, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.91.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kirinala-3 Microwatershed, Afzalpur Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.70, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.79.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Dargah-3 Microwatershed, Chitapur Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.71, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.77.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Mannur-2 Microwatershed, Afzalpur Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.72, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.77.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Dummadri-4 Microwatershed, Jewargi Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.73, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.73.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Channamalllipura Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.74, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.119.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Maddenahalli Micro watershed, Gubbi Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.75, ICAR-NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.113.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Tonsanhalli-1 Microwatershed, Chitapur Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.76, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.81.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Indankal-3 Microwatershed, Chitapur Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.77, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.85.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gundagurti Microwatershed, Chitapur Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.78, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.85.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Mannur-1 Microwatershed, Afzalpur Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.79, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.71
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bidarched Microwatershed, Sedam Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.80, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.83
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chik Hangargi-2 Microwatershed, Jewargi Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.81, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.77.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Anekatte Micro watershed, Chikkanayakanahalli Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.82, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.123.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Seshagiriwadi Microwatershed, Afzalpur Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.83, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.79.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nallur Micro watershed, Gubbi Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.84, ICAR-NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.105.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nandihalli Micro watershed, Gubbi Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.85, ICAR-NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.107.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Adavalli-1 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.86, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.91.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kanekal-5 Microwatershed, Balichakra Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.87, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.103.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Adavalli-2 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.88, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.87.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Balbatti-3 Microwatershed, Jewargi Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.89, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.79.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017) “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chincholi Khurd -2 Microwatershed, Aland Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.8, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.81.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Matki-3 Microwatershed, Aland Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.9, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 87.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nirgudi-1 Microwatershed, Aland Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.10, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.83.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nirgudi-2 Microwatershed, Aland Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.11, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.89.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nirgudi West Microwatershed, Aland Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.12, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.83.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Padasavli-1 Microwatershed, Aland Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.13, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.85.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Padasavli-2 Microwatershed, Aland Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.14, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.87.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Padasavli-3 Microwatershed, Aland Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.15, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.95.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Belhatti-3 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.16, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.99.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Belhatti-4 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.17, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.95.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Belhatti-6 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.18, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.103.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Konchigeri Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.19, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.103.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kokkaragundi-3 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.20, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.97.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bijjur-1 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.21, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.101.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bijjur-2 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.22, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.95.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hosur-1 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.23, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.95.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Hosur-2 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.24, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.89.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Govankop-1 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.25, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.99.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Nilogal Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.26, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.99.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Honnegaudanahalli Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.27, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.109.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kaligaudanahalli Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.28, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.109.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Shivapura-1 Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.29, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.103.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Siddapura Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.30, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.103.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Kanivaihundi Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.31, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.107.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chilkadabetta-1 Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.32, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.107.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gopalagiri Colony-1 Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.33, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.109.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Gopalpur Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.34, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.101.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Dadal Microwatershed, Sydhapura Hobli, Yadgir Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.35, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.103.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bisarahalli-1 Microwatershed, Alavandi Hobli, Koppal Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.36, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.107.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Devarahalli Microwatershed, Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.37, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.107.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chikasavanur-1 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.38, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.93.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chikasavanur-2 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.39, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.93.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chikasavanur-3 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.39, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.105.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Dharjamga-1 Microwatershed, Gulbarga Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.41, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.89.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Bhimnalli Microwatershed, Gulbarga Taluk & District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.42, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.91.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Dargah-2 Microwatershed, Chitapur Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.43, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.83.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Belhatti-1 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.44, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.99.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yedrami-2 Microwatershed, Jewargi Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.45, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.89.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Devihal-1 Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.46, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. P.105.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2017), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Rantur Microwatershed, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.122, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.101.
S.K.Singh, V. Ramamurthy, S. Chattaraj, S. Srinivas, Rajendra Hegde and S. Chatterji (2017). Extent and distribution of fallow lands in Goa. NBSS Publ. No.173, p.264.
S.K.Singh, V. Ramamurthy, S. Chattaraj, Deepak Mohekar, P.S. Butte and Rajendra Hegde (2017). Land Resource Inventory-Goa on 1:10000 scale. NBSS Publ. No.175, ICAR–NBSS&LUP, Nagpur p.408.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Adavalli 1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.01, ICAR – NBSS&LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.26.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Adavalli 2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.02, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.26.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Adavalli 4Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.03, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore, p.28.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Adavalli 5 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.04, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.26.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gudigeri 1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.05, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.27.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gudigeri 2 Microwatershed for Watershed planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.06, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.26.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gudigeri 3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.07, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.27.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gudigeri 4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.08, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.26.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gudigeri 5 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.09, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gudigeri North 1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.10, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore, p. 26.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bisarahalli 1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.11, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Handrahalu 1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.12, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore.p.33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Honavalu 1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.13, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 38.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Honavalu 2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.14, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kanikal 1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.15, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 35.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kanikal 2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.16, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.30.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kanikal 3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Yadgir Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.17, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.34.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hosahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Chamarajanagar Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.18, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.50.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yelishirur-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Gadag Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.19, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.48.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mustari South Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Humnabad taluk, Bidar district, Karnataka”, Socio-Economic Report No.20, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chilkadabetta-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 21, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Harve-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Chamarajanagara Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.22, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 34.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Harve-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.23, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Shirol west-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.24, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yelishirur-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.25, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yelishirur-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning in Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 26, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Devarahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development of Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.27, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gopalagiri Colony-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gundlupet Taluk Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.28, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gopalagiri Colony-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.29, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gopalapur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.30, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hanumantharayanagudda-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.31, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Honnegaudanahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagar District Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.32, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kaligaudanahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gundlupet Taluk Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.33, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.31
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kanivaihundi Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.34, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 34.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Shivapura-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.35, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Siddapura Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.36, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.34.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bachanahalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.37, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bachanahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gundlupet Taluk and Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.38, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Channamallipur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.39, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hogahalli-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.40, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Honagahalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.41, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kalagatahundi-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.42, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.30.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kalagatahundi-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.43, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Lakkipuri-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagar district, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.44, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Maddinahundi Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.45, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 34.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Maddur-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gundlupet Taluk, Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.46, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Belhatti 5 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.47, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 30
