भूमि उपयोग नियोजन (LUP)

Sr.No. | Name | Designation | Discipline | Biodata | PMS | |
1 | Dr. H. Biswas | Principal Scientist & Head | Soil Science | hrittick.biswas@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
2 | Dr. M.S. Raghuvanshi | Principal Scientist | Agronomy | mahendra.raghuwanshi@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
3 | Dr. Ravindra Naitam | Senior Scientist | Soil Science | Ravindra.Naitam@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
4 | Dr.Jyotiprava Dash | Senior Scientist | SWCE | jyoti.dash@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
5 | Mr. H.L. Kharbikar | Scientist | Agricultural Economics | Hukumraj.Kharbikar@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
6 | Dr. Pravash C. Moharana | Scientist | Soil Science | Pravash.Moharana@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
7 | Dr. Abhay O. Shirale | Scientist | Soil Science | abhay.shirale@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | – |
8 | Dr. Sirisha Adamala | Scientist | Land & Water Management Engg | sirisha.adamala@icar.gov.in | View Biodata | PMS |
The division has an infrastructure and equipment to do basic and advanced soil, environment, and GIS-related works.
A tour to divisional laboratories-
The soil and environment laboratory is specialized in doing the following analysis:
Physical Laboratory
- Studying soil-plant-water relationship.
Equipments – Pressure plate apparatus for measuring soil moisture content.
Chemical Laboratory
- Analyzing chemical parameters of soil, water and plant samples.
- Equipments – Nitrogen Analyser, UV spectrophotometer, Hydrometer, pH meter, EC
- Microwave digestor for pre-processing of soil samples for heavy metal analysis.
- The facility of preprocessing of water and plant samples for heavy metal analysis.
GIS Laboratory:
The division has established a small GIS unit. The unit has few high-end computers. The open-source software is used here to develop various thematic maps (like land use land cover maps etc.) and spatial correlation of soil survey data in a GIS environment.
Achievements (Projects completed with a very brief note)
Institute Projects
- Comparison of the crop simulation model for soybean in black soils of Nagpur District, Maharashtra
Infocrop model proved to be fairly successful in simulating growth and yield of soybean.
- The socio-economic analysis and soil characterization were carried out for rainfed and irrigated cotton-based production systems.
Under the rainfed production system, 10 target districts and 11 non-target districts covering 15 AESRs and 6 States were selected. From 10 target districts, 31 tehsils and 135 watershed/villages were covering 1410 farmers were selected for socio-economic analysis. Among the selected farms, cotton is grown in extremely shallow-to-shallow soils (14 per cent), moderately deep (21 per cent) and deep to very deep soils (65 per cent). Majority of the cotton soils are low in nitrogen (91.4%), phosphorus (724.4%) and zinc (91.9%).
- Validation of growing period concept in a catena of Nagpur District
FAO based LGP computation method shows good agreement with that of estimated under field condition with a variation of +10 days in shallow and 20-30 days in deep soil depending on the rainfall on its distribution pattern.
LGP of shallow (<50 cm) Black soils (Lithic Haplustept) is about 160 days under normal conditions in Nagpur.
In the aberrant rainfall year, a reduction of LGP of 22 per cent from the normal value, crop failure in very shallow soils (<25 cm depth) is generally observed for cotton in black soils.
LGP and rainfall of Nagpur follow curvilinear relationship both in the FAO method as well as field estimation under varying crop and rainfall conditions, (LGP = 0.0011X2+2.3742X-1057.7, R2=0.6084, whereas in most of the places of India (Eco-sub-region) follow exponential relationship. LGP = A(1-e-bx). X = Total rainfall a and b are constant.
- Evaluation of shallow shrink-swell soils for different cropping systems in a dry sub-humid ecosystem (AESR 10.2)
Evaluation of shallow shrink-swell soil was done in Nagpur district, Maharashtra, through experimentation. The intercropping system, cotton + black gram had the highest cotton yield equivalent and is economical. The cowpea when grown as a vegetable as intercrop in cotton, could fetch sustained income for the farmers. The soybean + pigeon pea was found to be the best combination economically followed by soybean + sorghum in shallow soils.
Soil-based crop planning and land use options identified in Waranga village, Nagpur. The land-use option may act as a tool for economic development in different situations. Soils have a different LGP. Planning of different crops and crop combinations as per LGP would be more useful for higher profitability. Soil-based crop planning proved to be a better option to change the land use as per different alternatives within the framework of soil suitability to generate the employment/income.
- Studies on soil-plant health as affected by city waste concerning elemental toxicity
In peri-urban Nagpur city, the physical and chemical properties of Nag river water (sewage effluent) irrigated soils had a pH of 8.3 to 8.5, EC 0.81, and 1.10 dSm-1, bicarbonates -3.4 to 4.6 meqL-1 and sulphate -0.6 to 0.8 meqL-1. Despite the low content of heavy metals in sewage effluent, it was observed that the soils irrigated with sewage water received a considerable amount of heavy metals.
- Estimating saturated hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, and other physical properties of the Vertisols and Vertic integrades from published search and soil survey data.
Regional Pedotransfer functions (PTF) were calibrated that could be used to estimate soil water retention using varied levels of input information 1) Textural data (data on the sand, silt, and clay fraction-SSC) 2) Level 1+bulk density data (SSCBD) 3) Level 2+ organic matter (SSCBDOM) and 4) Level 3 +organic matter (SSCOM).
Neural regression and K-NN techniques of PTF development were evaluated. Superior ability of k-NN PTFs in predicting FC and PWP of Vertisols of India was noted.
PTFs to predict saturated hydraulic conductivity were also calibrated but with relatively less accuracy.
The study also demonstrated that native PTFs to predict bulk density shrink-swell soils could be calibrated successfully provided the correct choice of input variables is made.