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Belhatti-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.48, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chikasavanur-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.49, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chikasavanur-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.50, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Devihal-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.51, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Devihal-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.52, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Devihala-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.53, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Devihal-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.54, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 30.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hullur-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.55, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Machinahalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.56, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Rantur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.57, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Belhatti-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.58, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Belhatti-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 59, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 30.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Belhatti-6 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.60, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bijjur-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Shirahatti Taluk Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.61, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bijjur 2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Shirahatti Taluk Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.62, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hosur 1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Shirahatti Taluk Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.63, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Hosur-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.64, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kokkaragundi-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning, Development Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.65, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 30.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Konchigeri Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.66, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nilogal Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Shirahatti Taluk Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.67, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Dargah-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Chitapur Taluk and Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.68, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 27.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Dargah-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Chitapur Taluk and Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.69, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 27.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kethanapura Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Chamaraja-nagara Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.70, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kethahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Chamaraja-nagara Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.71, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 34.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chincholi Khurd-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Aland Taluk Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.72, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chincholi Khurd-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Aland Taluk and Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 73, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 30.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Matki-3 Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development Aland Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.74, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nirgudi West Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development Aland Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.75, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nirgudi-1 Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development Aland Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.76, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Padasavli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Aland Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 77, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Padasavli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Aland Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.78, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 27.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Padasavli-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Koppal Aland Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.79, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nirgudi-2 Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development Aland Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.80, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 28.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bidarched Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Sedam Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.81, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gopanhalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Sedam Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.82, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gopanhalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Sedam Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.83, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Khurgunta-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Sedam Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.84, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 26.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kotanpalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Sedam Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.85, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Madhrai Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Sedam Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.86, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Sompalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Sedam Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.87, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 27.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Madkal Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Sedam Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.88, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 26.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kadenhalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Chikkanayakanahalli Taluk, Tumkur District Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.89, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kallenahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Chikkanayakanahalli Taluk, Tumkur District Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.90, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Karahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Chikkanayakanahalli Taluk, Tumkur District Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.91, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kurubarahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Chikkana-yakanahalli Taluk, Tumkur District Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.92, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 30.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nagenahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Chikkanayakanahalli Taluk, Tumkur District Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.93, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 30.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Somanahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Chikkanayakanahalli Taluk, Tumkur District Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.94, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Marasandra Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Chikkanaya-nahalli Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.95, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Navule Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Chikkanayakana-halli Taluk and Tumkur District Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.96, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Anekatte Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Chikkanayakanahalli Taluk, Tumkur District Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.97, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.33.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Balbatti-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Jewargi Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 98, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 28.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Balbatti-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Jewargi Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 99, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Balbatti-5 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Jewargi Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 100, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 30.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chik Hangargi-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Jewargi Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 101, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 30.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chik Hangargi-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Jewargi Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 102, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 30.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chik Hangargi-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Jewargi Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 103, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Dummadri-4 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Jewargi Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 104, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Yedrami-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Jewargi Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 105, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 25.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Dharjamga-2 Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Gulbarga Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 106, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Dharjamga-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gulbarga Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 107, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 25.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mormanchi Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Gulbarga Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 108, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 28.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nelkud-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Gulbarga Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 109, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 28.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in sanoth-1-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gulbarga Taluk Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No 110, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 30.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Dimal-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Afzalpur Taluk and Gulbagra District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.111, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 28.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kirinal-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Afzalpur Taluk and Gulbagra District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.112, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 26.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kirinal-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Afzalpur Taluk and Gulbagra District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.113, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 25.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mannur-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Afzalpur Taluk and Gulbagra District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.114, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 25.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Sheshgiriwadi Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Afzalpur Taluk and Gulbagra District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.115, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.30.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Mannur-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Afzalpur Taluk and Gulbagra District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.116, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Bhimnalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Gulbarga Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 117, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Dharjamga-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Gulbarga Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 118, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A.Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kamalapur Tanda Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gulbarga Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 119, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 27.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kinhi Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Gulbarga Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 120, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Margutti Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Gulbarga Taluk and District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 121, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Kallupalya Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Gubbi Taluk Tumkur District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.122, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Maddenahall Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Gubbi Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.123, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Muganahunse Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Gubbi Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.124, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nullur Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Gubbi Taluk, Tumkur District Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.125, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 30.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Pinnenahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Gubbi Taluk and Tumkur District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.126, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.30
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Ranganahallii Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Gubbi Taluk and Tumkur District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.127, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Sanabanahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Gubbi Taluk and Tumkur District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.128, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Sanganahalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Gubbi Taluk and Tumkur District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.129, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 30.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Babulgaon-1 Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development Humnabad Taluk, Bidar District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 130, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 30.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Karanji Khurd Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Humnabad taluk, Bidar district, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.131, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 27.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Raipalli-2 Micro-watershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Humnabad Taluk, Bidar District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.132, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 30.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Babulgaon-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Humnabad taluk, Bidar district, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No. 133, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.27.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Nandihalli Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Gubbi Taluk, Tumkur District Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.134, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 31.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Shirunj Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Afzalpur Taluk and Gulbagra District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.135, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 32.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Indankal-3 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Chitapur Taluk Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.136, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 28.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Tonsanhalli-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Chitapur Taluk Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.137, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Tonsanhalli-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Chitapur Taluk Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.138, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Gundagurthi Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Chitapur Taluk Gulbarga District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.139, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 27.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanokar, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Adki Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development, Sedam taluk and Gulbarga district, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.140, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 28.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Govinkoppa-1 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Shirahatti Taluk Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.141, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p. 29.
Ramesh Kumar, S.C., Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, Srinivas, S, M.K Prakashanaik and Singh, S.K (2017). Socio-Economic Status of Farm Households in Chikasavanur-2 Microwatershed for Watershed Planning and Development Shirahatti Taluk and Gadag District, Karnataka, Socio-Economic Report No.142, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.31.
Ramesh Kumar S.C., Rajendra Hegde, B.P Bhaskar, Ramamurthy V, Srinivas, S, and Singh S.K (2017) “Land Suitability Mapping for Optimum Crop Plan based on Food Security Requirement of Karnataka” . Report 01,ICAR – NBSS & LUP. RC, Bangalore.pp 2001.
Chandrakala, M., Srinivasan, R, Anil Kumar, K. S., Nair, K. M., Sunil P. Maske, Ramesh Kumar, S. C., Srinivas, S., Rajendra Hegde and Singh, S. K (2017). Land Resource Inventory of Elamdesom block, Idukki district, Kerala on 1:10000 scale for optimal agricultural land use planning, using geo-spatial techniques. NBSS Publ. No.1049, NBSS&LUP, Nagpur, p1-128.
Dharumarajan, Ramamurthy, V, M. Lalitha, Ramesh Kumar, R. Vasundhara, L and S. K. Singh. 2017. Land Resource Inventory of Bukkarayasamudrum mandal of Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh on 1:10000 scale for optimal agricultural land use planning using geospatial techniques. NBSS&LUP technical Bulletin No 1105.
Natarajan, R.S. Reddy, K.V. Niranjana, Rajendra Hegde, R. Srinivasan, S. Dharumarajan, S. Srinivas and R. Vasundhra (2016) “Field Guide for Land Resource Inventory SUJALA III Project, Karnataka” NBSS Publ. ICAR-NBSS & LUP, Bangalore, 114p.
Srinivas, C.V. Srinivas, K.M. Nair, L.G.K. Naidu, Dipak Sarkar and S.K. Singh, 2016, A climatic water balance model ‘WatBal’ for bioclimatic classification and agro-climatic analysis. Eco. Env. & Cons. 22 (1), pp. (177-184)
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, K.M. Nair, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2016), “Scientific planning for watershed development – A case study of Hosahalli Micro-watershed, Harvehobli, Chamarajanagar taluk & district, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.1, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.68.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, K.M. Nair, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2016), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yelishirur-1 Microwatershed, Gadag Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.2, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.83.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, K.M. Nair, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2016), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yelishirur-3 Microwatershed, Gadag Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.3, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.87.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, K.M. Nair, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2016), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Shirunj Microwatershed, Gadag Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.4, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.87.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, K.M. Nair, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2016), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Shirol West-2Microwatershed, Gadag Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.5, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.85.
Rajendra Hegde, K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, K.M. Nair, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2016), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Yelishirur-2 Microwatershed, Gadag Taluk and District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.6, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.99.
Rajendra Hegde, B.A. Dhanorkar, S. Srinivas, K.M. Nair, K.V. Niranjana, R.S.Reddy and S.K. Singh (2016), “Land Resource Inventory for Watershed Planning and Development of Chincholi Khurd -1 Microwatershed, Aland Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka”, Sujala MWS Publ.7, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.9
Ramamurthy, V., L.G.K.Naidu, K.M.Nair, S.C.Ramesh Kumar, S.Srinivas, S.Thayalan, Dipak Sarkar, Arun Chaturvedi and S. K.Singh. (2015). District Land Use Planning, Mysore, Karnataka. NBSS Publ. No.169, 95pp.
Ramamurthy, V. and S. K. Singh (2015). Land Use Planning for important Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Karnataka. NBSS Publ. 1081, 22pp
Dharumarajan, M.Lalitha, R.Vasundhara, R.Balasubramanian, A. Natarajan, K. S. Anil Kumar, L.G.K Naidu, S.Thayalan, K.M.Nair and S.K.Singh (2015) Fallow Lands of Tamil Nadu- causes, effects and measures to arrest the march of fallows. NBSS&LUP technical Bulletin No 1106. 116Pp.
Ramamurthy. V., S.K.Singh, S.C.Ramesh Kumar, K.M.Nair, N.G.Patil and Shivappa Angadi (2015) Integrated Land Use Planning for enhanced tribal livelihood in H.D.Kote taluk of Mysore district, Karnataka. NBSS Publn. 1082,34
Natarajan, A., Selvi, V., Srinivas, S., Singh, D. V., Dharumarajan, S., Sikka, A. K., Naidu, L.G.K., Madhu, M., Sarkar, D., Mishra, P. K. 2013. Erosion of Tamil Nadu. NBSS&LUP, Nagpur Pub.No. 157.
Suitability of soil resources for major Horticultural crops in Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu. Special Report No. 130 (2011), Published by Nodal Officer (NADP 1.5), Soil Survey and land Use organization, Coimbatore-641013
Suitability of soil resources for major Horticultural crops in Cuddalore district, Tamil Nadu. Special Report No. 131 (2011), Published by Nodal Officer (NADP 1.5), Soil Survey and land Use organization, Coimbatore-641013
Suitability of soil resources for major Horticultural crops in Dharmapuri district, Tamil Nadu. Special Report No. 132 (2011), Published by Nodal Officer (NADP 1.5), Soil Survey and land Use organization, Coimbatore-641013.
Suitability of soil resources for major Horticultural crops in Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu. Special Report No. 133 (2011), Published by Nodal Officer (NADP 1.5), Soil Survey and land Use organization, Coimbatore-641013.
Suitability of soil resources for major Horticultural crops in Erode district, Tamil Nadu. Special Report No. 134 (2011), Published by Nodal Officer (NADP 1.5), Soil Survey and land Use organization, Coimbatore-641013.
Suitability of soil resources for major Horticultural crops in Krishnagiri district, Tamil Nadu. Special Report No. 135 (2011), Published by Nodal Officer (NADP 1.5), Soil Survey and land Use organization, Coimbatore-641013.
Suitability of soil resources for major Horticultural crops in Madurai district, Tamil Nadu. Special Report No. 136 (2011), Published by Nodal Officer (NADP 1.5), Soil Survey and land Use organization, Coimbatore-641013.
Suitability of soil resources for major Horticultural crops in Ramanathapuram district, Tamil Nadu. Special Report No. 137 (2011), Published by Nodal Officer (NADP 1.5), Soil Survey and land Use organization, Coimbatore-641013.
Suitability of soil resources for major Horticultural crops in Salem district, Tamil Nadu. Special Report No. 138 (2011), Published by Nodal Officer (NADP 1.5), Soil Survey and land Use organization, Coimbatore-641013.
Suitability of soil resources for major Horticultural crops in Sivagangai district, Tamil Nadu. Special Report No. 139 (2011), Published by Nodal Officer (NADP 1.5), Soil Survey and land Use organization, Coimbatore-641013.
Suitability of soil resources for major Horticultural crops in Theni district, Tamil Nadu. Special Report No. 140 (2011), Published by Nodal Officer (NADP 1.5), Soil Survey and land Use organization, Coimbatore-641013.
Suitability of soil resources for major Horticultural crops in Tirunelveli district, Tamil Nadu. Special Report No. 141 (2011), Published by Nodal Officer (NADP 1.5), Soil Survey and land Use organization, Coimbatore-641013.