- Impact of land utilization types on microbial biomass in some Vertisols of Nagpur district, Maharashtra
Microbial biomass carbon has been found to range from 110 to 496 µgg-1 soil in black soils under different land use and management practices. Land use types and management practices have been found to have a considerable impact on Soil Microbial Biomass.
In organic farming systems, SMBC ranges from 149-404 µgg-1 soil depending on the age of organic farming.
Considerable seasonal variation in microbial biomass carbon has been observed.
In general, SMBC was found to remain high during the post-monsoon period through winter till late February and declines gradually during summer presumably due to higher temperature and moisture stress.
Recommended management practices help to maintain an elevated level of SMBC.
Nitrogen mineralization was found to have a direct bearing on SMBC.
- Socio-economic evaluation of the sustainability of identified land-use systems of Panubali and Kanyadol village of Nagpur District
Intercropping with soybean, chilly, leafy vegetable(s), gram and wheat (during the first three years) in orange orchards in fine, Vertic Haplustepts, fine loamy Haplusterts, and coarse loamy Typic Haplustepts gave additional income of Rs. 3000 to 4000 ha-1 per annum.
Adoption of improved varieties and scientific crop management practices increased, the yields of sorghum, soybean, cotton, and chickpea by 189, 71, 68, and 41 per cent respectively in different swell-shrink soils. On shallow shrink-swell soils, the soybean-based cropping system gave a higher net return of Rs. 6042/ ha than the cotton-based system. Among the intercrops, soybean + pigeon pea had the highest yield equivalent of 978 kg/ha and net return of Rs. 8130/ h.
- Evaluation of soil properties influencing productivity potential of Citrus reticulata blanco (Nagpur mandarin) of Nagpur district
The fuzzy logic-based method identified the major soil limitations to Nagpur mandarin production. The method worked as a successful evaluation tool in classifying the soils for the fruit crop.
Land suitability evaluation for mulberry cultivation for sericulture in black soils of Vidarbha.
- Land use studies at the village level
Sukli village of Nagpur district was adopted under Lab to Land programme for soil-based agro-technology transfer. Based on soil suitability and several demonstrations on different crops/cropping systems, it was observed that the average yield of the major crops showed an increasing trend after the implementation of technology.
Deep soils with high clay contents (Typic Haplustepts) produced more foliage, cocoons, leaf protein, and generated higher economic returns.
The higher availability of N and P has a positive effect on leaf protein content.
- Refinement of agro-ecological region and sub-regions based on recent soils and climatic database for resource planning and development.
- Development of a soil water balance model for shrink-swell soils of Central India.
- Testing of models for soil physical properties and evaluation of soils.
- Estimating Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity and Bulk Density of the Vertisols and Vertic Intergrades from Published Research & Soil Survey Data.
Externally funded projects (National)
National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP).
- Land use planning for the management of agricultural resources (MM-28/III) (As the Main Lead Centre)
This project developed strategies and options for rational and scientific land use planning at the micro-watershed level. The project was implemented in 56 operational units covering an area of 21,258 ha spread over 5 agro-ecosystems, namely, Rainfed, Irrigated, Arid, Hill & Mountain and Coastal cutting across 38 AESRs. Land use options were identified for the operational units of each agro-ecosystem based on the integration of biophysical land socio-economic information.
- Socio-economic analysis and characterisation of the cotton-based system (Irrigated Agro-ecosystem) (PSR-24) (As a Co-operative Centre)
Under the irrigated production system, 20 villages were selected from six districts of Haryana, Punjab, and Rajasthan. It was found that the majority of area (52.1 per cent) recorded high cotton lint yield (1.1-1.2 t/ha) when medium N (63-101 kg N/ha) was applied. Based on the deviation between STCR recommended dose and current levels of N application it was inferred that current yield levels of cotton could be realized through the application of a lower amount of N fertilizers.
- Agro-economic characterization and constraint analysis of rainfed based cotton production systems in relation to soil, rainfall, and socio-economic factors. (RCPS-1) (As the Lead Centre)
Under the rainfed production system, 10 target districts and 11 non-target districts covering 15 AESRs and 6 States were selected. From 10 target districts, 31 tehsils and 135 watershed/villages were covering 1410farmers were selected for socio-economic analysis. Among the selected farms, cotton is grown in extremely shallow to shallow soils (14 per cent), moderately deep (21 per cent), and deep to very deep soils (65 per cent). The majority of the cotton soils are low in nitrogen (91.4%), phosphorus (724.4%), and zinc (91.9%).
Technology Mission on Cotton [TMC(GOI) funded]
- Methodology for the prediction of regional level cotton yield by integrating remote sensing, GIS and crop models
INFOCROP-cotton, a simulation model (adapted from INFOCROP generic model) was developed to simulate the effect of diverse weather, soil, and management on growth, development, yield, and water balance in cotton. It was calibrated and validated using independent data sets from multi-location (Nagpur, Coimbatore, Hisar, Surat, and Dharwar) trials. It was also validated using data from the farmers’ field. In a catenary sequence covering Inceptisols, Vertisols of Nagpur district (Maharashtra). The model satisfactorily predicts dry matter production, leaf area, phenology, water balance, and yield under diverse irrigated and rainfed conditions. Later, a methodology was developed integrating remote sensing data (LISS III) (spatial distribution of cotton), GIS (district soil map and rainfall polygons), and INFOCROP-cotton model to forecast district level cotton production. This methodology was successfully tested to forecast production for 4 districts – Nagpur, Sirsa Bharuch, and Dharwar.
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP).