Suitability of soil resources for major Horticultural crops in Trichy district, Tamil Nadu. Special Report No. 142 (2011), Published by Nodal Officer (NADP 1.5), Soil Survey and land Use organization, Coimbatore-641013.
Suitability of soil resources for major Horticultural crops in Virudhanagar district, Tamil Nadu. Special Report No. 143 (2011), Published by Nodal Officer (NADP 1.5), Soil Survey and land Use organization, Coimbatore-641013.
R.S.Reddy, L.G.K. Naidu, V.Ramamurthy, S.C.Ramesh Kumar, S.Thayalan (2008) Soil Resources of Chittoor District, (Andhra Pradesh) NBSS Publ. No. 1016
L.G.K.Naidu, Rajendra Hegde, V. Ramamurthy, S. Thayalan, S. Srinivas and K.V. Niranjana (2008). Soil resources of Ananthapur district (Andra Pradesh). NBSS report no. 1017.
S.Vadivelu, T.K.Sen, B.P.Bhaskar, U.Baruah, D.Sarkar, A.K.Maji and K.S.Gajbhiye.2004.Soil series of Assam.NBSS Publ.101, 229.
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Detailed soil survey in lagadwal /Nagaon villages of Dhule district, Maharashtra As a part of NAIP (Efficient land use-based integrated farming systems for rural livelihood security in Aurangabad, Dhule and Gondia Districts of Maharashtra)
Development of regional scale watershed plans and methodologies for identification of critical areas for prioritized land treatments in the watersheds of rainfed rice production system-CCPI
Land Use Planning for Management of Agricultural Resources (hill and Mountain Ecosystem)in Narang Kongripara Watershed , Meghalaya-CCPi
Reflettance libraries for development of soil sensors for periodic assessment of Soil Resources(NATP_MM_III-2) –Co-PI
Detailed soil survey of Malegaon Khurd, tehsil Baramati.
Reconnaissance Soil Survey, Mapping, Correlation and Classification of Wardha district(Maharashtra) for Land Use Planning
Progressive Reconnaissance Soil Survey in Seoni district of Madhya Pradesh
Geochemical characterization for reconstruction of physical and chemical properties of shrink-swell soils of Yavatmal district, Maharashtra
Reconnaissance Soil Survey in Yavatmal District
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- Kumari Sweta, S. Dharumarajan, Amar Suputhra, M. Lalitha, R. Vasundhara, B. Kalaiselvi, B.N. Shashi Kumar, A. Sathish , Rajendra Hegde. Transforming Soil Paradigms with Machine Learning. In: Reddy G.P.O., Raval M.S., Adinarayana J., Chaudhary S. (eds) Data Science in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management. Studies in Big Data, vol 96. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5847-1_12
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- Phaneendra Bhaskar, Rajendra Hegde, Sampura Chinnappa Ramesh Kumar and Venkataramappa Ramamurthy. (2020). Appraisal of Agricultural Lands for Irrigation in hot subhumid region of Jayakwadi Command Area, Parbhani District, Maharashtra, India. Handbook of Irrigation System Selection for Semi-Arid Regions on behalf of Taylor & Francis Group.
- Phaneendra Bhaskar, Rajendra Hegde, Sampura Chinnappa Ramesh Kumar and Venkataramappa Ramamurthy.(2020). Appraisal of Agricultural Lands for Irrigation in hot subhumid region of Jayakwadi Command Area, Parbhani District, Maharashtra, India. Handbook of Irrigation System Selection for Semi-Arid Regions on behalf of Taylor & Francis Group.
- Dharumarajan S, Veeramani S., Kalaiselvi B, Lalitha M., Janani N., Srinivasan R. and Rajendra Hegde. “Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Land Degradation and Desertification: Land Degradation and Climate Change.” Climate Change and Its Impact on Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones. IGI Global, (2019). 183-195. Web. 2 Mar. (2019). doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-7387-6.ch010.
- Bhaskar, B.P. and Raja, P. (2019).Basic Resource Survey for Watershed Planning and Development.Training manual on DST sponsored training programme on advances in integrated watershed management for rural livelihood, ed. By Raja, P., Rajan, K. and Kannan, K. on 12-23, November,(2018).
- Bhaskar, B.P. and Baruah, U.(2019). Development of Framework for the Assessment of Riverine Floodplain Wetland Inventory in Majuli Island, Assam, India.Harnessing wetlands for sustainable livelihood.ed. by Baruah, J., Deka, D. and Kaushik, P. Notion press.Chennai.pp.27-56.
- B.P.Bhaskar, S.C.Ramesh Kumar, Sunil Maske, Rajendra Hegde, M.Lalitha and B.P.Laxmikantha.(2020). Characterizing soils on granitic landscapes for agridevelopment in Shidlaiahnakote village of Chitradurga district, Karnataka..Current research in soil fertility.vol.2 edited by R.L.Ram. Akinki pub.Newdelhi. pp115-147
- B.P.Bhaskar, S.C.Ramesh Kumar, Sunil Maske, Rajendra Hegde, M.Lalitha and B.P.Laximikantha.(2020). Characterizing soils on granitic landscapes for agridevelopment in shidlaianakote village of chitradurga district, Karnataka accepted for publication in edited book entitled Current research trends in soil fertility . Vol.2.Reference N0 CTSSNo.02-07
- Bhaskar, B.P. and Raja, P.(2019). land resource inventory for watershed planning and development . Training manual : Advances in integrated watershed management for rural livelihood. Edited by.Raja, P, Rajan, K. and Kannan, K. ICAR-IISWRC, Ooty, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu.pp.33:57.
- B.P.Bhaskar and S.P.Maske. (2019).Geochemical Characterization of Laterite Associated Soils of East Coast Andhra Pradesh” is very well written and has been accepted for publication in edited book titled “Research Trends in Agriculture Sciences (Volume – 21). Ref. No: RTAS-21-05. AkiNik Publications,New Delhi
- Rajendra Hegde, R., and Ramesh Kumar. S.C., (2018). Land resources information for enhancing efficiency and sustainability of FPOs in Karnataka. In: Farmer organizations: status and prospects by S. Ayyapan, Leha Devi. G and Sreenath Dixit Satish. Serial Publishing House, Azadpur, Delhi-33. Pp. 127-146.
- Rajendra Hegde, R., Muddu, Sekhar, Niranjana, K.V., Dhanorkar, B.A., Srinivas, S. and Reddy R.S. (2018). Land resources inventory under Karnataka watershed development project-II (Sujala-III). Government of Karnataka publication, by Commissioner & Project Director, Sujala-III, Watershed Development Department, Government of Karnataka., Bangalore. 118p.
- Magan Singh, Sanjeev Kumar, Chandrakala M., Climate change, impacts and adaptation of fodder and forage crops. National group meet (Rabi: 2017-18) of AICRP on forage crops and utilization. UAS, Bangalore pp 34-40.
- Karthika, K.S., Rashmi, I and Parvathi, M.S. (2018). Biological functions, uptake and transport of essential nutrients in relation to plant growth. In: Hazanuzzaman et al (eds) Plant Nutrients and Abiotic stress tolerance, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-9044-8_1
- Ramamurthy, V. (2018) Soil-based land use planning: impacts on livelihood security. In: In: Geospatial technologies in Land resource Mapping, Monitoring and Management (Ed: G.P.Obi Reddy and S.K.Singh). Geo-technologies and the Environment, 21, Sringer International Publishing, pp:551-567.
- Ramamurthy,V. (2018) Trends in land resource management. In: Geospatial technologies in Land resource Mapping, Monitoring and Management (Ed: G.P.Obi Reddy and S.K.Singh). Geo-technologies and the Environment, 21, Sringer International Publishing, pp:517-549.
- Lalitha, M., KS Anil Kumar, S. Dharumarajan, N. Balakrishnan, R. Srinivasan, K. M. Nair, RajendraHegde, and S. K. Singh. (2017). “Role of Vesicular-ArbuscularMycorrhizae in Mobilization of Soil Phosphorus.” In Agriculturally Important Microbes for Sustainable Agriculture, pp. 317-331. Springer, Singapore, (2017).
- Ramamurthy, V., Singh, S. K., Chattaraj, S., Obi Reddy, G. P and Ramesh Kumar, S. C. (2017). Land Resource Inventory Towards Village Level Agricultural Land Use Planning. In: Sustainable Management of Land Resources (Ed: G.P.Obi Reddy, N.G.Patil and A.Chaturvedi). Apple Academy press, pp: 643-668.
- Bhaskar, B.P., Satyavati, P.L.A., Mandal, C., Singh, S.K. and Jagdish Prasad. (2017). Ananlysis of aridity in relation to climate and sustainability of cotton production in India. Environ.Sci. &Engg.Vol.12.Climate change and sustainable agriculture. Studdium Press. Chapter 5. Pp-84:114.New delhi.
- Bhaskar, B.P., Chaturvedi, A., Bhattacharyya, T. and Gaikwad, S.S.(2017).Land resource inventory and evaluation for agricultural land use planning in semiarid ecosystem of western India.. (ed. by G.P.Obi Reddy, N.G.Patil and Arun Chaturvedi “ Sustainable Management of Land resources- an Indian perspective”). Apple Academic press. pp48-72.
- Dubey, P.N., Bhaskar, B.P., Chandran, P., Singh, B. and Mishra, B.K.(2017). Major and trace element geochemistry in ferruginous soils developed under hot humid Malabar region, India. (Ed. G.P.Obi Reddy, N.G.Patil and Arun Chaturvedi “in Sustainable Management of Land resources- an Indian perspective” ). Apple Academic press. pp.240-265.
- Ravindra chary, B.K.Kandpal, K.A.Gopinath, G.A.Rajanna, S.Bhaskar and V.Ramamurthy (2016). Climate resilient crops and cropping systems. In: Climate Resilient Agronomy (Ed: B.Venkateswarlu, G.Ravindra Chary, Gurbachan Singh and Y.S.Shivay). Indian Society of Agronomy, New Delhi, pp: 88-119.
- Ramamurthy, V. (2016). Climate change and soil health. In: Climate Smart Agriculture: Status and Strategies (Ed. By. Chittapur, B.M., Halepyati, M.R.Umesh and B.K.Desai). Published by UAS Raichur, pp: 26-29.
- Ramamurthy, V., K. M. Nair, L. G. K. Naidu, and Dipak Sarkar. (2016). Delineation of Prime Agricultural Lands for Land Use Planning-A Case Study of Mysore District, Karnataka. In: Integrated Land Use Planning for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (Ed: Rao, M. V., V. Suresh Babu, K. Suman Chandra, and G. Ravindra Chary). Apple Academy press, pp: 49-56.
- Rajendra Hegde, R., Niranjana. K.V., Natarajan A. and L.G.K. (2015). Generation of farm specific land resources database for effective implementation of watershed development programs –a case study of Magadi model watershed in Karnataka. In managing the Natural Resources in dry lands (eds. A. Raizada, S.L. Patil, Hritick Biswas, K.K. Reddy, D. Mandal, O.P.S. Khola, O.P. Chaturvedi and P.K. Mishra). Published by CSWRTI, Dehradoon, India: 113-128.
- Rajendra Hegde, R., Niranjana. K.V., Natarajan A. and L.G.K. (2015). Generation of farm specific land resources database for effective implementation of watershed development programs –a case study of Magadi model watershed in Karnataka. In managing the Natural Resources in dry lands (eds. A. Raizada, S.L. Patil, Hritick Biswas, K.K. Reddy, D. Mandal, O.P.S. Khola, O.P. Chaturvedi and P.K. Mishra). Published by CSWRTI, Dehradoon, India: 113-128.