- Efficient Land Use Based Integrated Farming System for Rural Livelihood Security in Aurangabad, Dhule & Gondia Districts of Maharashtra
This sub project implemented under component 3 of the National Agricultural Innovation Project. It was executed in three most disadvantaged districts of Maharashtra by the consortium of five organizations led by NBSS & LUP. The area of implementation was also varied in terms of soils, rainfall, crops & socio-economic settings. The sub-project, in general, has achieved success on five fronts: 1) Poverty alleviation 2) Livelihood Security 3) Productivity 4) Equity and 5) Environment. Land use planning was therefore aimed at optimal use of water resources, use of common property resources especially for landless villagers and implemented successfully to enhance paddy yields by 56 to 112%, additional income (Rs.14,525/ha).
Ongoing Projects
Institute Projects
- Land resource inventory of Rahuri taluka, Ahmadnagar district, Maharashtra State on 1:10000 scale for optimal agricultural land use planning, using geo-spatial techniques
- Land Resource Inventory of Seloo and Samudrapur tahsils of Wardha district, Maharashtra at 1:10000 scale using Remote Sensing and GIS Technique
- Land Resource Inventory of Yeotmal district of Maharashtra on 1:0000 scale using remote sensing and GIs technique
- Land resource inventory of Amod and Jambusar Talukas, Bharuch district, Gujarat on 1:10000 scale for optimal agricultural land use planning, using geo-spatial techniques
- Land resource inventory of Umarpada taluka, Surat district, Gujarat on 1:10000 scale for optimal agricultural land use planning, using geo-spatial techniques.
- Land resource inventory of Dharampur taluka, Valsad district, Gujarat on 1:10000 scale for optimal agricultural land use planning, using geo-spatial techniques.
- Heavy metal contamination and ecological-health risk evaluation in peri-urban wastewater-irrigated soils of Nagpur city.
- Assessment of heavy metal contamination in soil, water, and vegetables at selected hotspots in Purna river basin, Maharashtra (PI).
- Revisiting soil site suitability for major in crops in agro-ecological regions of India.
- Livelihood Improvement of Tribal communities of selected hamlets in Ghubadi watershed, Nagpur through Integrated Land Use Planning (TSP-SCSP).
- Development and Management of Integrated Water Resources in Different Agro-Ecological Regions of India.
- Project on Climate Resilient Agriculture – Beed district.
- Assessment of heavy metal contamination in the soil surrounding an iron ore mining area of Northern Goa.
- Impact of Bt cotton cultivation on sustainable management of natural resources in Nagpur district of Maharashtra.
- Horticultural Crop based land use planning using Land Resource Inventory database (1:10,000 scale) of Ghubadi Micro-watershed, Katol, Nagpur District, Maharashtra.
- Socio-economic assessment of agricultural land use pattern in Darwha block of Yavatmal district.
Externally funded
- Development and Management of Integrated Water Resources in Different Agro-Ecological Regions of India
- Development of an algorithm to predict soil depth using legacy data and terrain attributes
- Application of Soil Resource database for Geospatial planning of Power transmission towers
- High-Resolution Land Resource Inventory and Land Use Planning for Climate Resilient Agriculture, part of the Project on Climate Resilient Agriculture., Maharashtra
- Land Resource Inventory of FDCM Divisions Using High-Resolution Geo-spatial Technique. Funded by Forest Development Corporation of Maharashtra Ltd., of Maharashtra.
Training programmes
Institute level training programmes
For improving the skills of personnel working in the field of land use planning, the division conducts regular training programmes in the following aspects.
- Agro-ecological Zonation.
- Soil Survey and Land Evaluation.
- Interpretation of Soil Survey for Land Use Planning.
- Advanced techniques of soil and water analysis.
- Tools and Techniques in Land Use Planning.
Sponsored training programmes
- The division also conducts training programmes sponsored by Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Maharashtra on Soil Survey and Land Use Planning.
Extension activities
- Several villages in the Nagpur district have been adopted to demonstrate the effectiveness of soil-based agro-technology.
Consultancy Services
- Soil and water analysis
- Soil survey and land evaluation
Institute Projects
- Comparison of the crop simulation model for soybean in black soils of Nagpur District, Maharashtra
Infocrop model proved to be fairly successful in simulating growth and yield of soybean.
- The socio-economic analysis and soil characterization were carried out for rainfed and irrigated cotton-based production systems.
Under the rainfed production system, 10 target districts and 11 non-target districts covering 15 AESRs and 6 States were selected. From 10 target districts, 31 tehsils and 135 watershed/villages were covering 1410 farmers were selected for socio-economic analysis. Among the selected farms, cotton is grown in extremely shallow-to-shallow soils (14 per cent), moderately deep (21 per cent) and deep to very deep soils (65 per cent). Majority of the cotton soils are low in nitrogen (91.4%), phosphorus (724.4%) and zinc (91.9%).
- Validation of growing period concept in a catena of Nagpur District
FAO based LGP computation method shows good agreement with that of estimated under field condition with a variation of +10 days in shallow and 20-30 days in deep soil depending on the rainfall on its distribution pattern.
LGP of shallow (<50 cm) Black soils (Lithic Haplustept) is about 160 days under normal conditions in Nagpur.
In the aberrant rainfall year, a reduction of LGP of 22 per cent from the normal value, crop failure in very shallow soils (<25 cm depth) is generally observed for cotton in black soils.
LGP and rainfall of Nagpur follow curvilinear relationship both in the FAO method as well as field estimation under varying crop and rainfall conditions, (LGP = 0.0011X2+2.3742X-1057.7, R2=0.6084, whereas in most of the places of India (Eco-sub-region) follow exponential relationship. LGP = A(1-e-bx). X = Total rainfall a and b are constant.
- Evaluation of shallow shrink-swell soils for different cropping systems in a dry sub-humid ecosystem (AESR 10.2)
Evaluation of shallow shrink-swell soil was done in Nagpur district, Maharashtra, through experimentation. The intercropping system, cotton + black gram had the highest cotton yield equivalent and is economical. The cowpea when grown as a vegetable as intercrop in cotton, could fetch sustained income for the farmers. The soybean + pigeon pea was found to be the best combination economically followed by soybean + sorghum in shallow soils.