- S.Dharumarajan, M. Lalitha, K.S. Anil Kumar, R. Vasundhara, V. Ramamurthy, S. Thayalan, P.S. Dhinwa and S.K.Singh. (2015). Desertification Status Mapping of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka using Remote Sensing Data. In Advances in Soil and Water Resource Management for Food and Livelihood Security in Changing Climate (Suraj Bhan and Sanjay Arora (Editors). Soil Conservation Society of India, New Delhi. pp 179-185, ISBN: 978-81-909228-5-2
- B.P.Bhaskar, Dipak Sarkar, C.Mandal, S.V.Bobade, M.S.Gaikwad, S.S.. Gaikwad, A.M.Nimkar and Tapas Bhattacharyya.(2015). Reconnaissance Soil Survey in Yavatmal district, Maharshtra.. NBSS Publ. No.1059. NBSS&LUP, Nagpur, pp.204
- Ramamurthy, V. (2014). Soil quality assessment of important cropping systems in the SAT and management issues. In: Tiwary .P., K. Karthikeyan, D. Vasu, S.K.Ray, P.Chandran, T.Bhattacharyya and Dipak Sarkar (Ed.). Lecture Notes on Soil Quality Assessment in Semi-Arid tropics of Central India. Published by NBSS&LUP, Nagpur
- B.P.Bhaskar and R.K.Saxena. (2014). Soil-Landscape Relationships in Lohit Valley near Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh. Biodiversity: threats and conservation. Global Publishers. Vol.1.pp.175-190…
- B.P.Bhaskar, D.Sarkar and U.Baruah. (2014). Wetland evaluation for rice based cropping systems in Brahmaputra Valley, India. Global publishing House, India, Vishakapatnam.
- Srinivas, A. Natarajan, S. Dharumarajan, M. Lalitha, L.G.K. Naidu and Dipak Sarkar (2013). Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Farm level Soil Resource Mapping. New India Publishing Agency, ISBN: 978-93-81450-80-2. P 37-43.
- Nair, K.M., K. S. Anil Kumar, S. Thayalan, V.Ramamurthy, S.C.Ramesh Kumar, S.Srinivas, Arati Koyal, D.H.Venkatesh, S.Sujatha, Jayaramaiah, Venkata Giriyappa, S.Parvathi, N.madiletti, Karunya Lakshmi, Midhu V Pannikar, H.L.Pradeepa, M.V.amrutha, A.Kalpana, S.Vandana, B.M.Hitesh, Jinju Jose, B.D.Akhileswari, P.Samraj, Susamma Jacob, Saramma P. Issac, B.Sreelatha, O.K. Shonhana, K.Rajesh, C.V.Nipun, Kochunarayana Pillai, R.Ajith Kumar, Sangeetha Menon, L.G.K. Naidu, Dipak Sarkar and P.Rajasekharan. (2013). Soil fertility: Palakkad. In: Rajasekharan, K.M.Nair, G.Rajasree, P.Sureshkumar and M.C.Narayanan Kutty (Ed.) Soil fertility assessment and information management for enhancing crop productivity in Kerala. Published by Kerala Planning Board, pp 349-376.
- Nair, K.M., K. S. Anil Kumar, S. Thayalan, V.Ramamurthy, S.C.Ramesh Kumar, S.Srinivas, Arati Koyal, D.H.Venkatesh, S.Sujatha, Jayaramaiah, Venkata Giriyappa, S.Parvathi, B.Nethravathi, B.P.Sunitha, C.V.Manuja, Aparna Hebbar, J. Menaka, Remina Sandeep, Sunitha bellakka, Stefi Peter, H.S.Sowmya, Mohamed Vakketh, Nalini, T.V., Krishnakumaran, V., Denison, Z., Kochunarayana Pillai, R.Ajith Kumar, Sangeetha Menon, L.G.K. Naidu, Dipak Sarkar and P.Rajasekharan. (2013). Soil fertility: Malappuram District. In: Rajasekharan, K.M.Nair, G.Rajasree, P.Sureshkumar and M.C.Narayanan Kutty (Ed.) Soil fertility assessment and information management for enhancing crop productivity in Kerala. Published by Kerala Planning Board, pp 328-348.
- Nair, K.M., K. S. Anil Kumar, Champa Mandal, Arun Chaturvedi, S. Thayalan, S.C.Ramesh Kumar, V.Ramamurthy, S.Srinivas, D.H.Venkatesh, L.G.K. Naidu, Dipak Sarkar and P.Rajasekharan. (2013). Agro-Ecology of Kerala. In: Rajasekharan, K.M.Nair, G.Rajasree, P.Sureshkumar and M.C.Narayanan Kutty (Ed.) Soil fertility assessment and information management for enhancing crop productivity in Kerala. Published by Kerala Planning Board, pp 54-71.
- B.P.Bhaskar, Dipak Sarkar and Utpal Baruah.(2013). Characterization and management of Hydric soils for Agricultural Use at Majuli river Island , Assam, India eds. by Pawan Kumar Bharti and Avnish Chauhan. Discovery Publishing House PVT. LTD.New Delhi.
- S.Srinivas, K.M. Nair, Rajendra Hegde, L.G.K. Naidu and Dipak Sarkar (2012). ‘Disseminating Land Resource Information in Electronic Form’. Agro-Informatics and Precision Agriculture (AIPA 2012). Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd. ISBN: 978-81-8424-772-5. P 95-98.
- Raja, P., Malpe, D.B., Bhaskar, B.P., Deepali Mrghade and Tapaswi, P.M., (2012). Hydrogeochemical Characterization of groundwater for Irrigation in Purna Basin, Maharashtra. Memoir Geological Society of India.171-188.
- Raja, P., Malpe, D.B., Bhaskar, B.P., Deepali Mrghade and Tapaswi, P.M., (2012). Hydrogeochemical Characterization of groundwater for Irrigation in Purna Basin, Maharashtra. Memoir Geological Society of India.171-188.
- Raja, P., Malpe, D.B., Bhaskar, B.P., Deepali Mrghade and Tapaswi, P.M., (2012). Hydrogeochemical Characterization of groundwater for Irrigation in Purna Basin, Maharashtra. Memoir Geological Society of India.171-188.
- Ramamurthy, V., Patil, N.G. and Dipak Sarkar. (2010). Impact of water harvesting structure on water availability-A case study of Kokarda watershed of Nagpur district, Maharashtra. In Rao, K.V., B. Venkateswarlu, K.L.Sahrawath, S.P.Wani, P.K.Mishra, S.Dixit, K.Srinivas Reddy, manoranjan Kumar and U. S. Saikia (Ed.) Rainwater harvesting and Reuse through Fram Ponds:Experiences, issues and strategies.Published by CRIDA, Hyderabad. PP 77-81.
- Ramamurthy, V. (2009). Participatory and Integrated Agricultural land use Planning-Concepts, methodology and impact. In: Ramamurthy,V. and Dipak Sarkar (Ed.) Planning and Management of Land resources. Published by NBSS&LUP, pub. No.1033, 113-121p.