Soil-based crop planning and land use options identified in Waranga village, Nagpur. The land-use option may act as a tool for economic development in different situations. Soils have a different LGP. Planning of different crops and crop combinations as per LGP would be more useful for higher profitability. Soil-based crop planning proved to be a better option to change the land use as per different alternatives within the framework of soil suitability to generate the employment/income.
- Studies on soil-plant health as affected by city waste concerning elemental toxicity
In peri-urban Nagpur city, the physical and chemical properties of Nag river water (sewage effluent) irrigated soils had a pH of 8.3 to 8.5, EC 0.81, and 1.10 dSm-1, bicarbonates -3.4 to 4.6 meqL-1 and sulphate -0.6 to 0.8 meqL-1. Despite the low content of heavy metals in sewage effluent, it was observed that the soils irrigated with sewage water received a considerable amount of heavy metals.
- Estimating saturated hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, and other physical properties of the Vertisols and Vertic integrades from published search and soil survey data.
Regional Pedotransfer functions (PTF) were calibrated that could be used to estimate soil water retention using varied levels of input information 1) Textural data (data on the sand, silt, and clay fraction-SSC) 2) Level 1+bulk density data (SSCBD) 3) Level 2+ organic matter (SSCBDOM) and 4) Level 3 +organic matter (SSCOM).
Neural regression and K-NN techniques of PTF development were evaluated. Superior ability of k-NN PTFs in predicting FC and PWP of Vertisols of India was noted.
PTFs to predict saturated hydraulic conductivity were also calibrated but with relatively less accuracy.
The study also demonstrated that native PTFs to predict bulk density shrink-swell soils could be calibrated successfully provided the correct choice of input variables is made.
- Impact of land utilization types on microbial biomass in some Vertisols of Nagpur district, Maharashtra
- Microbial biomass carbon has been found to range from 110 to 496 µgg-1 soil in black soils under different land use and management practices. Land use types and management practices have been found to have a considerable impact on Soil Microbial Biomass.
In organic farming systems, SMBC ranges from 149-404 µgg-1 soil depending on the age of organic farming.
Considerable seasonal variation in microbial biomass carbon has been observed.
In general, SMBC was found to remain high during the post-monsoon period through winter till late February and declines gradually during summer presumably due to higher temperature and moisture stress.
Recommended management practices help to maintain an elevated level of SMBC.
Nitrogen mineralization was found to have a direct bearing on SMBC.
- Socio-economic evaluation of the sustainability of identified land-use systems of Panubali and Kanyadol village of Nagpur District
Intercropping with soybean, chilly, leafy vegetable(s), gram and wheat (during the first three years) in orange orchards in fine, Vertic Haplustepts, fine loamy Haplusterts, and coarse loamy Typic Haplustepts gave additional income of Rs. 3000 to 4000 ha-1 per annum.
Adoption of improved varieties and scientific crop management practices increased, the yields of sorghum, soybean, cotton, and chickpea by 189, 71, 68, and 41 per cent respectively in different swell-shrink soils. On shallow shrink-swell soils, the soybean-based cropping system gave a higher net return of Rs. 6042/ ha than the cotton-based system. Among the intercrops, soybean + pigeon pea had the highest yield equivalent of 978 kg/ha and net return of Rs. 8130/ h.
- Evaluation of soil properties influencing productivity potential of Citrus reticulata blanco (Nagpur mandarin) of Nagpur district
The fuzzy logic-based method identified the major soil limitations to Nagpur mandarin production. The method worked as a successful evaluation tool in classifying the soils for the fruit crop.
Land suitability evaluation for mulberry cultivation for sericulture in black soils of Vidarbha.
- Land use studies at the village level
Sukli village of Nagpur district was adopted under Lab to Land programme for soil-based agro-technology transfer. Based on soil suitability and several demonstrations on different crops/cropping systems, it was observed that the average yield of the major crops showed an increasing trend after the implementation of technology.
Deep soils with high clay contents (Typic Haplustepts) produced more foliage, cocoons, leaf protein, and generated higher economic returns.
The higher availability of N and P has a positive effect on leaf protein content.
- Refinement of agro-ecological region and sub-regions based on recent soils and climatic database for resource planning and development.
- Development of a soil water balance model for shrink-swell soils of Central India.
- Testing of models for soil physical properties and evaluation of soils.
- Estimating Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity and Bulk Density of the Vertisols and Vertic Intergrades from Published Research & Soil Survey Data.
- Externally funded projects (National)
National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP)
- Land use planning for the management of agricultural resources (MM-28/III) (As the Main Lead Centre)
This project developed strategies and options for rational and scientific land use planning at the micro-watershed level. The project was implemented in 56 operational units covering an area of 21,258 ha spread over 5 agro-ecosystems, namely, Rainfed, Irrigated, Arid, Hill & Mountain and Coastal cutting across 38 AESRs. Land use options were identified for the operational units of each agro-ecosystem based on the integration of biophysical land socio-economic information.
- Socio-economic analysis and characterisation of the cotton-based system (Irrigated Agro-ecosystem) (PSR-24) (As a Co-operative Centre)
Under the irrigated production system, 20 villages were selected from six districts of Haryana, Punjab, and Rajasthan. It was found that the majority of area (52.1 per cent) recorded high cotton lint yield (1.1-1.2 t/ha) when medium N (63-101 kg N/ha) was applied. Based on the deviation between STCR recommended dose and current levels of N application it was inferred that current yield levels of cotton could be realized through the application of a lower amount of N fertilizers.
- Agro-economic characterization and constraint analysis of rainfed based cotton production systems in relation to soil, rainfall, and socio-economic factors. (RCPS-1) (As the Lead Centre)
Under the rainfed production system, 10 target districts and 11 non-target districts covering 15 AESRs and 6 States were selected. From 10 target districts, 31 tehsils and 135 watershed/villages were covering 1410farmers were selected for socio-economic analysis. Among the selected farms, cotton is grown in extremely shallow to shallow soils (14 per cent), moderately deep (21 per cent), and deep to very deep soils (65 per cent). The majority of the cotton soils are low in nitrogen (91.4%), phosphorus (724.4%), and zinc (91.9%).
Technology Mission on Cotton [TMC(GOI) funded]
- Methodology for the prediction of regional level cotton yield by integrating remote sensing, GIS and crop models
INFOCROP-cotton, a simulation model (adapted from INFOCROP generic model) was developed to simulate the effect of diverse weather, soil, and management on growth, development, yield, and water balance in cotton. It was calibrated and validated using independent data sets from multi-location (Nagpur, Coimbatore, Hisar, Surat, and Dharwar) trials. It was also validated using data from the farmers’ field. In a catenary sequence covering Inceptisols, Vertisols of Nagpur district (Maharashtra). The model satisfactorily predicts dry matter production, leaf area, phenology, water balance, and yield under diverse irrigated and rainfed conditions. Later, a methodology was developed integrating remote sensing data (LISS III) (spatial distribution of cotton), GIS (district soil map and rainfall polygons), and INFOCROP-cotton model to forecast district level cotton production. This methodology was successfully tested to forecast production for 4 districts – Nagpur, Sirsa Bharuch, and Dharwar.
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP)
- Efficient Land Use Based Integrated Farming System for Rural Livelihood Security in Aurangabad, Dhule & Gondia Districts of Maharashtra
This sub project implemented under component 3 of the National Agricultural Innovation Project. It was executed in three most disadvantaged districts of Maharashtra by the consortium of five organizations led by NBSS & LUP. The area of implementation was also varied in terms of soils, rainfall, crops & socio-economic settings. The sub-project, in general, has achieved success on five fronts: 1) Poverty alleviation 2) Livelihood Security 3) Productivity 4) Equity and 5) Environment. Land use planning was therefore aimed at optimal use of water resources, use of common property resources especially for landless villagers and implemented successfully to enhance paddy yields by 56 to 112%, additional income (Rs.14,525/ha).
Institute funded project
- Land Resource Inventory of Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra on 1:10000 scale using geoinformatics
- Land Resource Inventory of Yavatmal district of Maharashtra on 1:10000 scale using remote sensing and GIS technique
- Socio Economic Impact of Land Use Land Cover Change in Selected Districts of Eastern Vidarbha Zone in India
- Assessment of heavy metal contamination in soil, water and vegetables in selected hotspots of Purna river basin, Maharashtra.
- Heavy metal contamination and ecological-health risk evaluation in peri-urban wastewater-irrigated soils of Nagpur city.
- Evaluating and mapping soil-site suitability for major crops in Central India using GIS based multi criteria decision analysis
Externally funded project
- Land resource inventory of FDCM Divisions Using High Resolution Geo-spatial Technique.
- Development of an algorithm to predict soil depth using legacy data and terrain attributes
- Application of soil resource database for geospatial planning of power transmission towers in India
- An algorithm to predict soil depth and engineering properties
- Jena, R.K., Moharana, P.C., Dharumarajan, S., Sharma, G.K., Ray, P., Deb Roy, P., Ghosh, D., Das, B., Alsuhaibani, A.M., Gaber, A. 2023. Spatial prediction of soil particle-size fractions using digital soil mapping in the North Eastern Region of India. Land12:1295 (NAAS 6.0).
- Kumar, A., Moharana, P.C., Jena, R.K., Malyan, S.K., Sharma, G.K., Fagodiya, R.K., Shabnam, A.A., Jigyasu, D.K., Kumari, K.M.V., Doss, S.G. 2023. Digital Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon Using Machine Learning Algorithms in the Upper Brahmaputra Valley of Northeastern India. Land 12: 1841(NAAS 6.0)
- Meena, M.D., Dotaniya, M.L., Meena, B.L., Rai, P.K., Antil, R.S., Meena, H.S., Meena, L.K., Dotaniya, C.K., Meena, V.S., Ghosh, A. 2023. Municipal solid waste: Opportunities, challenges and management policies in India: A review. Waste Management Bulletin1: 4–18.
- Moharana, P.C., Dharumarajan, S., Yadav, B., Jena, R.K., Pradhan, U.K., Sahoo, S., Meena, R.S., Nogiya, M., Meena, R.L., Singh, R.S., Singh, S.K., Dwivedi, B.S. 2023. Prediction of Soil Inorganic Carbon at Multiple Depths Using Quantile Regression Forest and Digital Soil Mapping Technique in the Thar Desert Regions of India. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis54:2977–2994. https://doi.org/10.1080/00103624.2023.2253840 (NAAS 7.8)
- Moharana, P.C., Jena, R.K., Yadav, B. 2023. Digital mapping of soil health card parameters and nutrient management zones in the Thar Desert regions of India using quantile regression forest techniques. Arabian Journal of Geosciences16:560(NAAS 5.0)
- Sharma, G.K., Jena, R.K., Moharana, P.C., Ray, P., Ali, S., Mourya, K.K., Das, B. 2023. Assessment of the hydrogeochemistry of shallow water aquifers using corrosion indices and geospatial techniques in the regions of the Brahmaputra river basin, India. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 9: 3467–3483.