- Dipak Sarkar and V.Ramamurthy, (2009). Present status of land use and land use planning in India. In: Ramamurthy,V. and Dipak Sarkar (Ed.) Planning and Management of Land resources. Published by NBSS&LUP, pub. No.1033, 6-14p.
- Dipak Sarkar and V.Ramamurthy, (2009). Present status of land use and land use planning in India. In: Ramamurthy,V. and Dipak Sarkar (Ed.) Planning and Management of Land resources. Published by NBSS&LUP, pub. No.1033, 6-14p.
- Challa O, Ramamurthy V, and Venugopalan M.V., (2004), Dynamics of Land Use in relation to green revolution in India, In Land Cover and Land Use, from Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, [http://www.eolss.net]
- Letha Devi, G, Pal, D T, Arangasamy, A, Giridhar, K, Mich, A, Kataktalware, M A, Reddy, G B M, Narayanaswamy, B, Ramamurthy, V., V P Chahal, Chaithra G J and Bhatta R. 2021. Improving livelihood security of farmers through technological interventions for sustainable livestock farming. Indian Farming 71(10): 146–148.
- Letha Devi G, D T Pal, K Giridhar, A Arangasamy, A Mech, M A Kataktalware, G B M Reddy, Ramamurthy, V., Narayanaswamy B N and Chaithra G J. 2022. Technological interventions for doubling farm income: An analysis of Farmer FIRST approach. Indian Farming, 72(80): 73-75.
- Srinivasan, R., Kalaivanan, D. and Rajendra Hegde. 2022. Switching from Paddy to Jasmine cultivation A study on improving the Farmer’s Livelihood in KRP Dam catchment in Tamil Nadu. Agro India, January, 39-40.
- Srinivasan, R., Kalaivanan, D. and Rajendra Hegde. (2022). Redgram Cultivation Improving the Soil Fertility and Rural Livelihood in Northern Dry Tracts of Karnataka. Agro India, February, 30-31.
- Kasthuri Thilagam, V., Manivannan, S, and Srinivasan, R. (2022). Crop Residue Management Strategies for sustainable resource conservation. Agro India, February, 23-24.Rashmi, I, Kala, S., Anita, K., Ashok Kumar, Kuldeep Kumar, Rama Pal. Karthika, K S., and Athifa, M. 2022. Gypsum – A Multitasking Amendment For Natural Resource Management, Harit Dhara 5(1): 11-14.
- Kalaivanan, D., Dinakara Adiga, J. and Srinivasan, R. 2022. Pineapple as Intercrop Can Conserve Soil & Moisture and Increase Profitability in Cashew Plantations Agro India, March, 30-32.
- Srinivasan, R. and Thilagam, V. K. 2022. Application of Tank Silt for Improving the Maize Productivity in Southern Karnataka. Vigyan Varta 3(2): 20-23.
- Srinivasan, R., Maddileti, N., Lalitha, M., Kalaiselvi, B., and Rajendra Hegde. 2021. Application of Tank Silt for Improved Productivity from the Rainfed Ragi Systems of Karnataka. Harit Dhara, 4(2) July – December, 20-23.
- Srinivasan, R. and Kalaivanan, D., 2022. Mapping Soil Acidity- A Key Approach to Improve Crop Productivity in Eastern Himalayan Hilly Region of India. Agro India, April, 30.
- Srinivasan, R., Maddileti, N. and Kasthuri Thilagam, V. (2022). Mapping Micronutrients status in KRP Dam Catchment of Tamil Nadu: A Diagnostic Kit to Paddy Farmers. Trends in Aǥriculture Sciences, 2022; 1(2): 34-38. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6463663.
- Srinivasan, R., Maddileti, N. Archana, K. V. and Kasthuri Thilagam, V. (2022). Soil Depth: Key component to Land Use Planning for Sustainability. Trends in Aǥriculture Sciences, 2022; 1(4): 109-112.
- Kasthuri Thilagam, V., Manivannan, S, and Srinivasan, R. (2022). Carbon Sequestration: Achieving Global Mission Through Local Vision. Vigyan Varta 3(9): 5-7.
- Srinivasan, R. and Kalaivanan, D., 2022. Soil Quality Assessment for Improving Large Cardamom Productivity in North Sikkim. Spice India, July, 17-20.
- Srinivasan, R., Maddileti, N., Maske, S.P. and Kasthuri Thilagam, V. 2022. Application of Tank Silt for Improving Arecanut Productivity in Karnataka. Trends in Aǥriculture Sciences, 1(6): 268-272.
- Srinivasan, R. Archana, K. V and Kalaivanan, D., 2022. Phosphorus Nutrient Deficiency in Maize Crop Identification & Management in Northern Karnataka. Agro India, November, 33-35.
- R, Kalaiselvi. B, Dharumarajan. S and Rajendra Hegde. 2022. Soil Salinization- Its severity In semiarid region of Karnataka. Agro India, APRIL, 2022. Pp:24-26.
- Srinivasan,R., Kalaivanan, D. and Rajendra Hegde. (2022). Switching from Paddy to Jasmine cultivation A study on improving the Farmer’s Livelihood in KRP Dam catchment in Tamilnadu.Agro India, January, 39-40.
- Srinivasan, R., Maddileti, N. and Rajendra Hegde. (2021). Distribution of Sodic Soils in Krishnagiri Dam Catchment and Their Management. HaritDhara 4(1): 25-26.
- Srinivasan, R., Maddileti, N., Lalitha, M., Kalaiselvi, B. and Rajendra Hegde. (2021).Tank silt-an effective medium for enhancing coconut productivity. Indian Coconut Journal 13 (12): 17-20.
- Srinivasan, R. and KasthuriThilagam. (2021). Tank Silt application for sustainable Dryland farming.Agro India, July, 11-12.
- KasthuriThilagam, V., Manivannan, S., Srinivasan, R. and Sankar, M. (2021). Organic Farming Practices for Soil and Water Conservation. Just agriculture 2 (2):1-6.
- Kalaivanan, D. and Srinivasan, R. (2021). Building soil organic matter is an urgent need for a sustainable crop production. Agro India, September, 13-17.