Singh, G., Dinesh, D., Moharana, P.C., Singh, R.S., Kar, S.K., Kakade, V., Jinger, D., Singh, A.K., Kumar, R., Bhatnagar, P.R., Kumar, G., Madhu, M., Tailor, B.L. 2023. Novel hybrid ravine vulnerability index‐based identification of potential reclamation zones for Western India. Land Degradation and Development. https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.4956(NAAS 10.7)
Yadav, B., Malav, L.C., Moharana, P.C., Daripa, A., Yadav, L.R., Mina, B.L. 2023. Long term trend analysis of vegetation dynamics over Rajasthan using satellite derived enhanced vegetation index. Journal of Agrometeorology25: 134–139(NAAS 4.98)
Yadav, B., Malav, L.C., Singh, S.V., Kharia, S.K., Yeasin, M., Singh, R.N., Nogiya, M., Meena, R.L., Moharana, P.C., Kumar, N.(2023). Spatiotemporal Responses of Vegetation to Hydroclimatic Factors over Arid and Semi-arid Climate. Sustainability15:15191(NAAS 9.9)
Shirale A.O., Meena, B.P., Biswas, A.K. , Gurav,P.P., Sanjay Srivastava, Das, H., Thakur, J.K., Patra, A.K. and Subba Rao, A. 2023. Characterization and K release pattern of glaconite in contrasting soils of India. J Soil Sci Plant Nutr 23: 4632–4646. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42729-023-01379-0.
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Meena, Hari Mohan, Manjunatha, B.L., Raghuvanshi, M.S., Verma, Archana, Angchokc, Dorjey, Dorjay, Ngawang and Spalbar, E. 2023. Weather prediction using traditional knowledge in cold arid high altitude region of Ladakh in India. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge Vol 22(4): 864-873, October 2023 DOI: 10.56042/ijtk.v22i4.7242
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- P. Sharma , S. Chattaraj , D. Vasu , K. Karthikeyan, P. Tiwary, R. K. Naitam , B. Dash , G. Tiwari , A. Jangir , A. Daripa , S. K. Singh , S. G. Anantwar & A. M. Nimkar (2020): Spatial variability assessment of soil fertility in black soils of central India using geostatistical modeling, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science.
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- Raghuvanshi, M. S., P. C. Moharana, Enoch Spalbar, Ngawang Dorjay, R. K. Singh, Anurag Saxena, Latika Pandey, Akanksha Rastogi, and A. Arunachalam4 (2019) Organic Farming Enlivening the Ladakh Subsistence Agricultural System. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci (2019) 8(8) (accepted for August 2019 issue under print).
- Raghuvanshi, M.S.; Marathe, RA, Landol Stanzin, Sen, TK and Singh, SK (2019) Seabuckthorn: Uchch Tungta mein mrida ke pardhrshya me ek jadui marusthaliya jhadi. Mrada Darpan 14: 17-19 (2019)
- Raghuvanshi, M.S., P.C. Moharana, Enoch Spalbar, Ngawang Dorjay, R.K. Singh, Anurag Saxena, Latika Pandey, Akansha Rastogi and Arunachalam, A. 2019. Organic Farming Enlivening the Ladakh Subsistence Agricultural System. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 8(08): 897-906.
- Mahesh Kumar Gaur, R. K. Goyal, M. S. Raghuvanshi, R. K. Bhatt, M. Pandian, Ashish Mishra & Suraj Ismail Sheikh (2019) Geospatially extracting snow and ice cover distribution in the cold arid zone of India. Int. J. Syst. Assur. Manag. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-019-00883-w
- Raghuvanshi, M.S., Ngawang Dorjay, R.K. Singh, B.L. Manjunatha, P.C. Moharana, Enoch Spalbar, Stanzin, Landol, and Anurag Saxena (2019). Ladakh Traditional Farming: An Approach to Resource Utilization under Changing Climate. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 8(09): 654-666.
- Jigmet Yangchan, Sonam Dawa, M. S. Raguwanshi, Phuntsog Tundup and Vikas Gupta (2019). Impact of Agriculture and Land Use on Ground Water Quality: A Case Study of Ladakh Cold Arid Region. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 8(09): 1447-1455.
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- Marathe, R. A., Jyotsana Sharma and Murkute, A.A. (2018). Innovative soil management for sustainable pomegranate cultivation on skeletal soils, Soil Use and Management 34: 258-265.
- Raghuvanshi, M.S., Tewari, J.C., Bhatt, R.K., Landol, Stanzin, Spalbar, Enoch, Dorje, Ngawang, Raza, Mohd. (2018) Importance of weedy endemic in unique subsistence agriculture and their traditional management in Ladakh Region. Indian farming, 68(11);53-57 (November, 2018).
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- Raghuvanshi, M.S., Tewari, J.C, Pareek, Kamlesh, Stanzin Landol, Mohd. Raza, Jigmat Stanzin (2018) Energy Budget of Crops and Weed Management to Enhance Crop Productivity in Cold Arid Ladakh Region. Defence Life Science Journal. 3(2): 157-161
- Vipin Chaudhary, R.S. Tripathi, Surjeet Singh and M.S. Raghuvanshi (2018) Distribution and population of Himalayan Marmot Marmota himalayana (Hodgson, 1841) (Mammalia: Rodentia: Scfiuridae) fin Leh-Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir, India Journal of Threatened Tax 9 (11): 10886–10891
- Shanker Ram, Anish Khan, Haninder Maini , Bhasker Misra and M.S. Raghuvanshi (2018) Mass productivity and percentage contribution of plant Eclipta alba (hassk) Asteracae. Research journal of Life Sciences, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences 4(1): 137-149
- K. Naitam, V.K. Kharche , P.R. Kadu, P.C. Moharana and R.P. Sharma (2018). Field-scale spatial variability of physical properties of black soils of Purna Valley, India, using Geostatistical Approach. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 17(4): 325-334.
- Pravash Chandra Moharana, Ram Sakal Singh, Surendra Kumar Singh, Roomesh Kumar Jena, Ravindra Kashinath Naitam, Thakur Prasad Verma, Mahaveer Nogiya, Roshan Lal Meena, Dipak Kumar Gupta, Sunil Kumar, Bhagwati Lal Tailor & Rameshwar Singh (2018) Assessment of soil quality monitoring indicators under long term rice cultivation in hot arid Ghaggar-flood plains of India. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 64:14, 2030-2044.
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- Marathe, R. A., Jyotsana Sharma, Dhinesh Babu, K. and Murkute, A.A. (2017) “Bedding System: A Unique Plantation Method of Pomegranate in Arid and Semi-arid Region. Natl. Acad Sci. Lett. 40(4): 249-251.
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- Sushilkumar, M.S. Raghuvanshi, Anil Dixit and VP Singh (2017) Glyphosate tolerant and insect resistant transgenic Bt maize efficacy against shoot borer, cob borer and non-target insect pests. Indian Journal of Weed Science 49(3): 241–247, 2017
- P. Verma, P. C. Mohrana, R. K. Naitam, R. L. Meena, Sunil Kumar, R. Singh, B. L. Tailor, R. S. Singh and S. K. Singh. (2017) Impact of cropping intensity on soil properties and plant available nutrients in hot arid environment of North-western India. Journal of Plant Nutrition,40 (20): 2872-2888.
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- Marathe, R. A., Jyotsana Sharma, Shinde, Y.R. and Chaudhari, D.T. (2016) Effect of irrigation frequencies on nutrient uptake, growth and yield of pomegranate (Punica granatum) grown on heavy textured soils of semi-arid region. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 86(12): 1559-65.
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- Raghuvanshi, M.S., Gupta, Vikas, Stanzin, Jigmat, Dorjey, Nawang and Chauhan, S.K. (2016) Outbreak of insect-pests on apricot and its management efforts for better livelihood in cold arid region of Ladakh. Indian Journal of Ecology Vol 43 (2): 590-592
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Research Bulletin
- Sen T.K.., U. Baruah, D. Sarkar, A.K. Maji and U. R. Patil (2006). Soil Series of Manipur. NBSS Publication No. 134, NBSS & LUP, Nagpur.
- Sen, T. K., Ram Babu, Nayak, D.L., Maji, A.K., Walia, C.S., Baruah, U. and Sarkar, D. (2005). Soil Erosion of Assam NBSS Publ. No. 118, NBSS & LUP, Nagpur, pp 41.
- Vadivelu, S., Sen, T.K., Bhaskar, B.P., Baruah, U., Sarkar, D., Maji, A.K. and Gajbhiye, K.S. (2004). Soil Series of Assam, NBSS Publ. No. 101, NBSS & LUP, Nagpur,2004, 229p.
- Maji A,K., Dubey, P.N., Sen, T.K., Verma, T,P., Marathe, R.A, Chamua, G.S.,Sehgal, J., Velayutham, M., and Gajbhiye, K.S. (2001). Soils of Mizoram : Thir kinds. Distribution, Charactirisation and Interpretationfor optimizing land use. NBSS Sen.
- Sen, T.K., Chamuah, G.S. & Sehgal, J. (1999). Soils of Assam for optimizing land use. Soil of Assam for optimizing land use. NBSS Publ. 66b, Nagpur India.
- Nayak, D.C., Chamuah, G.S., Maji, A.K., Sen, T.K. and Sehgal, J. (1997). Soils of Arunachal Pradesh for optimizing Land Use Plan. NBSS Publ. 55b.
- Sen, T.K., Chamuah, G.S., Maji, A.K. & Sehgal, J. (1996). Soils of Manipur for optimizing land use. Soils of Manipur for optimizing land use. NBSS Publ. 56b, Nagpur, India.
- Sen, T.K., Nayak, D.C., Maji, A.K. and Chamuah, G.S. (1993). Pedogenic characteristics of some Red Soils of Manipur. In Red and Lateritic Soils of India – Resource Appraisal and Management NBSS Bull. 37 Nagpur, India pp. 62-67.
- Singh S.K., Sharma R.P., Nirmal Kumar, Karthikeyan K., Naitam R.K., Reddy G.P. Obi, Ramamurthy V. (2018). “Land Resource Inventory for a part of Nagarjuna Sagar Left Canal Command Area (NSLC) in Suryapet District of Telangana State”. NBSS Publ. No. 1111, NBSS&LUP, Nagpur, pp.1-70.
- Verma, T.P., Singh, R.S., Giri, J.D., Naitam, R.K., Tailor, B.L., Singh, R., Shyampura, R.L., Sarkar, Dipak and Singh, S.K. 2015. Soil Resource Inventory and land evaluation of Chittaurgarh district for land use planning. NBSS Publ. 1091, National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Nagpur, India. pp. 223.
- Singh, R.S., Naitam, K., Verma, T.P., Tailor, B.L., Singh Rameshwar, Ramamurthy, V., S. C. Ramesh kumar, Dipak Sarkar and S.K. Singh. (2015). District Land Use Planning- A Case Study Bundi district. NBSS Publ. National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Nagpur, India.pp.113.
- Naitam, R.K., Verma,T.P. and Singh, R.S. 2013. Land Use Planning of Chanavada II Watershed for Integrated Development. NBSS Publ.1050. NBSS&LUP, Nagpur, 150 p.
- National Remote Sensing Centre. 2012. Land Degradation Atlas of India-India and state maps. Vol. 1. NRSC, Hyderabad. Vol. 1. 58p.
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- Delineating the efficient productive zone for cotton production system using GIS Based Crop Models. (2004). Final Report, NATP project Code: RCPS-4. NATP Report No. 832 NBSS & LUP, Nagpur.
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- Walia, C.S., Baruah, U., Chamuah, G.S., Singh, R.S. and Sen, T.K. (1989). Soils of Buralikson Sugarcane farm, Assam, Agricultural University Jorhat. Report No. 513 (ICAR), 1989.