- KasthuriThilagam, V., Manivannan, S., Hombe Gowda, H. C. and Srinivasan, R. (2021). Invasion of Lantana camera: A Peril to Natural Ecosystem. Vigyan Varta 2(7): 52-55.
- KasthuriThilagam, V., Manivannan, S., Srinivasan, R. and Sankar, M. (2021). Healthy Soils for Food and Water Security. Organic Farming Practices for Soil and Water Conservation. Just agriculture 2 (2):1-6.
- Srinivasan, R., Kalaiselvi, B., Anil Kumar, K.S., Ramesh Kumar, S.C. and Rajendra Hegde. (2021). Baby Corn Cultivation Improving the Farmers’ Livelihood in Karnataka. Agro India, November, 19-21.
- Kalaivanan, D. and Srinivasan, R. (2021). BRight way of soil sampling for soil health card preparation. Agro India, December, 20-22.
- Chandrakala, K. Lakhsmanand Sunil P. Maske, Indian Soils: Characteristics, Distribution, Potentials and Constraints, (2021), Chronicle of Bioresource Management, An International E-magazine , 5(4):121-127.
- Kalaiselvi. B, Kavitha. B and Sathya. S.( 2020). Nutrient Management of Natural Laxative “Senna”. Agrobios Newsletter, XIX (4):70-71.
- Srinivasan, R., Maddileti, N., KasthuriThilagam, V. and Rajendra Hegde. (2020). Coconut Production in Red Gravelly Soils of Southern Karnataka State of India. Popular Kheti 8 (4): 11-12
- Chandrakala, M. and Srinivasan, R. (2020), Mapping of the soil site characteristics to know the potentials and problems of the land -A case study in Elamdesam block, Kerala, India, Agriculture & Food: e-Newsletter, 2(4), www.agrifoodmagazine.co.in ISSN: 2581-8317
- Chandrakala, M., (2020), Mapping of soil nutrient status in Elamdesam block of tropical humid region, Kerala, India, Agriculture & Food: e-Newsletter, 2(4), www.agrifoodmagazine.co.in ISSN: 2581-8317.
- Karthika, K.S., Prabha Susan Philip, Anil Kumar, K.S. and Neenu S., (2019). Significance of soil carbon studies in plantation based ecosystems. HaritDhara2(2):19-21.
- R.P.Sharma and V. Ramamurthy. (2019). Acid sulphate mrudh ki samsya aur prabhndan. Kheti, (December 2019), 28-31 (Hindi)
- Srinivasan, R., Rajendra Hegde and Thirugnanavel, A. (2019). Top working: An alternative method to improve the productivity of old mango orchards in Southern India. Kisan World 46 (3): 54-56.
- Srinivasan, R., Rajendra Hegde, Srinivas, S. and Niranjana, K.V. (2019). Soils based Land Management Unit (LMU) Model for South Deccan Plateau, Andhra Pradesh for Sustainability. Indian Farmer 6 (12): 883-886.
- Srinivasan, R., Rajendra Hegde, Srinivas, S. and Niranjana, K.V. (2019). Jamun cultivation: Gracious gift to Problem Soils in Arid zones of Andhra Pradesh towards improving farmer’s livelihood. Indian Farmer 6 (12): 887-890
- Srinivasan, R., Rajendra Hegde, Srinivas, S. and Niranjana, K.V. (2019). Landscape-Soils relationship in Arid Zone of Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh towards Soil and Water Conservation. Indian Farmer 6 (12): 896-899.
- K.S.Karthika, I. Rashmi and B.Hemalatha, (2018). Subsoil acidity: Causes and Management.Indian farmer.5(11): 1272-1276.
- K.S.Karthika, S.Neenu and B.Hemalatha, (2018). Sustainable agriculture: Need for Soil testing. Indian farmer. 5(11): 1281-1285.
- K.S.Karthika, I.Rashmi and S. Anusha,( 2018). Soil organic carbon: An indicator of soil quality.Indian farmer.5(11): 1301-1303.
- K.S.Karthika, M.A. Sarath Chandran and S.Anusha. (2018). Soil aggregation and carbon sequestration. Indian farmer. 5(11): 1328-1333.
- Karthika, K.S., Rashmi, I., Srinivasan, R., Neenu, S. and Prabha Susan Philip. (2018). Acidification of soils and amelioration. HaritDhara 1(1): 22-23.
- Srinivasan, R., Singh,S.K., Nayak, D.C. and. Janani. N. (2018). Land management practices for environmentally stressed Coastal soils of Odisha. Kisan world 45 (10), 7-10.
- Srinivasan, R. and Kalaiselvi, B. (2018). Potentials and Problems of Vegetable Farming in Coastal Odisha. Indian Farmer 5 (05): 519 -525.
- Srinivasan, R., Singh,S.K., Nayak, D.C. and. Janani. N. (2018). Land management practices for environmentally stressed Coastal soils of Odisha. Kisan world 45 (10), 7-10.
- Kalaiselvi Beeman and Sathya.S. (2017). Gloriosa Superba: A supernatural medicinal plant. Agrobios newsletter, XV (12): p 83.
- Kalaiselvi Beeman and Arulmozhiselvan. (2017). Nutriseed Pack: An Alternative Fertilization Method. Indian farmer- A monthly magazine, 4 (4): 334-336.
- Kalaiselvi. B, Sathya S and Chandrakala M.( 2017). Soil Acidity- A Potential Threat for Soil Productivity. Indian farmer- A monthly magazine, 4 (7): 514-518.
- Kalaiselvi Beeman, Lalitha. M and Sathya. S. (2017). Sensible Use of Soil Nutrients for Crop Production. Indian farmer- A monthly magazine, 4 (11): 890-892.
- Chandrakala M and Sanjeev Kumar,Panchagavya: a boon to organic farming, animals and human beings. Indian farmer-A monthly magazine. (July 2017). 4(7):P 529-532
- Chandrakala M, Sanjeev kumar, Vasundhara R and Kalaiselvi B., Indian gooseberry- A brief note. Indian farmer-A monthly magazine. (July 2017). 4(7):P 526-528
- Chandrakala M, Sanjeev Kumar and Naveen D.V., Dryland Agriculture: Soil & Water Conservation Techniques. Indian farmer-A monthly magazine. (October 2017), 4(4): PP 841-849
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