- Marathe R. A., Sharma, R. P., Dash, B. and Singh, S. K. (2019). Tools and techniques of soil resource survey for land use planning, NBSS Publication No 180, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, Nagpur 440033 Maharashtra, India, ISSN: 978-81-89043-55-1.
- G P Obi Reddy, N G Patil and Arun chaturvei (2016) Sustainable Management of Land Resources: An Indian Perspective. Apple Academic Press.
- N G Patil, S K Ray, P Chandran, M S S Nagaraju and P Tiwary (2015) Abstracts of National Seminar on “Sustainable Management of Land Resources for Livelihood Security” January 28-20, 2015 published by Indian Society of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Nagpur
- Jagdish Prasad, G Ravindra Chary, N G Patil and G P Obi Reddy (2015) Agropedology Terminologies published by Indian Society of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Nagpur.
- S Chatterji, T. K. Sen, P. Chandran, N. G. Patil and S. K. Ray (2013) NBSS & LUP in the service of the Nation. NBSS and LUP publicationArun Chaturvedi, Hilaluddin and Nitin Patil (2014) Agriculture and Forest: Land Use Synergies for Rural Livelihood. Jaya Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN no.9789382471554 206p.
- Arun Chaturvedi, N. G. Patil, T. N. Hajare and S. K. Singh (2013) Natural Resources Management in Backward Districts of India: Issues and Challenges 136p ISBN no. 9788189043445.
- Maity, A., Marathe, R. A. and Jadhav, V.T. (2012). Exploring Microbial Wealth for Pomegranate Nutrition. Effect of different microbial inoculants on soil properties, nutrient acquisition and growth of pomegranate (Punica granatum).LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GMBH & Co, Saarbrucken, Germany. (On line E-Publication).
- Dhinesh Babu, Marathe, R.A. and Jadhav, V.T. (2012). Post Harvest Management of Pomegranate, National Research Centre on Pomegranate, Solapur.
- Marathe, R.A. and Jadhav, V.T. (2010). Dalimb Utpadanache Pragat Tantradhyan NRC on Pomegranate, Solapur.
- Shyam Singh, V.J. Shivankar, M.S. Ladaniya, A.D. Huchche, P.S. Shirgure, R.A. Marathe, A.K. Das, and V. Wanjari. (2002). CITRUS – 1001 QUESTIONS – ANSWERS. Kalyani Publishers, Calcutta.
- Maji, A. K., Dubey, P. N., Sen, T. K., Verma, T. P., Marathe, R. A., Chamuha, G. S., Sehgal, J., Velayutham, M. and Gajbhiye, K. S. (2001). Soils of Mizoram for optimizing land use. Executive Summary, NBSS & LUP Publi. 75, NBSS & LUP (ICAR), Nagpur (Maharashtra).
- Raghuvanshi, S. Landol, Stanzin, Gupta, Vikas, Stanzin, Jigmat, Raza, Mohd. And Dorje, Rigzin. 2021. Weeds and Their Management in Cold Arid Region. In: Good Agriculture Practices in Cold Arid Region (ed: Vikas Gupta and F.D. Sheikh), pp 157-180.
- Marathe, R.A. and Raghuvanshi, M.S. (2019). Tools and Techniques in Land Evaluation for Horticultural Crops. In Tools and techniques of soil resource survey for land use planning, (Ed. Marathe R. A., Sharma, P., Dash, B. and Singh, S. K.). Publication No 180, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, Nagpur 440033 Maharashtra, India, ISSN: 978-81-89043-55-1, pp 172-182.
- Raghuvanshi, M.S., Marathe, R.A., Saxena, A., Sen, T.K., Landol, S. and Singh, K. (2019). Land Use Planning – Case study, In Tools and techniques of soil resource survey for land use planning, (Ed. Marathe R. A., Sharma, R. P., Dash, B. and Singh, S. K.). Publication No 180, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, Nagpur 440033 Maharashtra, India, ISSN: 978-81-89043-55-1, pp 190-196.
- Marathe, R.A. (2019). Land Use Planning for horticultural crops (Climate resilient horticulture) in Training manural of Summer School on ‘Land Resourec Management for Climate Smart Agriculture held during September 3-23, 2019 at Division of Land Use Planning, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, Nagpur, pp 40-45.
- Ladaniya M.S., Marathe, R.A., Das, A.K., Rao, C.N. and Huchche, A.D. (2019). High Density Planting with Hedge Row and Prunning for Early and Higher Production in Citrus. Shaping the Future of Horticulture (Ed. Chadha, K.L., Singh, S.K., Jai Prakash and Patel, V.B.), Kruger Brentt UK Ltd., United Kingdom, pp 659-671.
- Raghuvanshi, M.S., Marathe, R.A., Saxena, A., Sen, T.K., Landol, S. and Singh, S. K. (2019) Land Use Planning-Case study. Training manual on Tools & Techniques of Soil Resource Survey for Land Use Planning. Pp 1-206. NBSS Publication No-180, Aug, 2019: pp190
- Marathe, R.A. and Raghuvanshi, M.S.(2019) Tools and Techniques in Land Evaluation for Horticultural Crops. Training manual on Tools & Techniques of Soil Resource Survey for Land Use Planning. Pp 1-206. NBSS Publication No-180, Aug, 2019: pp172
- Raghuvanshi, M.S. J.C. Tewari, Vikas Gupta, Stanzin Landol, Enoch Spalbar and Ngawang Dorjay, Mohd Raza and Rigzin Dorje (2017) Weeds And Their Management In Crops Of Cold Arid Region. In Training Manual on Plant protection organized at State Deptt of Agri. Leh on 21 Feb. 2017. 5 pp
- Vikas Gupta, D. Namgyal, M. S. Raghuvanshi, Ngawang Dorjay (2017) Major Insects Of Cold Arid Region Leh And Their Integrated Management. In Training Manual on Plant protection organized at State Deptt of Agri. Leh on 21 Feb. 2017. 19 pp
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